Institut für die Kulturen des Alten Orients

Royal Inscriptions (21-29)

(21) Statue of Enmetena

CIRPL 31 (copy); D.R. Frayne, RIME 1, 219-222 (edition); G. Marchesi/N. Marchetti, MC 14, 176-179 (edition).

Photographs of the inscription can be found in C.J. Gadd, UET 1, pl. A-B, photographs of the statue in L. Woolley, UE 4, pl. 40.

(22) Gudea statue A

DC II, pl. VI-VII (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 29f. (edition).

Photographs of this statue can be found in F. Johansen, Mesopotamia 6, pl. 1-4 and in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 15 no. 5 and pl. 20.

(23) Gudea statue C

DC II, pl. XVI-XVII (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 38-40 (edition).

Photographs of this statue can be found in F. Johansen, Mesopotamia 6, pl. 5-8 and in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 10, pl. 13 no. 1.

(24) Gudea statue D

DC II, pl. XVII-XIX (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 38-40 (edition).

Photographs of this statue can be found in F. Johansen, Mesopotamia 6, pl. 23-27 and in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 9.

(25) Gudea statue F

DC II, pl. XVIII-XXV (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 46-48 (edition).

Photographs of this statue are published in F. Johansen, Mesopotamia 6, pl. 28-32 and in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 14 and pl. 15 nos. 2-4.

(26) Gudea statue H

DC II, pl. XXVIII (copy); D.O. Edzard, RIME 3/1, 50f. (edition).

Photographs of this staue are published in F. Johansen, Mesopotamia 6, pl. 33-36 and in E. de Sarzec, DC II, pl. 13 no. 4.

(27) Door socket

UVB 10, pl. 28 (copy); D.R. Frayne, RIME 3/2, 262-264 (edition); A. Becker, AUWE 6, 7 Nr. 26, Taf. 3 (description with photographs).

The door socket is currently in the Iraq Museum, Baghdad (IM 46207).

The four detail photographs are reproduced with kind permission of the Vorderasiatisches Museum, Berlin and the DAI/Orientabteilung.

(28) Dedicatory cone

LIH 58 (copy); D.R. Frayne, RIME 4, 347-349 (edition).

There are currently no photographs of this object or its duplicates available.

(29) Dedicatory cone

UET 8 84 (cone head); D.R. Frayne, RIME 4, 278f.

The collection database of the British Museum has a photograph of a duplicate (BM 122869) of this inscription. The cone is the second to left object in the photograph.