
Vorträge (Archiv)

Visiting Prof. Wu Ying-Chu to present research at Taiwan Colloquium, 26 January

Prof. Wu Ying-Chu 吳瑛珠 from the Department of Public Administration at Tamkang University will present a current research project in the Taiwan Colloquium on Thursday, 26 January, 6 p.m. Her topic is 

Das Verhältnis zwischen politischen Parteien und Abgeordneten - Ausgehend vom Rotationsprinzip in Deutschland zur Überprüfung der Verfassungsauslegung Nr.311 in Taiwan
[Relation between political parties and delegates - Departing from the rotation principle in Germany to review the constitutional interpretation no. 311 in Taiwan]

Venue is the lecture hall 001 in Keplerstraße 2.

Lecture: XU Runzhou, "The Process of Landscape-Centered Rituals - a Case Study of Mount Qianfo's Pilgrimage System"

Premodern Colloquium seesion on Tuesday 24 Jan 2023 at 16:15 in Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 30
Xu Runzhou, "The Process of Landscape-Centered Rituals - a Case Study of Mount Qianfo's Pilgrimage System" (MA project)
Zoom Link:

Visiting Professor Wu Ying-Chu to hold public talk on Monday, 23 January

Visiting Scholar, Prof. Wu Ying-Chu 吳瑛珠 from the Department of Public Administration at Tamkang University will give a public talk on Monday, 23 January, 6 to 8 p.m:

Umwandlung der verfassungsrechtlichen Stellung der politischen Parteien in Taiwan – vom Verfassungsentwurf in Jahr 1936 bis zur Verfassungsauslegung Nr. 793 im Jahr 2020 
[Change of the constitutional position of political parties in Taiwan - from the constitutional draft of 1936 to the interpretation No. 793 in 2020]

Venue is the room 1.81 at Keplerstraße 2.

Lecture: Nicola Spakowski "Worker heroes and heroines in China - models of a society of production (1940s to 1970s)"

Greater China Colloquium / Taiwan Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Nicola Spakowski (Freiburg) "Worker heroes and heroines in China - models of a society of production (1940s to 1970s)"
Thursday 19 Jan, 6 – 8 pm c.t.
Keplerstr. 2, Hörsaal (HS) 001

Lecture: Abbey Heffer, "Local Policy Experimentation: An 'Innovative' Way for Local Chinese Governments to Respond to Protest?"

Greater China Colloquium / Taiwan Colloquium
Abbey Heffer, "Local Policy Experimentation: An 'Innovative' Way for Local Chinese Governments to Respond to Protest?"
Thursday 12 Jan, 6 – 8 pm c.t.
Keplerstr. 2, Hörsaal (HS) 001

Lecture: Jiang Qingjun, "Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea during the Ming-Qing Transition (17th and 18th Centuries)"

Premodern Colloquium session on Tuesday 20 Dec 2022 at 16:15 in Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 30
Jiang Qingjun, M.A. (Tübingen)
"Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea during the Ming-Qing Transition (17th and 18th Centuries)" (PhD Project)
Zoom Meeting:, Meeting-ID: 996 2578 4856, Kenncode: 910744

Lecture: Fabian Hiller, "Reflecting Zhang Taiyan 1906-1911. Critical Evaluation and Contextualization of Late Qing Source Materials"

Premodern Colloquium session on Tuesday 13 Dec 2022 at 16 c.t. in Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 30
Fabian Hiller, M.A. (Tübingen)
"Reflecting Zhang Taiyan 1906-1911. Critical Evaluation and Contextualization of Late Qing Source Materials" (PhD Project)

Lecture: Patrick Aberle, "Sustainability and Ecology in Chinese Forestry: The Case of the Tallow Tree"

Premodern Colloquium session on Tuesday, 6 Dec 2022, 16:00 c.t., Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Patrick Aberle (Tübingen)
"Sustainability and Ecology in Chinese Forestry: The Case of the Tallow Tree" (PhD Project)

Lecture: Zhao Yawei (Tübingen), "The Interaction of Landscape Paintings between Qianlong 乾隆 and Cichen 詞臣"

