Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Gastvortrag "Changing Political Maps : The Situation in the Middle East and the Arab World Today"

H.E. Senator Hasan Abu Nimah in der Alten Aula, Monday, 23rd April 2018, 18 h c.t.

The geopolitical map of the MIddle East has changed dramatically in the aftermath of the Arab Uprisings of 2011: Numerous countries, such as Syria and Yemen, are caught in protracted violent conflict and affected by political turmoil and the decay of state order. On top of that, the region is affected by various regional and global rivalries. The lecture discusses the roles of Saudi-Arabia and Iran, but also examines the roles of the United States and Russia, and it explores Jordan's position and potential amidst these various conflicts.

H.E. Senator Hasan Abu Nimah is Rapporteur of the Foreign Relations Committee of the Senate of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Born in the vicinity of the Palestinian town of Bethlehem, he spent large parts of his professional career serving his country as a diplomat in, e.g., Rome, Brussels, and as the Kingdom's ambassador to the United Nations in New York. He was also director of the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies in Amman, and an advisor to Prince El Hassan bin Talal. His weekly columns in the Jordan Times are publicly accessible at
