Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät

News aus der Fakultät


Niemes S, Langhans M, Viotti C, Scheuring D, Yan MS, Jiang L, Hillmer S, Robinson DG, and Pimpl P. (2010).

Retromer recycles vacuolar sorting receptors from the trans-Golgi network. The Plant Journal 61, …

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Jürgens, G. (2010).

Mechanisms of cell behaviour in eukaryotes. Eur J Cell Biol. 89(2-3):125.

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Lau, S., Ehrismann, J.S., Schlereth, A., Takada, S., Mayer, U., Jürgens, G. (2010).

Cell-cell communication in Arabidopsis early embryogenesis. Eur J Cell Biol. 89(2-3):225-230.

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Richter, S., Anders, N., Wolters, H., Beckmann, H., Thomann, A., Heinrich, R., Schrader, J., Singh, M.K., Geldner, N., Mayer, U., Jürgens, G. (2010).

Role of the GNOM gene in Arabidopsis apical-basal patterning--From mutant phenotype to cellular…

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Talk:Jan-Willem Borst from the Univerisity Wageningen

Probing Receptor Dynamics in Plants

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Wachter A (2010).

Riboswitch-mediated control of gene expression in eukaryotes. RNA Biol 7: 66-76.

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Kumar, M., Busch, W., Birke, H., Kemmerling, B., Nürnberger, T., Schöffl, F. (2009)

Heat shock factors HsfB1 and HsfB2 are involved in the regulation of /PDF1.2/ expression and…

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