Fachbereich Physik

Center for Quantum Science


  1. Mattes R, Lesanovsky I and Carollo F,
    Entangled time-crystal phase in an open quantum light-matter system.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 108, 62216 (2023)
  2. Perfetto G, Carollo F, Garrahan J and Lesanovsky I,
    Quantum reaction-limited reaction-diffusion dynamics of annihilation processes.
    Phys. Rev. E Vol. 108, 64104 (2023)
  3. Cech M, Lesanovsky I and Olmos B,
    Dispersionless subradiant photon storage in one-dimensional emitter chains.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 108, 51702 (2023)
  4. Martins W, Carollo F, Li W, Brandner K and Lesanovsky I,
    Rydberg-ion flywheel for quantum work storage.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 108, (2023)
  5. Cabot A, Muhle L, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Quantum trajectories of dissipative time crystals.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 108, 41303 (2023)
  6. Cech M, Lesanovsky I and Carollo F,
    Thermodynamics of Quantum Trajectories on a Quantum Computer.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 131, 120401 (2023)
  7. Boneberg M, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Dissipative quantum many-body dynamics in (1+1)D quantum cellular automata and quantum neural networks.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 25, 093020 (2023)
  8. Magoni M, Joshi R and Lesanovsky I,
    Molecular Dynamics in Rydberg Tweezer Arrays: Spin-Phonon Entanglement and Jahn-Teller Effect.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 131, 93002 (2023)
  9. Rivero D, Pessoa Jr C, De França G, Teixeira R, Slama S and Courteille P,
    Quantum resonant optical bistability with a narrow atomic transition: bistability phase diagram in the bad cavity regime.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 25, 093053 (2023)
  10. Fiorelli E, Müller M, Lesanovsky I and Carollo F,
    Mean-field dynamics of open quantum systems with collective operator-valued rates: validity and application.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 25, 083010 (2023)
  11. Svendsen MBM and Olmos B,
    Modified dipole-dipole interactions in the presence of a nanophotonic waveguide.
    Quantum Vol. 7, 1091 (2023)
  12. Steinert L-M, Osterholz P, Eberhard R, Festa L, Lorenz N, Chen Z, Trautmann A and Gross C,
    Spatially Tunable Spin Interactions in Neutral Atom Arrays.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 130, 243001 (2023)
  13. Perfetto G, Carollo F, Garrahan J and Lesanovsky I,
    Reaction-Limited Quantum Reaction-Diffusion Dynamics.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 130, 210402 (2023)
  14. Suarez E, Carollo F, Lesanovsky I, Olmos B, Courteille P and Slama S,
    Collective atom-cavity coupling and nonlinear dynamics with atoms with multilevel ground states.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 107, 23714 (2023)
  15. Gillman E, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Using $(1+1)D$ quantum cellular automata for exploring collective effects in large-scale quantum neural networks.
    Phys. Rev. E Vol. 107, L022102 (2023)
  16. Alba V and Carollo F,
    Logarithmic negativity in out-of-equilibrium open free-fermion chains: An exactly solvable case.
    SciPost Phys. Vol. 15, (2023)
  17. Carollo F,
    Non-Gaussian dynamics of quantum fluctuations and mean-field limit in open quantum central spin systems.
    Federico Carollo Physical Review Letters Vol. 131, 227102 (2023)
  18. Nill C, Brandner K, Olmos B, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Many-Body Radiative Decay in Strongly Interacting Rydberg Ensembles.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 129, 243202 (2022)
  19. Cabot A, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Metastable discrete time-crystal resonances in a dissipative central spin system.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 106, 134311 (2022)
  20. Carollo F, Gnann M, Perfetto G and Lesanovsky I,
    Signatures of a quantum stabilized fluctuating phase and critical dynamics in a kinetically constrained open many-body system with two absorbing states.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 106, 094315 (2022)
  21. Bonetti PM, Toschi A, Hille C, Andergassen S and Vilardi D,
    Single-boson exchange representation of the functional renormalization group for strongly interacting many-electron systems.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 4, 013034 (2022)
  22. Carnazza F, Carollo F, Zietlow D, Andergassen S, Martius G and Lesanovsky I,
    Inferring Markovian quantum master equations of few-body observables in interacting spin chains.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 24, 073033 (2022)
  23. Chalupa-Gantner P, Kugler FB, Hille C, von Delft J, Andergassen S and Toschi A,
    Fulfillment of sum rules and Ward identities in the multiloop functional renormalization group solution of the Anderson impurity model.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 4, 023050 (2022)
  24. Fraboulet K, Heinzelmann S, Bonetti PM, Al-Eryani A, Vilardi D, Toschi A and Andergassen S,
    Single-boson exchange functional renormalization group application to the two-dimensional Hubbard model at weak coupling.
