
SS 2013 e-School: Korea - U.S. Relations


PARK Tae Gyun (Seoul National University)
LEE You Jae (Universität Tübingen)
Koordination eSchool: Jee-Un Kim


Wöchentliches Video-Seminar: Donnerstag 08:30 – 10:00 s.t. (German time), ZDV, Wächterstr. 76
Blockseminar: 20.-22. Juni 2013
jeweils in der NEUEN AULA, Hörsaal 8

Bei Fragen melden Sie sich bei Frau Kim.

Bitte melden Sie sich auf der Plattform ILIAS der Uni Tübingen an! Über die Plattform werden alle Mitteilungen / Terminänderungen etc. an Ihre Studenten-Email versandt. Siehe Koreanistik / eSchool.

Class Schedule and Topics:

18 April


How to understand Korea? Two perspectives.

25 April

US military Government between 1945 and 1948 and Changes in Korean Politics.

(Reading Material: Ch. 1 of the main textbook*)

2 May

Changes in world and US foreign policy, 1948~1950

(Reading Material: Ch. 2 *)

9 May

Holiday (Christi Himmelfahrt)

16 May

US strategy after Incheon Landing, 1950~1952

Armistice in 1953 and New Look Policy in 1950s

(Reading Materials: Ch. 3)

23 May

Holiday (Pfingsten)

30 May

Holiday (Fronleichnam)

6 June

Mid Term Exam / Klausur

Chapters 1 - 3

13 June

Rostow and May 16 military coup

(Reading Material: Ch. 4*)


20 June

18 - 21 h

Raum: Neue Aula, Hörsaal 8

Korea-Japan Normalization and the US

(Reading Material: Ch. 3 and Articels*)

Vietnam War and Changes in US-Korea Relationship


21 June


18 - 21 h

Neue Aula, Hörsaal 8

Film & Discussion


22 June


10 - 14 h

Neue Aula, Hörsaal 8

The Nixon Doctrine and Changes in East Asian Politics

Spread of Neo-classical economy and Gwangju Uprising

(Reading Material: Ch. 6, 7 & Conclusion*)

4 July

Final exam / Klausur

* Main Textbook:

Park Tae Gyun, 2013, An Ally and Empire: Two Myths of South Korea-United States Relations, 1945-1980, Academy of Korean Studies Press; Translated by Ilsoo David Cho from Korean to English: 416 pages