Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

Dissertationen 2025

Jordy Didier Orellana Figueroa12.02.2025Tennie, 
Conard, Maier
The Virtual Knapper: A Realistic Software Program Approach to Virtually Recreate Early Stone Tool Forms

Dissertationen 2024

Mario Mata-González 26.01.2024Conard, Starkovich, MunroEx Oriente Lux - New Zooarchaeological Insights on Late Pleistocene Subsistence Strategies at Ghar-e Boof (Southern Zagros)
Barbara Huber13.02.2024Greiff, RobertsGlobalizing scents: investigating the trade and use of aromatic plants in the past using biomolecular approaches
Nahui Wang03.06.2024Conard, Douka, PosthDevelopment and application of palaeoproteomics (ZooMS) on Palaeolithic assemblages from Europe and East Asia
Angel Blanco Lapaz15.07.2024Conard, Starkovich, BocherensWho ate the fish? The role of fish during the Paleolithic in Western-Central Europe
Marco Nicolì18.07.2024Riehl, Conard, KamlahAgriculture in Transition: An Archaeobotanical Study of Bronze Age Sites in the Southern Levant.


Dissertationen 2023

William Daniel Snyder27.01.2023Tennie, ConardNew experimental insights into early hominin cultures and Oldowan technology
Daniela Filipa Mirote de Matos10.02.2023Conard, MillerGeoarchaeological Investigations in Southwestern Angola: macro- and micro-scale approaches to the Middle And Late Pleistocene of Leba Cave
Heike Würschem12.06.2023Floss, ConardDie Archäologie des östlichen Châtelperronien. Technologie, Chronologie und Implikationen zur Akkulturationshypothese am Übergang vom Mittel- zum Jungpaläolithikum in Europa
Anne Yvonne Charlotte Kremmer16.06.2023Bocherens, WahlSocioeconomic differences and secular changes in living conditions in late medieval and postmedieval Luxembourg City
Selina Carlhoff10.07.2023Posth, Krause, BocherensHuman Archaeogenomics in Southeast Asia: Long
Distance Dispersals and Community Structure from the Holocene to
Colonial Times
Sophie Gabriele Habinger11.07.2023Bocherens, CrowleyPaleoecology and paleoenvironments of early anthropoid and hominoid primates in Southeast Asia
Frances Gill19.07.2023Conard, Bolus

Aurignacian Rhapsody

With, through and about flutes from Swabian origins, in-between a priori, and a posteriori.

Jana Kunze19.12.2023Harvati, Karakostis, MillerFunctional adaptations and muscle attachment (entheseal) patterns in the hands of apes, humans, and hominins


Dissertationen 2022

Carolin Röding04.03.2022Harvati, GunzHominin fossil remains from the Middle-Late Pleistocene Mediterranean: virtual anthroplogical case studies of fragementary cranial and dental remains
Elivra Martin11.04.2022Floss, ConardÜberleben am Rande der bewohnbaren Welt. Die Ernährung der Hominiden während der OIS 3 im nördlichen Europa
Li Li27.06.2022Tennie, ConardAn Experimental Approach to Reconstruct the "Invisible" Knapping Variables from the Early Pleistocene Archaeological Record
Jacopo Niccolò Cerasoni12.07.2022Miller, ConardHominin Behaviour and Palaeoenvironments of Pleistocene West Africa
Abay Namen19.07.2022Iovita, ConardRaw Material Choices in the Palaeolithic of the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor of Kazakhstan
Aristeidis Varis19.07.2022Iovita, Miller, GoldbergThe effect of formation processes in Palaeolithic settlement patterns: insights from south Kazakhstan and the Swabian Jura, Germany
Tommaso Mori20.09.2022Harvati, Moggi-CecchiHomo erectus s.l. life history and geometric morphometrics analyses of contested specimens
Flora Cecilia Schilt28.10.2022Junginger, Conard, MillerGeoarchaeological investigations of Late Pleistocene environments in Austria and northern Malawi
Diana Marcazzan04.11.2022Conard, Miller, GoldbergFire and beyond: a geoarchaeological analysis of the anthropogenic features from Fumane Cave (NE Italy) and Hohle Fels (SW Germany)
Matthias Blessing04.11.2022Conard, Bolus, TryonTechnological complexity as an indicator of behavioural modernity - A case study on Middle Palaeolithic birch tar production and South African microlithic technology
Shaddai Heidgen16.11.2022Junginger, ConardEarly Holocene local environments, fire regimes, and land use signals inferred from multi-proxy palaeoecological records at two microregions of Southwestern Germany


