The Interfaculty Graduate School of Infection Biology and Microbiology (IGIM) provides a structured doctoral program including qualified mentoring and education. In addition to the regular Thesis Advisory committee (TAC) meetings, the doctoral students have to complete additional study achievements during the course of their doctorate. The study achievements are evaluated according to the European Credit Point System (ECTS).
Depending on the envisaged doctoral degree, a total of 4 or 12 ECTS points must be earned for successful participation in the doctoral program. Participation in 2 or 4 Grad-School-Days (explained in more detail below) including a presentation of your own work and a Good Scientific Practice seminar are mandatory.
Complementary skills courses can be chosen by the doctoral students according to their personal needs and are offered in cooperation with the Graduate Academies. Further credits can be obtained through scientific activities. For successful participation in the doctoral program, participants will receive a certificate from the graduate school upon completion of their doctorate.
The required Credit Points (CP) can be earned in different categories and are calculated according to the guidlines of the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS).