Simon Jaag
Der Arbeitskreis Separation Science in der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker verleiht Herrn Dr. Simon Jaag den ERNST-BAYER-PREIS 2025 für junge Nachwuchswissenschafter auf dem Gebiet der analytischen Trenntechniken für seine Publikation "Three-Minute Enantioselective Amino Acid Analysis by Ultra-High-Performance Liquid Chromatography Drift Tube Ion Mobility-Mass Spectrometry Using a Chiral Core–Shell Tandem Column Approach"
Anal. Chem., 2024, 96 (6), pp 2666–2675.
Kristian Serafimov
is the winner of the Best Poster Award at the 27th International Symposium on Separation Sciences (ISSS 2023, 24.09. - 27.09.2023, Cluj) for his presentation entitled "Targeted Metabolic Analysis for Urine, Plasma and Cell Extracts by Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry".
Michael Lämmerhofer
was selected into the "Powerlist 2023" of the Top 100 analytical chemists of "The Analytical Scientist".
Michael Lämmerhofer
received an Agilent Research Award 2021
Marc Wolter
is the winner of the Best Poster Award (2nd place) at the 51st International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2023, 18.06. - 22.06.2023, Düsseldorf) for his presentation entitled "Development and investigation of a mixed-mode RP/WAX phase with pH-dependent surface charge reversal for hydrophobic charge-induction chromatography of proteins".
Marc Wolter
is the winner of the Best Poster Award at the DPhG Jahrestagung 2022 (13.09. - 16.09.2022, Marburg) for his presentation entitled "Preparation and chromatographic exploration of cross-linked amido-amino silica with improved hydrolytic stability and its evaluation against benchmark amino phases".
Ece Aydin
is the winner of the Best Poster Award at the 26th International Symposium on Separation Sciences (ISSS 2022, 28.06. - 01.07.2022, Ljubljana) for her presentation entitled "Sensitive UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS method for quantification of endocannabinoids in cerebrospinal fluid using surrogate calibrant and surrogate matrix approaches".
Peng Li
is the winner of the Best Poster Award at the 37th International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis (e-MSB 2021, July 12-15, 2021) for his presentation entitled "Targeted Profiling of Short-, Medium-, and Long-Chain Fatty Acyl-Coenzyme As in Biological Samples by Phosphate Methylation Coupled to Liquid Chromatography–Tandem Mass Spectrometry".
Michael Lämmerhofer
J.F.K. Huber Name Lecture Award 2021: The Austrian Society of Analytical Chemistry in the Austrian Chemical Society presents the J.F.K. Huber Name Lecture Award to Prof. Dr. Michael Lämmerhofer, Pharmaceutical Sciences, University Tübingen, Germany, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to fundamentals in high performance liquid chromatography including the development of chiral stationary phases, mixed-mode phases, monolithic columns and functionalized nanomaterials.
Simon Jaag
erhält den Prof. Martin Wahl-Preis im Masterstudiengang "Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies" aufgrund der Note sehr gut (1,00) im Rahmen seiner Masterarbeit "Chromatographic and Mass Spectrometric Methods for the Analytical Characterization of Biopharmaceuticals".
Der Preis wurde im Rahmen des "Tag der Pharmazie 2020" am 29.10.2020 überreicht.
Bernhard Drotleff
erhält in Würdigung seiner herausragenden Dissertation "Development and Optimization of Targeted/Untargeted Lipidomic Screening Methodologies in Pharmaceutical and Clinical Bioanalysis by Liquid Chromatography-High Resolution-Mass Spectrometry" den Promotionspreis 2020, verliehen von der Eberhard Karls Universtität Tübingen auf Vorschlag der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät.
Michael Lämmerhofer
was selected into the "Powerlist 2019" of the Top 100 analytical chemists of "The Analytical Scientist".
Bernhard Drotleff
Lehrpreis des Pharmazeutischen Institutes der Universität Tübingen
gewählt von der Fachschaft Pharmazie, 2019
Jörg Schlotterbeck
erhält den Merckle Promotionspreis Pharmazie 2019 gestiftet von der RAM Stiftung Ulm für seine Doktorarbeit zum Thema "Targeted and Non-targeted Lipidomics for Phaarmaceutical and Clinical Applications".
Der Preis wurde im Rahhmen des "Tag der Pharmazie 2019" am 17.10.2019 überreicht.
