Simge Hamaloğlu
B.Sc., M.Sc.
Universität Tübingen
Angewandte Kognitionspsychologie
Schleichstr. 4
72076 Tübingen
Tel.: + 49 7071-2976112
E-Mail: Simge.hamaloglu
Rümelinstraße 23
Raum 3.308
72070 Tübingen
nach Vereinbarung
Ich promoviere im Bereich Angewandte Kognitionspsychologie an der Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen. Mein Schwerpunkt liegt darin zu erforschen, wie metakognitive Fähigkeiten unsere Informationswahrnehmung und -repräsentation beeinflussen. Meine Arbeit erfolgt im Rahmen des Projekts „Modal and amodal cognition: Functions and interactions“.
Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Insights into Metacognitive Efficiency: Unraveling the Interplay between Accuracy and Confidence during Event Completion. Talk at the A-Dok, Doktorand:innen-Workshop 2024, Heidelberg, Germany.
Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., Levin, D., & Huff M. (2024). Modal and Amodal Representations of Events: Grain Size in Abstraction Processes. Talk at the A-Dok, Doktorand:innen-Workshop 2024, Heidelberg, Germany.
Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Unraveling the Relationship between Accuracy and Confidence: A meta-cognitive perspective within Event Perception. Poster at the International Workshop on Modal and Amodal Cognition, Tübingen, Germany.
Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., Levin, D., & Huff M. (2024). Grain size in modal and amodal event representations. Poster at the International Workshop on Modal and Amodal Cognition, Tübingen, Germany.
Hamaloğlu, S., Huff, M., Fleming, S., Anders, G., Papenmeier, F., & Said, N. (2024). Metacognition and the Event Completion Paradigm: The Role of Metacognitive Sensitivity During Event Perception. Poster at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2024), Regensburg, Germany.
Aydin, T., Hamaloğlu, S., Nolasco, S., Said, N., & Huff M. (2024). Grain of Events Shape Modality of Their Representations: Fine Context Triggers Modal Representations. Poster at the Tagung experimentell arbeitender Psychologen (TeaP2024), Regensburg, Germany.