Dissertationen 2021

Samantha Joan Brown25.02.2021Douka, ConardIdentifying hominin remains in Siberia using peptide mass fingerprinting (ZooMS).
Alice Paladin19.03.2021Harvati, ZinkTowards understanding health, diet and mobility in early medieval valleys, South Tyrol (Alto Adige-Südtirol) Italy.
Regine Elisabeth Stolarczyk01.04.2021Haidle, ConardInnovationen im Middle Stone Age Südafrikas: Die Analytik von Knochenartefakten und Heat Treatment unter einer handlungsorientieren Perspektive.
Klaus Herkert14.05.2021Floss, Conard, KraußDas späte Mittel- und frühe Jungpaläolithikum der Cote Chalonnaise – Betrachtungen zu litho-technologischen Verhaltensweisen nebst forschungsgeschichltlicher Erörterungen – Eine Bestandsaufnahme.
Markus Georg Siegeris21.05.2021Floss, Conard, UthmeierPetrographie, Kartierung und statische Auswertung lithischer Rohmaterialien – Fallstudien auf der Schwäbischen Alb und im südlichen Burgund.
Kathrin Lisa Nägele09.06.2021Krause, PosthAn ancient genomic perspective on the human dispersals to tropical islands – implications for the settlement history of the ancient Caribbean and the Pacific.
Shyama Cathy Alice Vermeersch16.06.2021Starkovich, Conard, KamlahDevelopments in subsistence practices from the early Bronze Age through the Iron Age in the Southern Levant.
Judith Beier13.07.2021Harvati, Haidle, CunhaAnalyses of cranial Trauma in Neanderthal and modern human fossil remains.
Melania Ioannidou21.07.2021Harvati, KoufosReevaluation of the Ouranopithecus macedoniensis paradigm, using virtual anthropology and geometric morphometrics.
Kerttu Majander29.11.2021Krause, ConardArchaeogenetic perspectives on population history and health in northeastern Fennoscandia.
Stefan Wettengl15.12.2021Floss, Conard, KrausseDie jungpaläolithischen Freilandfundstellen in Baden-Württemberg.
Simon Fröhle15.12.2021Floss, Conard, KrausseDie mittelpaläolithischen Freilandfundstellen Baden-Württembergs.
Madita Kairies23.12.2021Conard, WahlOsteologische Untersuchungen des Gräberfeldes in Ellwangen (Jagst) - Rekonstruktion der Lebensbedingungen einer mittelalterlichen bis frühneuzeitlichen Stadt.