Premodern Colloquium session on Tuesday 29.11 at 16c.t. in Wilhelmstr. 133, Room 30
Zhao Yawei, M.A. (Tübingen University)
"The Interaction of Landscape Paintings between Qianlong 乾隆 and Cichen 詞臣" (PhD Project)

Lecture: Olivia Milburn (Hong Kong University), "Insanity and Brain Damage: Accounts from Early and Medieval China"

Premodern China Colloquium – Winter Semester 2022 / 2023
Prof. Dr. Olivia Milburn (Hong Kong University).
"Insanity and Brain Damage: Accounts from Early and Medieval China"
Wednesday, 23 Nov 2022, 10:00 c.t.
Meeting Link
Meeting-ID: 99914456710, Passcode:  016912

Abstract: Until the development of brain scanning technology in 1978, words for insanity and brain damage were vague, because the causes of many kinds of insanity were not known, and the symptoms of different conditions could overlap. MRI scanning has allowed for a number of syndromes hitherto regarded as mental health issues, such as Capgras or Othello, to be identified as exclusively caused by brain lesions. However, while modern medicine has made some strides in developing treatment for conditions caused by chemical imbalances and trauma, brain lesions remain completely incurable. Early and medieval Chinese texts recorded individuals affected by a wide variety of conditions, including stroke, dementia, the effects of poisoning and lyssaviruses, Korsakoff syndrome and so on. These records have great intrinsic interest, to understand the history of mental health issues in China, and also offer continuities with the present, given that these conditions remain intractable.

Bio: Olivia Milburn is currently Professor at the School of Chinese, Hong Kong University and was formerly employed at the Department of Chinese, Seoul National University. She received her MA from Cambridge and PhD from SOAS, University of London. Her research focuses mainly on the history and culture of the ancient kingdoms of Wu and Yue, and the position of minorities and marginalized groups in early and medieval China, such as intersex persons, the disabled, and so on. In addition, Olivia Milburn has engaged in research on the early history of the novel in China. Her modern literature translations, recognized with the Special Book Award of China in 2018, include works by Mai Jia, Feng Jicai, Jiang Zilong, Fang Fang, and Su Tong.

Lecture: Karoline Buchner (Berlin), "Of ‘Quiet Medical Revolutions’ and ‘Foreign Meddling’: Covering Chinese Medicine in Taiwan Panorama"

Greater China Studies / Taiwan Colloquium – Winter Semester 2022 / 2023
Karoline Buchner (FU Berlin), "Of ‘Quiet Medical Revolutions’ and ‘Foreign Meddling’: Covering Chinese Medicine in Taiwan Panorama"
Nov. 17, Thursday, 6 – 8 pm, Keplerstr. 2, Hörsaal (HS) 001

Lecture: Daniela Caterina (Wuhan), "Europe and China beyond Orientalism? (Mis-)Representations, Abridged Encounters and the Call for a New Research Agenda"

Next Wednesday (Nov 16), we are resuming our departmental seminar series with a talk by Daniela Caterina from Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan (an annoucement of a second talk by Emanuele Ferragina at 18:00 c.t. will follow)
Institutskolloquium / Departmental Seminar
Daniela Caterina
Europe and China beyond Orientalism? (Mis-)representations, abridged encounters and the call for a new research agenda
Wednesday, 16 November 2022 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Melanchthonstr. 36

Or join online via Zoom: 930 8975 0663 (Meeting ID), 142311 (Passcode)
China’s rise as a key global actor has magnified the ubiquitous presence and relevance of China debates. Yet what is this ‘China’ we refer to in so much controversial talk? It is namely striking that the more China references abound in public and academic discourse, the more ‘China’ seems to remain a black box to external eyes. The lecture will tackle this paradox and its implications, arguing for the urgency of a Europe-China research agenda at the crossroads of political theory, international political economy, and postcolonial studies.
Dr Daniela Caterina is a Lecturer at the School of Philosophy of the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Wuhan (China). She combines her research interest in critical political economy, critical discourse analysis and Antonio Gramsci’s thought with a focus on EU-China relations and Italian politics – especially with an eye to the role of populist actors.

