Dissertationen 2024
Name | Datum | Gutachter | Thema |
Mario Mata-González | 26.01.2024 | Conard, Starkovich, Munro | Ex Oriente Lux - New Zooarchaeological Insights on Late Pleistocene Subsistence Strategies at Ghar-e Boof (Southern Zagros) |
Barbara Huber | 13.02.2024 | Greiff, Roberts | Globalizing scents: investigating the trade and use of aromatic plants in the past using biomolecular approaches |
Nahui Wang | 03.06.2024 | Conard, Douka, Posth | Development and application of palaeoproteomics (ZooMS) on Palaeolithic assemblages from Europe and East Asia |
Angel Blanco Lapaz | 15.07.2024 | Conard, Starkovich, Bocherens | Who ate the fish? The role of fish during the Paleolithic in Western-Central Europe |
Marco Nicolì | 18.07.2024 | Riehl, Conard, Kamlah | Agriculture in Transition: An Archaeobotanical Study of Bronze Age Sites in the Southern Levant. |
Dissertationen 2023
Name | Datum | Gutachter | Thema |
William Daniel Snyder | 27.01.2023 | Tennie, Conard | New experimental insights into early hominin cultures and Oldowan technology |
Daniela Filipa Mirote de Matos | 10.02.2023 | Conard, Miller | Geoarchaeological Investigations in Southwestern Angola: macro- and micro-scale approaches to the Middle And Late Pleistocene of Leba Cave |
Heike Würschem | 12.06.2023 | Floss, Conard | Die Archäologie des östlichen Châtelperronien. Technologie, Chronologie und Implikationen zur Akkulturationshypothese am Übergang vom Mittel- zum Jungpaläolithikum in Europa |
Anne Yvonne Charlotte Kremmer | 16.06.2023 | Bocherens, Wahl | Socioeconomic differences and secular changes in living conditions in late medieval and postmedieval Luxembourg City |
Selina Carlhoff | 10.07.2023 | Posth, Krause, Bocherens | Human Archaeogenomics in Southeast Asia: Long Distance Dispersals and Community Structure from the Holocene to Colonial Times |
Sophie Gabriele Habinger | 11.07.2023 | Bocherens, Crowley | Paleoecology and paleoenvironments of early anthropoid and hominoid primates in Southeast Asia |
Frances Gill | 19.07.2023 | Conard, Bolus | Aurignacian Rhapsody With, through and about flutes from Swabian origins, in-between a priori, and a posteriori. |
Jana Kunze | 19.12.2023 | Harvati, Karakostis, Miller | Functional adaptations and muscle attachment (entheseal) patterns in the hands of apes, humans, and hominins |
Dissertationen 2022
Name | Datum | Gutachter | Thema |
Carolin Röding | 04.03.2022 | Harvati, Gunz | Hominin fossil remains from the Middle-Late Pleistocene Mediterranean: virtual anthroplogical case studies of fragementary cranial and dental remains |
Elivra Martin | 11.04.2022 | Floss, Conard | Überleben am Rande der bewohnbaren Welt. Die Ernährung der Hominiden während der OIS 3 im nördlichen Europa |
Li Li | 27.06.2022 | Tennie, Conard | An Experimental Approach to Reconstruct the "Invisible" Knapping Variables from the Early Pleistocene Archaeological Record |
Jacopo Niccolò Cerasoni | 12.07.2022 | Miller, Conard | Hominin Behaviour and Palaeoenvironments of Pleistocene West Africa |
Abay Namen | 19.07.2022 | Iovita, Conard | Raw Material Choices in the Palaeolithic of the Inner Asian Mountain Corridor of Kazakhstan |
Aristeidis Varis | 19.07.2022 | Iovita, Miller, Goldberg | The effect of formation processes in Palaeolithic settlement patterns: insights from south Kazakhstan and the Swabian Jura, Germany |
Tommaso Mori | 20.09.2022 | Harvati, Moggi-Cecchi | Homo erectus s.l. life history and geometric morphometrics analyses of contested specimens |
Flora Cecilia Schilt | 28.10.2022 | Junginger, Conard, Miller | Geoarchaeological investigations of Late Pleistocene environments in Austria and northern Malawi |
Diana Marcazzan | 04.11.2022 | Conard, Miller, Goldberg | Fire and beyond: a geoarchaeological analysis of the anthropogenic features from Fumane Cave (NE Italy) and Hohle Fels (SW Germany) |
Matthias Blessing | 04.11.2022 | Conard, Bolus, Tryon | Technological complexity as an indicator of behavioural modernity - A case study on Middle Palaeolithic birch tar production and South African microlithic technology |
