Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Master of Arts "Cultures of the Global South / Culturas del Sur Global / Cultures du Sud global"

Study Program

Students in the Master of Arts degree in “Cultures of the Global South” graduate equipped with a solid knowledge of the literary and cultural histories of the so-called “Global South” and with a thorough familiarity with the specific historical, sociopolitical and theoretical complexes pertaining to this cultural zone. On the basis of the interdisciplinary orientation of the degree scheme, they become adept at crossing disciplinary boundaries and thereby at bringing various methodologies and thematic perspectives into dialogue with one another.

Alongside the acquisition of a broad range of academic competencies pertaining to the Global South, the degree scheme also offers a specific research orientation. Graduates are familiar with current advances in the field and are equipped for independent research in the area of Global South Studies.

Student advisor

Dr. Louis Nana
Universität Tübingen
Romanisches Seminar 
Wilhelmstr. 50, 72074 Tübingen

Raum 331
 +49 (7071) 29-73256


Office hour:
by email appointment

Broad Description of the Program

Students in the Master of Arts degree in “Cultures of the Global South” graduate equipped with a solid knowledge of the literary and cultural histories of the so-called “Global South” and with a thorough familiarity with the specific historical, sociopolitical and theoretical complexes pertaining to this cultural zone. On the basis of the interdisciplinary orientation of the degree scheme, they become adept at crossing disciplinary boundaries and thereby at bringing various methodologies and thematic perspectives into dialogue with one another.

Alongside the acquisition of a broad range of academic competencies pertaining to the Global South, the degree scheme also offers a specific research orientation. Graduates are familiar with current advances in the field and are equipped for independent research in the area of Global South Studies.

The introductory theoretical module „Theories of the Global South“ is taken together by all students in the scheme and provides, across the entirety of the cultures encompassed by the Global South, a common theoretical and methodological framework. On the basis of this foundation, students can acquire expertise with a clear regional focus-profile. Two such foci are currently available:

  • Focus Latin American Studies
  • Focus African Studies

The degree scheme also includes a project module where students acquire relevant key qualification on the basis of problem based learning in projects (for example related to in the area of the media, theatre, or curatorship). These components of the degree aim to reinforce students’ own initiative with regard to project- and team-oriented learning. Alternatively, the project module may include a professionally oriented internship.

The MA degree scheme introduces students to an inherently transnational and transcultural research area, and for this reason, a semester abroad is mandatory. The semester abroad takes place within the structure of a „mobility window“ that permits students to complement their interdisciplinary profile at one of our partner universities.

Teaching languages: English, Spanish and French.


How to apply for the Master

Applications for the MA degree scheme are possible both for the winter semester and for the summer semester. 


  • BA in literary or cultural studies or social sciences with the final grade of 2,5 /2nd class honours / B or above
  • A 1500-word description for a possible MA thesis project
  • language proficiency in English, and French or Spanish (CEFR) with two options:
  1. At the time of application: C1 in English + B2 in Spanish or French
  2. At the time of application: C1 in Spanish or French + B2 in English

For your B2 language level, you have the option to give prove after two semesters. 


Application deadlines Winter Semester (begins 1st October) Summer Semester (begins 1st of April)
German and EU citizens 15th September 15th March
International applicants 15th July 15th January

Click here to apply 

Click here to apply as an international student

Click here for more information for international students

Information concerning the current situation for new / incoming students can be found here:

Career Options

Students acquire professional skills in text and media analysis and obtain practical media qualifications through their study project. Moreover, they are trained in various professional fields and can pursue careers in:

  • Communication and journalism (print media, radio, television, publishing)
  • Cultural management (theater, museums, libraries, and other cultural institutions)
  • Public relations
  • International development
  • Internationally operating business organizations and consultancies
  • Intercultural communication
  • European and international educational institutions

Beratung und Praktika
Der Career Service der Universität berät bei der Berufsorientierung und beim Berufseinstieg. Praktika und Jobs finden Sie im Praxisportal.