    Eur. Phys. J. B Vol. 95, 202 (2022)
  25. Henheik J and Teufel S,
    Adiabatic theorem in the thermodynamic limit: Systems with a uniform gap.
    J. Math. Phys. Vol. 63, 022901 (2022)
  26. Maile D, Ankerhold J, Andergassen S, Belzig W and Rastelli G,
    Engineering the speedup of quantum tunneling in Josephson systems via dissipation.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 106, 045408 (2022)
  27. Paulino P, Lesanovsky I and Carollo F,
    Nonequilibrium thermodynamics and power generation in open quantum optomechanical systems.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 108, 23516 (2022)
  28. Qin M, Schäfer T, Andergassen S, Corboz P and Gull E,
    The Hubbard model: A computational perspective.
    Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. Vol. 13, 275-302 (2022)
  29. Suarez E, Wolf P, Weiss P and Slama S,
    Superradiance decoherence caused by long-range Rydberg-atom pair interactions.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 105, l041302 (2022)
  30. Gillman E, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Quantum and classical temporal correlations in (1 + 1)D quantum cellular automata.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 127, 230502 (2021)
  31. Welker B, Österle T, Slama S, Hoinkes T and Rauschenbeutel A,
    Nanofiber-induced losses inside an optical cavity.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 16, 064021 (2021)
  32. Zhou Y, Nath R, Wu H, Lesanovsky I and Li W,
    Multipolar Fermi-surface deformation in a Rydberg-dressed Fermi gas with long-range anisotropic interactions.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 104, l061302 (2021)
  33. Marcelli G, Panati G and Teufel S,
    A new approach to transport coefficients in the quantum spin Hall effect.
    Annales Henri Poincaré Vol. 22, 1069-1111 (2021)
  34. Perfetto G, Carollo F, Magoni M and Lesanovsky I,
    Designing nonequilibrium states of quantum matter through stochastic resetting.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 104, l180302 (2021)
  35. Olmos B, Liedl C, Lesanovsky I and Schneeweiss P,
    Bragg condition for scattering into a guided optical mode.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 104, 043517 (2021)
  36. Buonaiuto G, Carollo F, Olmos B and Lesanovsky I,
    Dynamical phases and quantum correlations in an emitter-waveguide system with feedback.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 127, 133601 (2021)
  37. Belenchia A, Carlesso M, Donadi S, Gasbarri G, Ulbricht H, Bassi A and Paternostro M,
    Test quantum mechanics in space - invest US$1 billion.
    Nature Vol. 596, 32-34 (2021)
  38. Carollo F, Lasanta A and Lesanovsky I,
    Exponentially accelerated approach to stationarity in Markovian open quantum systems through the Mpemba effect.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 127, 060401 (2021)
  39. Cilluffo D, Buonaiuto G, Lesanovsky I, Carollo A, Lorenzo S, Palma GM, Ciccarello F and Carollo F,
    Microscopic biasing of discrete-time quantum trajectories.