Shaddai Heidgen | 16.11.2022 | Junginger, Conard | Early Holocene local environments, fire regimes, and land use signals inferred from multi-proxy palaeoecological records at two microregions of Southwestern Germany |
Dissertationen 2021
Name | Datum | Gutachter | Thema |
Samantha Joan Brown | 25.02.2021 | Douka, Conard | Identifying hominin remains in Siberia using peptide mass fingerprinting (ZooMS). |
Alice Paladin | 19.03.2021 | Harvati, Zink | Towards understanding health, diet and mobility in early medieval valleys, South Tyrol (Alto Adige-Südtirol) Italy. |
Regine Elisabeth Stolarczyk | 01.04.2021 | Haidle, Conard | Innovationen im Middle Stone Age Südafrikas: Die Analytik von Knochenartefakten und Heat Treatment unter einer handlungsorientieren Perspektive. |
Klaus Herkert | 14.05.2021 | Floss, Conard, Krauß | Das späte Mittel- und frühe Jungpaläolithikum der Cote Chalonnaise – Betrachtungen zu litho-technologischen Verhaltensweisen nebst forschungsgeschichltlicher Erörterungen – Eine Bestandsaufnahme. |
Markus Georg Siegeris | 21.05.2021 | Floss, Conard, Uthmeier | Petrographie, Kartierung und statische Auswertung lithischer Rohmaterialien – Fallstudien auf der Schwäbischen Alb und im südlichen Burgund. |
Kathrin Lisa Nägele | 09.06.2021 | Krause, Posth | An ancient genomic perspective on the human dispersals to tropical islands – implications for the settlement history of the ancient Caribbean and the Pacific. |
Shyama Cathy Alice Vermeersch | 16.06.2021 | Starkovich, Conard, Kamlah | Developments in subsistence practices from the early Bronze Age through the Iron Age in the Southern Levant. |
Judith Beier | 13.07.2021 | Harvati, Haidle, Cunha | Analyses of cranial Trauma in Neanderthal and modern human fossil remains. |
Melania Ioannidou | 21.07.2021 | Harvati, Koufos | Reevaluation of the Ouranopithecus macedoniensis paradigm, using virtual anthropology and geometric morphometrics. |
Kerttu Majander | 29.11.2021 | Krause, Conard | Archaeogenetic perspectives on population history and health in northeastern Fennoscandia. |
Stefan Wettengl | 15.12.2021 | Floss, Conard, Krausse | Die jungpaläolithischen Freilandfundstellen in Baden-Württemberg. |
Simon Fröhle | 15.12.2021 | Floss, Conard, Krausse | Die mittelpaläolithischen Freilandfundstellen Baden-Württembergs. |
Madita Kairies | 23.12.2021 | Conard, Wahl | Osteologische Untersuchungen des Gräberfeldes in Ellwangen (Jagst) - Rekonstruktion der Lebensbedingungen einer mittelalterlichen bis frühneuzeitlichen Stadt. |
Dissertationen 2020
Name | Datum | Gutachter | Thema |
Riczar Belcena Fuentes | 16.01.2020 | Conard, Pawlik, Haidle | Detecting Microscopic Aspects of Late Pleistocene to Early/Mid Holocene Lithic Technology in Island Southeast Asia: Perspectives from North and Central Sulawesi. |
Ingmar Michael Braun | 22.02.2020 | Floss, Conard | Ausgewählte Säugetierdarstellungen in der Eiszeitkunst und der Versuch ihrer zoologisch-ethologischen Interpretation. |
Gillian Lynn Wong | 12.06.2020 | Conard, Starkovich | Human Palaeoecology during the Magdalenian in the Swabian Jura of Southwestern Germany |
Alba Motes Rodrigo | 17.06.2020 | Tennie, Conard | Experimental approaches to the study of Early Hominin Technology and Cognition using great apes as behavioral models. |
Giulia Toniato | 24.07.2020 | Conard, Starkovich | Late Pleistocene Environments and Hominin Ecology at Schafstall Rock Shelter in Southwestern Germany – An archaeological study based on E. Peter’s Excavation (1934-1948) and new fieldwork. |
Anja Furtwängler | 09.10.2020 | Krause, Conard | Genomic insights into late Neolithic and early bronze age populations of modern-day Switzerland. |
Chris Baumann | 04.11.2020 | Conard, Bocherens | Crazy like a fox? How the study of archaeological fox remains can help to understand human behavior in the late Pleistocene of the Swabian Jura (Germany). |
Elisabeth Angel Nelson | 22.12.2020 | Krause, Conard | Paleopathological analysis of decease in the pre-colonial Americas. |