IFIB – Interfakultäres Institut für Biochemie

Image Gallery

2024 MSc Module "Cell Signaling"

2024 11th International Conference on cGMP, Lübeck, Germany (June 28-30, 2024)

The pictures show members of the Feil Lab and GRK 2381 enjoying science as well as the beautiful city of Lübeck. We had a great time there! 

2023 Christmas Party

2023 Daniel Stehle's Farewell and all the best for La Jolla!

2022 X-Mas Bowling

2021 Girl Power

2021 Weinbau Gugel

2019 Christmas Party

2019 Platelet Meeting Tübingen

2019 Welcome BBQ for our new lab members

Chiemsee Retreat 2016

Summer BBQ 2016

Christmas Bowling 2015

Chiemsee Retreat 2015

FOR 2060 Meeting in Rottenburg, Germany, 2015

FOR 2060 Meeting in Göttingen, Germany, 2014

Cyclic GMP Meeting in Erfurt, Germany, 2013