Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Information for Current ASHE Students

The Study Program Coordinator is responsible for concerns regarding course and program content. Please contact the student coordinator for relevant concerns.

The Prüfungsamt (Examination Office) is responsible for concerns relating to examination matters, transcripts, master's certificates, and grade certificates (Scheine). Please refer to the Prüfungsamt page for more detailed information regarding grading certificates and Thesis completion requirements and contact information. 

Study Information
Module Handbook (as at May 2, 2022)

Module Handbook (old exam regulations)

Rules and Regulations
General Exam Regulations (as at Feb 2, 2023 / Allgemeiner Teil Prüfungsordnung)
Special Provisions Program Exam Regulations (as at Feb 2, 2023 / Besonderer Teil Prüfungsordnung)

Program Exam Regulations (Prüfungsordnung / old exam regulations)

For the most up to date Program Exam Regulations, one should refer to the published online repository. For the MSc ASHE program, the specified page is located here.

Application for defense
Thesis title page guidelines

Application for defense 
Thesis title page guidelines

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