Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

News aus der Fakultät


Grundsteinlegung Neubau des Zentrums für Molekulare Biologie der Pflanzen auf der Morgenstelle

Am 13.9.2010 wurde der Grundstein des Neubaus gelegt. Finanz-Minister Willi Stächele,…

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Schlereth, A., Möller, B., Liu, W., Kientz, M., Flipse, J., Rademacher, E.H., Schmid, M., Jürgens, G., Weijers, D. (2010).

MONOPTEROS controls embryonic root initiation by regulating a mobile transcription factor. Nature

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Schleifenbaum F, Elgass K, Sackrow M, Caesar K, Berendzen KW, Meixner AJ, Harter K (2010).

Fluorescence intensity decay shape analysis microscopy (FIDSAM) for quantitative and sensitive…

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Peter S, Elgass K, Sackrow M, Caesar K, Born AK, Maniura K, Harter K, Meixner AJ, Schleifenbaum F (2010).

Fluorescence intensity decay shape analysis microscopy (FIDSAM) for quantitative and sensitive…

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Mangelsen E, Wanke D, Kilian J, Sundberg E, Harter K, Jansson C (2010).

Diurnal gene regulation in developing caryopses of barley (Hordeum vulgare): Impact of light, sugar…

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Kirchler T, Briesemeister S, Singer M, Schütze K, Kohlbacher O, Vicente-Carbajosa J, Teige M, Harter K, Chaban C (2010).

The role of phosphorylatable serine residues in the DNA-binding domain of Arabidopsis bZIP…

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Elgass K, Caesar K, Stierhof Y-D, Meixner AJ, Harter K (2010).

The fluorescence lifetime of BRI1-GFP as probe for the non-invasive determination of the membrane…

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Kägi, C. and Groß-Hardt, R. (2010).

Analyzing female gametophyte development and function: There is more than one way to crack an egg. E…

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