2020 | Ada Dinçkal | Geoarchaeological Investigations at the site of Diepkloof Rockshelter (DRS), South Africa |
2020 | Enrique Fernández-Palacios | Approaching formation processes at the aboriginal site of Belmaco Cave (La Palma, Canary Islands) through the combined use of soil micromorphology and lipid biomarkers |
2020 | Johannes Seidler | The life of a kiln – Micromorphological and archaeometric analysis of a neo-assyrian pyrotechnological installation |
2020 | Muhammad Awais Qarni | An experimental Geoarchaeological Investigation of Pyrotechnological Installations used in Ceramic Production |
2018 | Ann-Katrin Schmidt | Micromorphology of a Germanic grave from Pförring, Germany |
2017 | Sarah Meinekat | A geoarchaeological investigation of the site formation processes of Cuncaicha Rockshelter, Peru |
2017 | Döbereiner Chala-Aldana | Assessment of mobility and highland occupation strategies during the Early Holocene at the Cuncaicha Rock Shelter through Strontium and Oxygen Isotopes |
2016 | Lucia Leierer | Site formation processes in urban Corinth, Greece—a micromorphological approach |
2015 | Karin Bihler | Nachweis Neolithischer Siedlungsplätze durch geophysikalische Prospektion im schwäbischen Teil Bayerns |
2014 | Peter Kloos | Geoarchaeological investigations of sediment peels from Rose Cottage Cave, South Africa |
2014 | Alessandra Zanoni | Using micromorphology and microfacies analysis to understand the settlement history of the aceramic tell of Chogha Golan, Ilam Provice, Iran |
2014 | Matthias Göden | Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen zur Fundplatzgenese von Hoedjiespunt 1, Western Cape, Südafrika |
2014 | Markus Seil | Untersuchungen an Putzstücken, Fundstelle Dosariyah, Saudi-Arabien |
2012 | Christoph Wißing | Geoarchäologische Untersuchungen in Germolles |
2011 | Flora Schilt | Micromorphology of Upper Paleolithic and Historic sediments from Boof Cave, Iran |