(2024) Narrating Entitlement in Ancient Rome. Nomos, Empire, and Political Economy between 150 BCE and 150 CE, in: Recht als Erzählung / Law and Narrative, hg. von Robert Kirstein und Sebastian Schmidt-Hofner. Basel: Schwabe.
(2024) Introduction, in Unrest in the Roman Empire. A Discursive History, hg. von Lisa Pilar Eberle und Myles Lavan. Frankfurt/Chicago: Campus.
(2024) Aporetic Unrest. Appian, Hadrian and the politics of imperial history in the second century CE, in Unrest in the Roman Empire. A Discursive History, hg. von Lisa Pilar Eberle und Myles Lavan. Frankfurt/Chicago: Campus.
(2024) The Creation of Wealth and Inequality in the Graeco-Roman World. Tactics from Law and Racial Capitalism, in Morality and Models in the Study of Ancient Mediterranean Economies, hg. von Seth Bernard und Sarah Murray. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
(2023) The Edicts of the Praetors: Law, Time, and Revolution in Ancient Rome, in Law and History Review, First View, 1-25.
(2023, gemeinsam mit Johanna Göcke), Turias Tod. Macht, Erinnerung, und Geschlecht nach den römischen Bürgerkriegen, in: Krisen anders denken, hg. von Ewald Frie und Mischa Meier, 324-36. Berlin: Propyläen.
(2023) Kontingenz, Konkurrenz, und Kommerzialisierung. Senatorische Elite und wirtschaftliches Leben in der ausgehenden mittleren Republik, in: Stabilität—Kontingenz—Innovation, hg. von Christopher Degelmann und Jan-Markus Kötter. Berlin: Metzler.
(2023) Foreign Silk on Roman Bodies: Gender, Wealth and Empire in the Metropole, in: Gendering Roman Imperialism, hg. von Hannah Cornwell und Greg Woolf, 203-22. Leiden: Brill.
(2022) Debt, death and destruction in Roman law and politics during the middle and late Republic, in: Debt. The first 3000 years, hg. von John Weisweiler, 67-83. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2022) Peregrini / Nationes Exterae. Foreigners and the political culture of the Roman Republic, in: The Blackwell Companion to Roman Political Culture, hg. von Valentina Arena und Jonathan Prag, 332-46. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
(2021) Fiscal semantics in the long second century: Citizenship, taxation, and the constitutio Antoniniana, in: Roman citizenship in the long second century, hg. von Clifford Ando und Myles Lavan, 69-102. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(2019) Resistance in the Roman empire, in: The Cultural History of Empires in the Western World, hg. von Antoinette Burton und Carlos Noreña, 177-99. London: Bloomsbury.
(2017) Making Roman Subjects. Citizenship in the Time of Augustus, in: Transactions of the American Philological Association (TAPA) 147.2: 321-70.
(2017, gemeinsam mit Énora LeQuéré) Landed Traders, Trading Agriculturalists? Land in the Economy of the Italian Diaspora in the Greek East, in: Journal of Roman Studies 107: 27-59.
(2016) Law, Empire, and the Making of Roman Estates in the Provinces during the Late Republic, in: Critical Analysis of Law 3.1: 50-69