    Quantum Sci. Technol. Vol. 6, 045011 (2021)
  40. Spong NL, Jiao Y, Hughes OD, Weatherill KJ, Lesanovsky I and Adams CS,
    Collectively encoded Rydberg Qubit.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 127, 063604 (2021)
  41. Macieszczak K, Rose DC, Lesanovsky I and Garrahan JP,
    Theory of classical metastability in open quantum systems.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 3, 033047 (2021)
  42. Maile D, Andergassen S, Belzig W and Rastelli G,
    Exponential speedup of incoherent tunneling via dissipation.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 3, 033019 (2021)
  43. Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Exactness of mean-field equations for open Dicke models with an application to pattern retrieval dynamics.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 126, 230601 (2021)
  44. Gambetta FM, Zhang C, Hennrich M, Lesanovsky I and Li W,
    Exploring the many-body dynamics near a conical intersection with trapped Rydberg ions.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 126, 233404 (2021)
  45. Buonaiuto G, Lesanovsky I and Olmos B,
    Measurement-feedback control of the chiral photon emission from an atom chain into a nanofiber.
    J. Opt. Soc. Am. B Vol. 38, 1470 (2021)
  46. Gillman E, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Numerical simulation of quantum nonequilibrium phase transitions without finite-size effects.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 103, l040201 (2021)
  47. Mazza PP, Zietlow D, Carollo F, Andergassen S, Martius G and Lesanovsky I,
    Machine learning time-local generators of open quantum dynamics.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 3, 023084 (2021)
  48. Henheik J and Teufel S,
    Justifying Kubo's formula for gapped systems at zero temperature: A brief review and some new results.
    Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 33, 2060004 (2021)
  49. Magoni M, Mazza PP and Lesanovsky I,
    Emergent Bloch oscillations in a kinetically constrained Rydberg spin lattice.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 126, 103002 (2021)
  50. Schäfer T, Wentzell N, Šimkovic F, He Y-Y, Hille C, Klett M, Eckhardt CJ, Arzhang B, Harkov V, Le Régent F-M, Kirsch A, Wang Y, Kim AJ, Kozik E, Stepanov EA, Kauch A, Andergassen S, Hansmann P, Rohe D, Vilk YM, LeBlanc JPF, Zhang S, Tremblay A-MS, Ferrero M, Parcollet O and Georges A,
    Tracking the footprints of spin fluctuations: A MultiMethod, MultiMessenger study of the two-dimensional Hubbard model.
    Phys. Rev. X Vol. 11, 011058 (2021)
  51. Chalupa P, Schäfer T, Reitner M, Springer D, Andergassen S and Toschi A,
    Fingerprints of the local moment formation and its Kondo screening in the generalized susceptibilities of many-electron problems.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 126, 056403 (2021)
  52. Mildner M, Zimmermann C and Slama S,
    Surface-plasmon-based dispersive detection and spectroscopy of ultracold atoms.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 3, 013005 (2021)
  53. Carollo F, Brandner K and Lesanovsky I,
    Nonequilibrium many-body quantum engine driven by time-translation symmetry breaking.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 125, 240602 (2020)
  54. Causer L, Lesanovsky I, Bañuls MC and Garrahan JP,
    Dynamics and large deviation transitions of the XOR-Fredrickson-Andersen kinetically constrained model.