"La sólida base académica de la maestría fue fundamental para conseguir un empleo en una empresa de mediación (Consensus Group) donde mi principal responsabilidad es trabajar en proyectos que buscan el consenso entre diferentes partes en diferentes lugares. La maestría me dotó de habilidades críticas y analíticas, así como de una sensibilidad intercultural, esenciales para entender y valorar las distintas posiciones y contextos de participantes involucrados en los procesos de mediación. Gracias a esta formación, puedo facilitar el diálogo y la negociación de manera efectiva, promoviendo soluciones que consideren las necesidades y perspectivas de todxs lxs involucradxs. La capacidad de abordar los problemas desde una comprensión profunda de las diversidades culturales y socioeconómicas adquirida en la maestría, ha sido clave para mi éxito en esta empresa de mediación."

Mariana Contreras Leal, graduada en 2024

Information and Documents for Students

Learning Resources

Global South Studies: A Collective Publication

The Global South is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on how world literatures and cultures respond to globalization, particularly how authors, writers, and critics respond to issues of the environment, poverty, immigration, gender, race, hybridity, cultural formation and transformation, colonialism and postcolonialism, modernity and postmodernity, transatlantic encounters, homes, and diasporas, and resistance and counter discourse, among others, under the superordinate umbrella of globalization. The Global South is distributed only electronically. Single print issues are available on demand by contacting .

A History of the Global Economy. From 1500 to the Present.

Editor: Joerg Baten, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, Germany

Contributors: Joerg Baten, Jan Luiten van Zanden, Stephen Broadberry, Catherine Schenk, Pablo Martin Acena, Irina Potkina, Price Fishback, Kevin Hjortshøj O'Rourke, Franco Amatori, Knut Sogner, Luis Bértola, José Ocampo, Salomon Kalmanovitz, Osamu Saito, Tetsuji Okazaki, Debin Ma, Min Ma, Jeffrey Williamson, Rima Ghanem, Sarah Carmichael, Selin Dilli, Auke Rijpma, Tirthankar Roy, Kris Inwood, Martin Shanahan, Gareth Austin, Marjolein't Hart.

Why are some parts of the world poor today, while others are rich? At which point in time did they diverge, and what were the reasons? These core questions are addressed in a concise and accessible introduction to global economic development since 1500. Leading economic historians from across the globe provide overviews of major world regions together with global comparison chapters and case studies highlighting key themes, individuals, processes and events. Utilising a set of common developmental indicators, the chapters address crucial issues such as how international trade and migration, institutions and flows of physical and human capital impacted economic growth. Richly illustrated with informative figures, maps, tables and charts, A History of the Global Economy summarises the key economic findings, debates and ideas, and provides students and the interested public with an up-to-date and engaging introduction to the origins and evolution of today's global economy.

Read more


... a great opportunity to approach current debates and topics from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Ana Vallarta

... tailor-made for people with a wide range of interests: cultural, linguistic and practical aspects are equally addressed. Rediscover yourself and learn to reinterpret global processes in the context of a South-South perspective.

Gabriel Krauß

... offers a wide range of different regions, languages and point of views. It allows to develop a personal focus and to combine different disciplines. I had the opportunity to study and work in an international environment and to get to know a lot of researchers and new fields of interest in- and outside of the Global South.

Julia Spieler

...was the best way to realize my personal academic and professional aim studying among other international students and being always in professional and academic exchange!

Alice Kroll

In this master’s program I found what really motivates me. Going to each class represented for me that genuine excitement that you feel when you go to learn about something new. To express your opinion freely in the classes and build knowledge with classmates and professors represents the most significant contribution of the program, to feel that we are all part of it and build community is what the Master in Cultures of the Global South will give you.

Laura Sánchez Carrillo

For me, the M.A. Cultures of the Global South can be described as a space to create a pluriversal web of researchers, artists and thinkers. Based on a non-Western perspective, we have the chance to develop a thinking that can go beyond the classical borders of the humanities, therefore inspiring new interdisciplinary approaches and topics of inquiring.

Luiz Ribeiro Fonseca