Lecture: ZHAO Yawei (Tübingen), "Cultural Exchanges between Chinese Landscape Gardens and European Chinoiserie Gardens during the Qing Dynasty (18th and 19th centuries)"

Zhao Yawei M.A. (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Cultural Exchanges between Chinese Landscape Gardens and European Chinoiserie Gardens during the Qing Dynasty (18th and 19th centuries)"
Dienstag, 19. Juli 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Zoom Meeting ID: 992 3910 4159, Passcode: 836605

Lecture: Valerie Hansen (Yale), "Migrations in East Asia and the Americas Between 250 and 900 CE - And Why They Matter"

Keynote Lecture mit Sektempfang (17 Uhr c.t.)
Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe „Migration und Mobilität In Spätantike und Frühmittelalter“
Research Forum 2022:„Migration and Mobility –Perspectives from History, Archaeology and Sociology”

Prof. Dr. Valerie Hansen (Yale)
"Migrations in East Asia and the Americas Between 250 and 900 CE – And Why They Matter
Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2022, 18 Uhr c.t.Alte Aula

Lecture: Qingjun JIANG (Tübingen), "Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea During the Ming-Qing Transition"

Qingjun JIANG (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea During the Ming-Qing Transition (17th and 18th Centuries)"
Dienstag, 12. Juli 2021, 10 Uhr c.t.
Online Veranstaltung
Zoom Meeting, ID: 986 5801 9155, Passcode: 253219

Lecture: ZHANG Zhirui (Tübingen), "The Concept of Xing Body in Pre-Imperial China"

ZHANG Zhirui M.A. (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"The Concept of Xing Body in Pre-Imperial China"
Dienstag, 12. Juli 2021, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Zoom Meeting, ID: 919 4505 9260, Passcode: 414643

Lecture: XU Runzhou (Tübingen), "Between Cults and Markets: Water-oriented Religious Activities in Licheng"

XU Runzhou M.A. (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Between Cults and Markets: Water-Oriented Religious Activities in Licheng"
Dienstag, 12. Juli 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Zoom Meeting ID: 919 4505 9260, Passcode: 414643

Lecture: YANG Zhiyi (Frankfurt), "Toward Mnemonic Justice: The Kneeling Statue of Wang Jingwei and China’s WWII Collaboration"

Prof. Dr. YANG Zhiyi (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
"Toward Mnemonic Justice: The Kneeling Statue of Wang Jingwei and China’s WWII Collaboration"
Dienstag, 05. Juli 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting, ID: 96798384649, Passcode: 630542

Lecture: Judy LEE Yi Nga (Tübingen), "Hong Kong Exiles in Taiwan: An Ongoing Observation"

Judy LEE Yi Nga (Resident Fellow at the ERCCT)
"Hong Kong Exiles in Taiwan: An Ongoing Observation"
Venue is VG Wilhelmstr. 19 SR 001 on Thursday (7.7) at 6 pm.

Lecture: Yao LIN (Shanghai), "Authoritarian Malepistemization and its Discontents: Chinese Discourses on the Russian-Ukrainian War"

Dr. Yao LIN (NYU, Shanghai), "Authoritarian Malepistemization and its Discontents: Chinese Discourses on the Russian-Ukrainian War"
Friday, July 1, 2022, 12 pm
Zoom registration:

Since the start of the Russia-Ukraine War, the Chinese government and its mouthpieces have mounted a domestic pro-Russia propaganda campaign. This talk will examine the ideological underpinnings of this propaganda effort, its effects on China's public discourse and informational ecosystem, and the various discursive and ideological strategies different intellectuals and netizens adopt to countervail the state's pro-Russia talk points.

Dr. Yao Lin is an Assistant Professor of Practice in Political Science at New York University Shanghai. He publishes extensively in moral and political theory, comparative politics and law, American politics, Chinese politics, and ideology studies.

