Fachbereich Mathematik


Geometrische Analysis, Differentialgeometrie und Relativitätstheorie

Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum


Tel: 07071/29-7 43 18
Fax: 07071-29-4322
E-Mail senden
Raum C 6 P 19








Martina Jung

Wir trauern um Dich




i. V. Martina Neu

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken


Tel: 07071/29-7 28 96; -7 85 62 (Sekretariat Frau Neu)
Fax: 07071-29-4322
E-Mail senden
Raum C 6 P 16


Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach (Direktor)
Tel.: 07834 979-52 ; -50 (Sekretariat Frau Okon und Frau Schillinger)
Fax: 07834 979-55
E-Mail senden


Martina Neu

Fachbereich Mathematik
Universität Tübingen
Auf der Morgenstelle 10
72076 Tübingen
Tel: 07071/29-7 85 62
Fax: 07071-29-4322
E-Mail senden
Raum C 6 P 25


Several of the following courses can be taken both as part of the Master in Mathematics and part of the Master in Mathematical Physics. Our research group offers projects both for a master thesis in Mathematics and in Mathematical Relativity as part of these Masters Programs.

Sommersemester 2025

Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum

Mathematical Relativity

Start: Wednesday, 16th April 2025
Time: Wednesdays and Fridays, 10:00-12:00
Place: Hörsaal N16 / M3 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])
Tutorial: 2 hours/week Tutor: Ariadna Léon Quiros
Start: TBA
Time: TBA
Place: TBA

Prof. Dr. Carla Cederbaum

On the Geometry of the Kerr-Spacetime

Seminar 1:
Time: Friday, 11th April 2025, TBA
and Saturday, 12th April 2025, TBA
Place: Hörsaal N14 / M1 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])

Seminar 2:
Time: Friday, 4th July 2025, TBA
and Saturday, 5th July 2025, TBA
Place: Hörsaal N14 / M1 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])

Start: TBA
Time: Tuesdays, 14:00-16:00
Place: C6H10 Seminarraum S10 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])
Teaching Assistant: Anna Sancassani

Anna Sancassani
Saradha Senthil Velu

Mathematical Physics Colloquium

Start: Tuesday, 15th April 2025
Time: Tuesdays,14:00-16:00
Place: C4H33 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])


Katharina Leibfarth
Saradha Senthil Velu

Mathematik und Physik Lehren lernen

Time: Monday, 07th and Tuesday, 8th April 2025, 8:00-18:00
Place: Hörsaal N15 / M2  and Hörsaal N16 / M3 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])

Prof. Dr. Gerhard Huisken

Ausgewählte Themen zu Evolutionsgleichungen für Untermannigfaltigkeiten
Lecture series

Start: Friday, 25th April 2025
Time: Fridays, 10:00-12:00
Place: C4H33 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])

Dr. Rodrigo Avalos

Riemannian Geometry

Start: Tuesday, 15th April 2025
Time: Tuesdays, 14:00-16:00
Place:  C4H33 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])
Assistenz und Kontakt: TBA
Tutorial: TBA

Albachiara Cogo

Partial Differential Equations in Conformal Geometry: the Yamabe Problem

Start: Monday, 14th April 2025
Time: Mondays,14:00-16:00
Place: C4H33 (C-Bau [Mathe/Physik])



09.01.2025 Anna Sancassani und Saradha Senthil-Velu
16.01.2025 Alejandro Penuela Diaz
30.01.2025 Prof. Dr. A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh
06.02.2025 Dr. Eric Y Ling
05.03.2025 Dr. Martín Reiris


13.-17.01.2025 Alejandro Penuela Diaz
30.01.2025 A. Shadi Tahvildar-Zadeh
02.-09.02.2025 Annachiara Piubello
02.-09.02.2025 Eric Y Ling
17.-21.02.2025 Markus Wolff
01.-07.03.2025 Martín Reiris
13-14.03.2025 Katie Gravel
07.04.-29.06.2025 Benjamin Meco