    Phys. Rev. E Vol. 102, 052132 (2020)
  55. Morosh V, Linek J, Müller B, Martínez-Pérez MJ, Wolter S, Weimann T, Beyer J, Schurig T, Kieler O, Zorin AB, Kleiner R and Koelle D,
    Transport and noise properties of sub-100-nm planar Nb Josephson junctions with metallic Hf-Ti barriers for nano-SQUID applications.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 14, 054072 (2020)
  56. Olmos B, Buonaiuto G, Schneeweiss P and Lesanovsky I,
    Interaction signatures and non-Gaussian photon states from a strongly driven atomic ensemble coupled to a nanophotonic waveguide.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 102, 043711 (2020)
  57. Gambetta FM, Zhang C, Hennrich M, Lesanovsky I and Li W,
    Long-range multi-body interactions and three-body anti-blockade in a trapped Rydberg ion chain.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 125, 133602 (2020)
  58. Gillman E, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Nonequilibrium phase transitions in (1+1)-dimensional quantum cellular automata with controllable quantum correlations.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 125, 100403 (2020)
  59. Hille C, Kugler FB, Eckhardt CJ, He Y-Y, Kauch A, Honerkamp C, Toschi A and Andergassen S,
    Quantitative functional renormalization group description of the two-dimensional Hubbard model.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 033372 (2020)
  60. Klett M, Wentzell N, Schäfer T, Simkovic F, Parcollet O, Andergassen S and Hansmann P,
    Real-space cluster dynamical mean-field theory: Center-focused extrapolation on the one- and two particle-levels.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 033476 (2020)
  61. Fiorelli E, Marcuzzi M, Rotondo P, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Signatures of associative memory behavior in a multi-mode Dicke model.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 125, 070604 (2020)
  62. Galin MA, Rudau F, Borodianskyi EA, Kurin VV, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Krasnov VM and Klushin AM,
    Direct visualization of phase-locking of large Josephson junction arrays by surface electromagnetic waves.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 14, 024051 (2020)
  63. Wentzell N, Li G, Tagliavini A, Taranto C, Rohringer G, Held K, Toschi A and Andergassen S,
    High-frequency asymptotics of the vertex function: Diagrammatic parametrization and algorithmic implementation.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 102, 085106 (2020)
  64. Xu Z, Chen S, Tian W, Qi Z, Yue W, Du H, Sun H, Zhang C, Wu J, Dong S, Wang Y-L, Xu W, Jin B, Chen J, Sun G, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Wang H and Wu P,
    Vertical Nb/TiOx/Nb Josephson junctions controlled by in-plane hot-electron injection..
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 14, 024008 (2020)
  65. Hille C, Rohe D, Honerkamp C and Andergassen S,
    Pseudogap opening in the two-dimensional Hubbard model: A functional renormalization group analysis.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 033068 (2020)
  66. Mazza PP, Schmidt R and Lesanovsky I,
    Vibrational dressing in kinetically constrained Rydberg spin systems.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 125, 033602 (2020)
  67. Rui J, Wei D, Rubio-Abadal A, Hollerith S, Zeiher J, Stamper-Kurn DM, Gross C and Bloch I,
    A subradiant optical mirror formed by a single structured atomic layer.
    Nature Vol. 583, 369-374 (2020)
  68. Burrello M, Lesanovsky I and Trombettoni A,
    Reaching the quantum Hall regime with rotating Rydberg-dressed atoms.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 023290 (2020)
  69. Rubio-Abadal A, Ippoliti M, Hollerith S, Wei D, Rui J, Sondhi S, Khemani V, Gross C and Bloch I,
    Floquet prethermalization in a Bose-Hubbard system.
    Phys. Rev. X Vol. 10, 021044 (2020)
  70. Zhou X, Han X, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Welp U, Zhang X and Jin D,
    On-chip sensing of hotspots in superconducting terahertz emitters.
    Nano Lett. Vol. 20, 4197-4203 (2020)
  71. Carollo F, Gambetta FM, Brandner K, Garrahan JP and Lesanovsky I,
    Non-equilibrium quantum many-body Rydberg atom engine.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 124, 170602 (2020)
  72. Cilluffo D, Buonaiuto G, Lorenzo S, Palma GM, Ciccarello F, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Witnessing nonclassicality through large deviations in quantum optics.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 023078 (2020)
  73. Kouzelis A, Macieszczak K, Minář J and Lesanovsky I,
    Dissipative quantum state preparation and metastability in two-photon micromasers.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 101, 043847 (2020)
  74. Schuster SC, Wolf P, Ostermann S, Slama S and Zimmermann C,
    Supersolid properties of a Bose-Einstein condensate in a ring resonator.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 124, 143602 (2020)
  75. Zhang C, Pokorny F, Li W, Higgins G, Pöschl A, Lesanovsky I and Hennrich M,
    Sub-microsecond entangling gate between trapped ions via Rydberg interaction.