Lecture: Fu Yang (NTU), "Studying Economic Discourse in Premodern China: The Case of Mencius and Beyond"

Dr. Fu Yang (National Taiwan University)
"Studying Economic Discourse in Premodern China: The Case of Mencius and Beyond"
Dienstag, 28. Juni 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Online Veranstaltung, Zoom Meeting ID: 968 5683 9765, Passcode: 575825

Lecture: Vivien Markert (Tübingen), "The Chinese Islamic Association on the Sinicization of Islam"

Vivien Markert, M.A. (Tübingen)
"The Chinese Islamic Association on the Sinicization of Islam" (PhD project)
June 23, 6 PM, Seminarraum 001 in Verfügungsgebäude Wilhemstr. 19

Lecture: Patrick Aberle (Tübingen), "Xu Guangqi’s Arboricultural Knowledge Infrastructure"

Patrick Aberle, M.A.
"Xu Guangqi’s Arboricultural Knowledge Infrastructure" (PhD project)
Dienstag, 21 Juni 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting, ID: 99183171727, Passcode: 018601

Lecture: Dr. Luwei Rose LUQIU (Hong Kong) "Hong Kong: Still a Free Society?"

Dr. Luwei Rose LUQIU 闾丘露薇, Hong Kong Baptist University
“Hong Kong: Still a Free Society?”
Colloquium Greater China Studies, Tuesday, June 21, 2022, 6 pm In Person: SR 236 Neue Aula

A free press has been one of the cornerstones of the success of Hong Kong and an essential ingredient of a free society. However, this year, a nosedive in press freedom ranking to 148th globally symbolizes that free speech has been tattered. The introduction of the changes in the media system in Hong Kong and how academic freedom has started to suffer demonstrates how a free society rapidly deteriorated.
Luwei Rose Luqiu (Lüqiu) is assistant professor at the School of Communication at Hong Kong Baptist University. She researches censorship, propaganda, and social movements in authoritarian regimes. She has been a journalist for 20 years and was a 2007 Nieman Fellow at Harvard University. She received her Ph.D. in mass communication from Pennsylvania State University and earned her bachelor's degree in philosophy from Fudan University. Her latest book is "Covering the 2019 Hong Kong Protests".

Lecture: Jörg Henning Hüsemann (Leipzig), "Soy, Silt and Sh*t - Fertilizers in Agronomic Treatises of Early Modern China"

Dr. Jörg Henning Hüsemann (Universität Leipzig)
"Soy, Silt and Sh*t - Fertilizers in Agronomic Treatises of Early Modern China"
Dienstag, 14. Juni 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting, ID: 93699492948, Passcode: 460793

Lecture: Guo Liqiao 郭立桥 (Xiamen), "The Rivalry Between Mainland China and Taiwan: How They View Each Other's Application to Join the CPTTP"

Guo Liqiao 郭立桥 (Xiamen University, ERCCT short-term resident fellow)
"The Rivalry Between Mainland China and Taiwan: How They View Each Other's Application to Join the CPTTP"
Thursday 6 pm in Seminarraum 001 in Wilhemstr. 19 (Verfügungsgebäude)

Lecture: Xu Runzhou (Tübingen), "Between Cults and Markets: Water-oriented Religious Activities in Licheng"

Xu Runzhou M.A. (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Between Cults and Markets: Water-oriented religious activities in Licheng" (PhD Project)
Dienstag, 24. Mai 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Online Veranstaltung, Zoom Meeting ID: 989 1499 9474, Passcode: 118821

Lecture: Fabian Hiller (Tübingen), "Reevaluating Zhang Taiyan in Japan 1906-1908: Evidence from his Debate and Split with Liu Shipei"

Fabian Hiller M.A. (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Reevaluating Zhang Taiyan in Japan 1906-1908: Evidence from his Debate and Split with Liu Shipei"
Dienstag, 17. Mai 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting ID: 963 3543 6208, Passcode: 668483

Lecture: WANG Yakai (Tübingen), "Black Charm: The Role of Women in the Qing Dynasty Opium Consumption"

Dr. Wang Yakai (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Black Charm: The Role of Women in the Qing Dynasty Opium Consumption"
Dienstag, 10 Mai 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting, ID: 948 0035 9016, Passcode: 318632

Lecture: Gu Zilin (Tübingen), "Change of Wine Consumer Class since Late Qing Dynasty"

Gu Zilin, B.A.
"Change of Wine Consumer Class since Late Qing Dynasty: Observing the Popular Marketing Strategy of Changyu Company in the Zhangyu Gongsi zhi 张裕公司志 (The History of Changyu Wine Company; 1999), M.A. project
Dienstag, 25.Januar 2022, 16 Uhr c.t., Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30