Dissertationen 2020

Riczar Belcena Fuentes16.01.2020Conard, Pawlik, HaidleDetecting Microscopic Aspects of Late Pleistocene to Early/Mid Holocene Lithic Technology in Island Southeast Asia: Perspectives from North and Central Sulawesi.
Ingmar Michael Braun22.02.2020Floss, ConardAusgewählte Säugetierdarstellungen in der Eiszeitkunst und der Versuch ihrer zoologisch-ethologischen Interpretation.
Gillian Lynn Wong12.06.2020Conard, StarkovichHuman Palaeoecology during the Magdalenian in the Swabian Jura of Southwestern Germany
Alba Motes Rodrigo17.06.2020Tennie, ConardExperimental approaches to the study of Early Hominin Technology and Cognition using great apes as behavioral models.
Giulia Toniato24.07.2020Conard, StarkovichLate Pleistocene Environments and Hominin Ecology at Schafstall Rock Shelter in Southwestern Germany – An archaeological study based on E. Peter’s Excavation (1934-1948) and new fieldwork.
Anja Furtwängler09.10.2020Krause, ConardGenomic insights into late Neolithic and early bronze age populations of modern-day Switzerland.
Chris Baumann04.11.2020Conard, BocherensCrazy like a fox? How the study of archaeological fox remains can help to understand human behavior in the late Pleistocene of the Swabian Jura (Germany).
Elisabeth Angel Nelson22.12.2020Krause, ConardPaleopathological analysis of decease in the pre-colonial Americas.

Dissertationen 2019

Marina Riethmüller02.05.2019Floss, Conard, BartelheimPaläolithische Behälter: Archäologie, Ethnographie und Materialien.
Andrea Orendi23.05.2019Riehl, Conard, KamlahEntwicklung und Bedeutung agrarischer Ressourcen in der Südlevante der Bronze- und Eisenzeit.
Viola Schmid17.06.2019Conard, BoëdaThe C-A layers of Sibudu Cave (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa) in the light of the MSA lithic technologies of MIS 5.
Sara Elisabeth Rhodes08.07.2019Conard, StarkovichOf Mice and (Neanderthal) Men: The small mammal record of the Middle to Upper Paleolithic transition in the Swabian Jura, Germany.
Darya Presnyakova18.07.2019Conard, HarrisLandscape perspectives on variability in the Acheulean behavioural system in sub-Saharan Africa: A view from Koobi Fora and Elandsfontein.
Elisabeth Catherine Velliky09.09.2019Conard, PorrA case study of the relationship between hominins, ochre materials and early symbolic expression in the Upper Palaeolithic in Europe.
Maria Nuria Sanz Gallego15.10.2019Conard, LinstädterA critical analysis of the international standards for research and conversation of Pleistocene Sites: The future of the global heritage of human evolution.
Doga Karakaya22.10.2019Conard, RiehlBotanical Aspects of the Environment and Economy at Tell Tayinat from the Bronze to Iron Ages in South-Central Turkey.
Abel Marinus Bosman22.11.2019Sahle, HarvatiApplication on virtual anthropological techniques in the reconstruction and analysis of hominin crania from the late Middle Pleistocene to the Holocene.

Dissertationen 2018

Fotios Alexandros Karakostis06.02.2018Harvati, WahlInvestigating the effect of manual physical activity on the form of human hand enthuses.
Ewa Dutkiewicz24.04.2018Conard, FlossMarkierungen, Muster und Symbole im Schwäbischen Aurignacien.
Alexander Peltzer18.05.2018Nieselt, KrauseComputational methods for ancient genome reconstruction.
Alexander Weide20.06.2018Riehl, ConardSubsistence Strategies and Plant Domestication During the Near Eastern Neolithic Transition.
Domenico Giusti16.07.2018Harvati, ConardApplication of Spatial Statistics to the Study of Site Formation Processes.
Elisa Bandini16.07.2018Conard, TennieOn the individual learning of primate material culture.
Maria Alexandra Spyrou 03.08.2018Krause, ConardThe evolutionary history of plaque as revealed through the analysis of ancient Yersinia pestis genomes.
Hannes Rathmann30.10.2018Harvati, PosementirReconstructing human population structure and history from dental phenotypes: Theory, methods and application to the ancient Greek colonization of southern Italy.
Ashild Joanne Vågene10.12.2018Krause, ConardGenomic Insights into Pre- and Post-Contact Human Pathogens in the New World.
Armando Falcucci19.12.2018Conard, BolusA critical assessment of the Aurignacian: Insights from Fumane Cave in Northern Italy.

Promotionen 1921-2021

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