Christian Geibel
Poster Award (1st place)
for the poster entitled “Zwitterionic Chiral Ion-Exchangers: a Comparison of Different Particle Morphologies Against Fully Porous Particle Benchmark and Implementation in UHPLC Methods"
presented at the 12th Balaton Symposium on High Performance Separation Methods
Siófok, Hungary, September 11-13, 2019
Stefanie Bäurer
Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Mixed Mode Stationary Phases and their Benefit in Two-Dimensional Pharmaceutical Analysis"
presented at the 12th Balaton Symposium on High Performance Separation Methods
Siófok, Hungary, September 11-13, 2019
Carlos Calderón Castro
Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Comprehensive UHPLC-MS/MS Lipidomics Profiling to Study Effects of Betulin on Keratinocytes"
presented at the 48th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2019)
Milan, Italy, June 16-20, 2019
Stefanie Bäurer
Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Mixed Mode Stationary Phases and their Benefit in LC x LC"
presented at the 48th International Symposium on High-Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques (HPLC 2019)
Milan, Italy, June 16-20, 2019
Bernhard Drotleff
Poster Award (2nd Place)
for the poster entitled “Towards Absolute Quantification in Untargeted Lipidomics using Class-Specific Surrogate Calibrants"
presented at the 8. Berliner LC-MS/MS Symposium
Berlin, Germany, April 01-02, 2019
Ulrich Woiwode
Der Arbeitskreis Separation Science in der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker verleiht Herrn Dr. Ulrich Woiwode den ERNST-BAYER-PREIS 2018 für junge Naachwuchswissenschafter auf dem Gebiet der analytischen Trenntechniken für seine Publikation "Imaging peptide and protein chirality via amino acid analysis by chiral × chiral two-dimensional correlation liquid chromatography"
Anal. Chem., 2018, 90 (13), pp 7963–7971
Bernhard Drotleff
Lehrpreis des Pharmazeutischen Institutes der Universität Tübingen
gewählt von der Fachschaft Pharmazie, 2018
Bernhard Drotleff
Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Enhancing Inter-Batch Comparibility in Untargeted Lipidomics by a Semi-Quantitative Study Design"
presented at the DPhG Jahrestagung
Hamburg, Germany, October 02-05, 2018
Stefanie Bäurer
Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled "Influence of the Immobilization Chemistry on Chromatographic Features of Reversed Phase/Weak Anion-Exchange Mixed Mode Silica Gel"
presented at the 32th International Symposium on Chromatography
Cannes-Mandelieu, France, September 23-27, 2018
Agilent Research Award (Agilent 2D-LC Research Partner)
Stefanie Bäurer
Poster Award (1st place)
for the poster entitled "Characterization of Stable-Bond Reversed Phase/Weak Anion-Exchange Mixed-Mode Stationary Phases and the Benefit of Strong Acidic Co-Ligands"
presented at the 11th Balaton Symposium on High Performance Separation Methods
Siófok, Hungary, September 6-8, 2017
Bernhard Drotleff
Agilent Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Quantification of Steroid Hormones in Plasma using a Surrogate Calibrant Approach and HPLC-HR-MS/MS with SWATH-Acquisition”
presented at the HPLC 2017
Prague, Czech Republic, June 18-22, 2017
Stefan Neubauer
Agilent Best Poster Award Finalist
has been awarded a Springer Verlag Book Prize for the poster entitled “Comprehensive profiling of amino acid degradation products by LC-HR-MS/MS”
presented at the HPLC 2017
Prague, Czech Republic, June 18-22, 2017
Siyao Liu
has been awarded a Lab on a Chip Poster Prize at 33rd International Symposium on Microscale Separations and Bioanalysis
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 26th-29th March, 2017
Michael Lämmerhofer
Der Arbeitskreis Separation Science in der Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie der GDCh verleiht anlässlich der ANAKON 2017 in Tübingen
Herrn Prof. Dr. Michael Lämmerhofer, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
den Gerhard-Hesse-Preis 2017 für herausragende Leistungen und Verdienste auf dem Gebiet der analytischen Trenntechniken
Corinna Sanwald
Finnish Mass Spectrometry Society Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Comparison of different acquisition modes for LC-MS/MS- based metabolic profiling of mammalian cell lines”
presented at the ITP2015/NoSSS2015
Helsinki, Finland, August 30-September 3, 2015
Markus Höldrich
Agilent Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Heterogeneous Nanobiocatalysts for Sample Preperation in Protein Analytics”
presented at the HPLC 2015
Geneva, Switzerland, June 21-25, 2015
Jeannie Horak
Best Poster Prize
for the poster entitled “Protein A - size exclusion high performance liquid chromatography (PSEC-HPLC), a versatile tool for material characterization as well as up and down stream bio-process optimization”
presented at the 15th International Symposium on Preparative and Industrial Chromatography and Allied Techniques
Basel, Switzerland, October 5-8, 2014
Stefan Polnick
Nomination for the Genzo Shimadzu Best Poster Award
(nomination amongst top 16 out of 570 posters) at ISC 2014 Salzburg for the poster entitled “How does plasmid-DNA interact with quinine carbamate ligand of HPLC-column stationary phases? A 1H saturation transfer difference nuclear magnetic resonance study”
presented at the 30th International Symposium on Chromatography
Salzburg, Austria, September 14-18, 2014
Heike Gerhardt
Genzo Shimadzu Best Poster Award
(awarded amongst top 8 out of 570 posters) at ISC 2014 Salzburg for the poster entitled “Hydrocarbon analysis in adhesion secretions of cockroaches by GC-MS – comparison of different sampling methods”
presented at the 30th International Symposium on Chromatography
Salzburg, Austria, September 14-18, 2014
Michael Lämmerhofer
Chromatographic Society Jubilee Medal
handed over at the 30th International Symposium on Chromatography
Salzburg, Austria, September 14-18, 2014
Heike Gerhardt
Best Poster Award
for the poster entitled “Towards lipidomics profiling of adhesion secretions of insects by GC-MS”
presented at Anakon 2013
Essen, Germany, March 4-7, 2013