Lecture: Hou Jia'nan (Tübingen), "Consuming Seafood in the Jiangnan Region in the Eighteenth Century"

HOU Jia'nan (Department of Chinese Studies, Tübingen University)
"Consuming Seafood in the Jiangnan Region in the Eighteenth Century", MA project
Dienstag, 18. Januar 2022, 16 Uhr c.t.
Hybrid Veranstaltung: Präsenz in Wilhelmstr. 133, Raum 30
Online Zoom Meeting, ID: 94592884587, Passcode: 584804

Vortrag: Johannes Brachtendorf, Achim Mittag, "Die Jesuiten in China - Matteo Riccis 'Wahre Lehre vom Herrn des Himmels' (1603) als Zeugnis interkulturellen Philosophierens"

Jour fixe des Center for Religion, Culture and Society (CRCS) mit Prof. Dr. Johannes Brachtendorf und Prof. Dr. Achim Mittag, 18.01.2022, 12:30-13:30 Uhr

Der Philosoph und katholische Theologe Prof. Dr. Johannes Brachtendorf und der Sinologe Prof. Dr. Achim Mittag geben Einblick in ihre interdisziplinäre Lehrkooperation zu Matteo Riccis Werk „Die wahre Lehre vom Herrn des Himmels“ (Tianzhu shiyi 天主實義, 1603), in dem es um die Jesuiten-Mission in China geht. Ricci, ein italienischer Jesuit, richtet sich mit seiner systematischen Darstellung der christlichen Weltanschauung an die gebildeten Chinesen, weshalb er dieses Werk  in chinesischer Sprache geschrieben und in die Form eines Dialogs zwischen einem europäischen und einem chinesischen Gelehrten gebracht hat. Für Brachtendorf und Mittag war in ihrer Analyse Folgendes von besonderem Interesse: die Übertragung lateinischer Begriffe in chinesische Begriffe, Riccis Versuch christliche Denkweisen mit konfuzianischen Vorstellungen abzugleichen, sowie die konkrete Einbettung von Riccis Werk in die kulturgeschichtliche Situation Chinas zu Beginn des 17. Jahrhunderts.

Der Vortrag findet digital statt. Zugangsdaten zur Zoomkonferenz können nach Anfrage (per Mail an ) zugeschickt werden. 

Lecture: Jiang Qingjun , "Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea during the Ming-Qing Transition (17th and 18th Centuries)"

JIANG Qingjun (Tübingen), B.A.
"Reshaping Masculinity between China and Korea during the Ming-Qing Transition (17th and 18th Centuries)"
Tue, 21 Dec 2021, at 4:15 pm in room 30 of the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies in Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 133, or online (see QR code)

Lecture: ZHANG Zhirui (Tübingen), "Re-reading Wang Lü's Mountain Hua Album: A Glimpse of Yüan-Ming Literati's Thought on Self"

ZHANG Zhirui (Tübingen), B.A.
"Re-reading Wang Lü's Mountain Hua Album: A Glimpse of Yüan-Ming Literati's Thought on Self" (M.A. project)
Tue, 14 Dec 2021, at 4:15 pm in room 30 of the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies in Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 133, or online (see QR code)

Lecture: Patrick Aberle (Tübingen), "Arboricultural Technology and Economy in Late Imperial China"

Patrick Aberle, M.A.
"Arboricultural Technology and Economy in Late Imperial China” (Dissertation project)
Tue, 7 Dec 2021, at 4:15 pm in room 30 of the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies in Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 133

Lecture: Fabian Hiller (Tübingen), "The Deismification of Zhang Taiyan: An Old-Text School Approach to the Life and Work of China's Last Great Old-Text School Scholar"

Fabian Hiller, M.A. (Tübingen)
"The Deismification of Zhang Taiyan: An Old-Text School Approach to the Life and Work of China's Last Great Old-Text School Scholar" (dissertation project)
Tue, 23 Nov 2021 at 4:15 pm in room 30 of the Department of Chinese and Korean Studies in Tübingen, Wilhelmstraße 133