    Nature Vol. 580, 345-349 (2020)
  76. Eisele M, Maier RAW and Zimmermann C,
    Fast in situ observation of atomic Feshbach resonances by photoassociative ionization.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 124, 123401 (2020)
  77. Jones R, Buonaiuto G, Lang B, Lesanovsky I and Olmos B,
    Collectively enhanced chiral photon emission from an atomic array near a nanofiber.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 124, 093601 (2020)
  78. Schuff J, Fiderer LJ and Braun D,
    Improving the dynamics of quantum sensors with reinforcement learning.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 22, 035001 (2020)
  79. Anthore A, Kennes DM, Boulat E, Andergassen S, Pierre F and Meden V,
    Universality at work - the local sine-Gordon model, lattice fermions, and quantum circuits.
    Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics Vol. 229, 663-682 (2020)
  80. Arruda TJ, Bachelard R, Weiner J, Slama S and Courteille PW,
    Controlling photon bunching and antibunching of two quantum emitters near a core-shell sphere.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 101, 023828 (2020)
  81. Fiorelli E, Rotondo P, Carollo F, Marcuzzi M and Lesanovsky I,
    Dynamics of strongly coupled disordered dissipative spin-boson systems.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 013198 (2020)
  82. Maile D, Andergassen S and Rastelli G,
    Effects of a dissipative coupling to the momentum of a particle in a double well potential.
    Phys. Rev. Research Vol. 2, 013226 (2020)
  83. Zhou Y, Lesanovsky I, Fernholz T and Li W,
    Controlling the dynamical scale factor in a trapped atom Sagnac interferometer.
    Phys. Rev. A Vol. 101, 012517 (2020)
  84. Lin J, Linek J, Kleiner R and Koelle D,
    NanoSQUIDs from YBa2Cu3O7/SrTiO3 superlattices with bicrystal grain boundary Josephson junctions.
    Nanoscale Vol. 12, 20016-20024 (2020)
  85. Lin J, Müller B, Linek J, Karrer M, Wenzel M, Martínez-Pérez MJ, Kleiner R and Koelle D,
    YBa2Cu3O7 nano superconducting quantum interference devices on MgO bicrystal substrates.
    Nanoscale Vol. 12, 5658-5668 (2020)
  86. Martínez-Pérez MJ, Müller B, Lin J, Rodriguez LA, Snoeck E, Kleiner R, Sesé J and Koelle D,
    Magnetic vortex nucleation and annihilation in bi-stable ultra-small ferromagnetic particles.
    Nanoscale Vol. 12, 2587-2595 (2020)
  87. Fiderer LJ, Fraïsse JM and Braun D,
    Maximal quantum Fisher information for mixed states.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 123, 250502 (2019)
  88. Gambetta FM, Carollo F, Lazarides A, Lesanovsky I and Garrahan JP,
    Classical stochastic discrete time crystals.
    Phys. Rev. E Vol. 100, 060105 (2019)
  89. Boßmann L and Teufel S,
    Derivation of the 1d Gross-Pitaevskii equation from the 3d quantum many-body dynamics of strongly confined bosons.
    Annales Henri Poincaré Vol. 20, 1003-1049 (2019)
  90. Buonaiuto G, Jones R, Olmos B and Lesanovsky I,
    Dynamical creation and detection of entangled many-body states in a chiral atom chain.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 21, 113021 (2019)
  91. Kleiner R and Wang H,
    Terahertz emission from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x intrinsic Josephson junction stacks.
    J. Appl. Phys. Vol. 126, 171101 (2019)
  92. Benseman TM, Koshelev AE, Vlasko-Vlasov V, Hao Y, Welp U, Kwok W-K, Gross B, Lange M, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Minami H, Tsujimoto M and Kadowaki K,
    Observation of a two-mode resonant state in a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ mesa device for terahertz emission.
    Phys. Rev. B Vol. 100, 144503 (2019)
  93. Buckenmaier K, Scheffler K, Plaumann M, Fehling P, Bernarding J, Rudolph M, Back C, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Hövener J-B and Pravdivtsev AN,
    Multiple quantum coherences hyperpolarized at ultra-low fields.
