Tübingen School of Education (TüSE)

Courses International Education Week 2024


International Applicants please find application details here.
Students from Tübingen can register via Alma-System.

All the classes take place at University Tübingen, on site in Tübingen.


Course Description
Ethical Arguments in the Debate on Sustainable Development

Dr. Uta Müller & Dr. Simon Meisch (International Center for Ethics in the Sciences and Humanities (IZEW), Tübingen University)

What has chocolate to do with sustainable development? As we will see in this course, quite a lot. So, we will use the example of chocolate to study challenges of sustainable development and by doing so learn about ethical concepts underlying these debates.
In this course, you will get insights into the fundamental controversies surrounding sustainable development, understand the central approaches to ethics and learn how to use ethical arguments in the context of concrete discussions. In addition, you will learn a lot about chocolate.
As the course is part of the Education Week, organised by the Tübingen School of Education, you will get the opportunity to work and learn together with students from other European partner universities. The class language is English. Classes take place in the mornings and afternoons, complemented by excursions and other social events.
Mindfulness in Teacher and Student Education

Dr. Martin Harant & Anja Nold (Faculty of Economical and Social Sciences, Institute of Education, Tübingen University)

In recent years it has become common to (re)focus on the mind as an object of interest in educational discourse and practice. Fairly unconceivable some decades ago, contemporary educational theorists claim a ‘contemplative turn in education’ and turn their attention to an inner curriculum of the mind that needs to be addressed by educational thinking. Wellbeing is brought into the discussion alongside performance as a school quality characteristic and educational practitioners set up mindfulness-based interventions in school as a curriculum for social-emotional learning and a means to reduce stress and anxiety in class.
In this course we will engage in this discourse by covering different approaches to the brain-mind (philosophical and scientific perspectives) and how they relate to educational thinking. Moreover, we will examine the implementation of so-called mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) or contemplative practices in student and teacher education and also try them out. Finally, we will discuss the critical objections to the idea of wellbeing, social-emotional learning and contemplative practices in the educational realm.
Interest in exploring mindfulness interventions and philosophical and scientific approaches to the mind is expected.


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