    Chem. Phys. Chem Vol. 20, 2823-2829 (2019)
  94. Vogel J, Li W, Mokhberi A, Lesanovsky I and Schmidt-Kaler F,
    Shuttling of Rydberg ions for fast entangling operations.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 123, 153603 (2019)
  95. Carollo F, Gillman E, Weimer H and Lesanovsky I,
    Critical behavior of the quantum contact process in one dimension.
    Phys. Rev. Lett. Vol. 123, 100604 (2019)
  96. Gillman E, Carollo F and Lesanovsky I,
    Numerical simulation of critical dissipative non-equilibrium quantum systems with an absorbing state.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 21, 093064 (2019)
  97. Haag S, Lampart J and Teufel S,
    Quantum waveguides with magnetic fields.
    Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 31, 1950025 (2019)
  98. Zhang H, Lei Y, Zhu Q, Qing T, Zhang T, Tian W, Lange M, Jiang M, Han C, Li J, Koelle D, Kleiner R, Xu W-W, Wang Y, Yu L, Wang H and Wu P,
    Nanoscale photovoltaic responses in 3D radial junction solar cells revealed by high spatial resolution laser excitation photoelectric microscopy.
    ACS Nano Vol. 13, 10359-10365 (2019)
  99. Aichner B, Müller B, Karrer M, Misko VR, Limberger F, Mletschnig KL, Dosmailov M, Pedarnig JD, Nori F, Kleiner R, Koelle D and Lang W,
    Ultradense tailored vortex pinning arrays in superconducting YBa2Cu3O7-δ thin films created by focused He ion beam irradiation for fluxonics applications.
    ACS Appl. Nano Mater. Vol. 2, 5108-5115 (2019)
  100. Mátyus E and Teufel S,
    Effective non-adiabatic Hamiltonians for the quantum nuclear motion over coupled electronic states.
    J. Chem. Phys. Vol. 151, 014113 (2019)
  101. Dürr D, Goldstein S, Teufel S, Tumulka R and Zanghì N,
    Bohmian trajectories for Hamiltonians with interior-boundary conditions.
    J. Stat. Phys. Vol. 180, 34-73 (2019)
  102. Schmidt J, Teufel S and Tumulka R,
    Interior-boundary conditions for many-body Dirac operators and codimension-1 boundaries.
    J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. Vol. 52, 295202 (2019)
  103. Müller B, Karrer M, Limberger F, Becker M, Schröppel B, Burkhardt CJ, Kleiner R, Goldobin E and Koelle D,
    Josephson junctions and SQUIDs created by focused Helium-ion-beam irradiation of YBa2Cu3O7.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 11, 044082 (2019)
  104. Zhang H, Wieland R, Chen W, Kizilaslan O, Ishida S, Han C, Tian W, Xu Z, Qi Z, Qing T, Lv Y, Zhou X, Kinev N, Ermakov AB, Dorsch E, Ziegele M, Koelle D, Eisaki H, Yoshida Y, Koshelets VP, Kleiner R, Wang H and Wu P,
    Resonant cavity modes in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O+x intrinsic Josephson junction stacks.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 11, 044004 (2019)
  105. Ferdinand B, Bothner D, Kleiner R and Koelle D,
    Tunable superconducting two-chip lumped-element resonator.
    Phys. Rev. Applied Vol. 11, 034050 (2019)
  106. Monaco D and Teufel S,
    Adiabatic currents for interacting fermions on a lattice.
    Rev. Math. Phys. Vol. 31, 1950009 (2019)
  107. Suarez E, Auwärter D, Arruda TJ, Bachelard R, Courteille PW, Zimmermann C and Slama S,
    Photon-antibunching in the fluorescence of statistical ensembles of emitters at an optical nanofiber-tip.
    New J. Phys. Vol. 21, 035009 (2019)
  108. Teufel S,
    Non-equilibrium almost-stationary states and linear response for gapped quantum systems.
    Commun. Math. Phys. Vol. 373, 621-653 (2019)
  109. Tagliavini A, Hille C, Kugler F, Andergassen S, Toschi A and Honerkamp C,
    Multiloop functional renormalization group for the two-dimensional Hubbard model: Loop convergence of the response functions.
    SciPost Phys. Vol. 6, 009 (2019)