Allabar A, Dobson KJ, Bauer CC, Nowak M (2019) Soufflé collapse: Vesicle shrinkage in hydrous silicate melts during quench. GeoMünster, 22.-25. September 2019. Münster, Germany. (talk)
Allabar A, Dobson KJ, Bauer CC, Nowak M (2019) Soufflé collapse reloaded: Vesicle shrinkage in hydrous phonolitic melt during quench. 02.-05. October 2019. 11th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite-Pierre, France. (poster)
Allabar A, Nowak M (2019) Message in a bottle: Phase separation of hydrous Vesuvius melt during decompression driven by spinodal decomposition. 02.-05. October 2019. 11th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite-Pierre, France. (talk)
Allabar A, Nowak M (2018) Experimental H2O degassing of Vesuvius melt: porosity, bubble shrinkage and coalescence. Physics of Volcanoes 2018. Kiel, Germany.
Allabar A, Nowak M (2018) Spinodal decomposition of hydrous Vesuvius melt triggering explosive volcanism. EMPG XVI Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Allabar A, Nowak M (2018) Bubble shrinkage in experimentally decompressed Vesuvius melt. EMPG XVI Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Coumans JP, Llewellin EW, Humphreys MCS, Nowak M, Brooker RA, Mathias SA, McIntosh IM (2017) A new robust numerical water diffusion model with applications to rhyolitic volcanism. IAVCEI 2017, Portland, USA.
Gaida NA, Nishiyama N, Beermann O, Giehl C, Schürmann U, Nowak M, Bhat S, Holzheid A, Kienle L (2017) On the transparency and mechanical durability of nano-polycrystalline ceramics synthesized by high-pressure crystallization from glass. AGU Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, USA.
Giehl C, Brooker RA, Marxer H, Nowak M (2017) Volcanic ash deposition, accumulation and dislodgement in gas turbines: implications for jet engine safety. NATO Science and Technology Meeting ("Impact of Volcanic Ash Clouds on Military Operations"), Vilnius, Lithuania in May 2017.
Allabar A, Bons P, Nowak M (2016) Quench of bubble bearing magma: The soufflé collapse. IODP/ICDP colloquium Heidelberg.
Giehl C, Brooker RA, Marxer H, Nowak M (2016) The Effect of volcanic ash composition and glass content on jet engine safety. EMC2, Rimini, Italy.
Allabar A, Marxer H, Bons P, Nowak M (2015) Quench of bubble bearing magma: The soufflé collapse. 10th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Burisch M, Marks MAW, Nowak M, Markl G (2015) The Effect of temperature and cataclastic deformation on salinity, halogen systematics and metal transport capacities of continental basement brines – an experimental approach. Society for Geology Applied to Mineral Deposits (SGA) 2015, Nancy.
Burisch M, Marks MAW, Nowak M, Markl G (2015) The effect of temperature and cataclastic deformation on salinity, halogen systematics and metal transport capacities of continental basement brines – an experimental approach. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.
Giehl C, Schröder C, Wenzel T, Marks MAW, Nowak M (2015) Synthesis of and analytical procedures for sodium- and halogen-rich silicate glasses. 10th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Huq F, Haderlein SB, Cirpka OA, Nowak M, Blum P, Grathwohl P (2015) Flow through experiment on CO2-brine-rock interaction in a sandstone from the Altmark gas reservoir. EAGE Madrid, Spain. Extended abstract, peer reviewed. DOI: 10.3997/2214-4609.201413367.
Marks MAW, Lindhuber MJ, Ratschbacher BC, Giehl C, Nowak M, Markl G (2015) Eudialyte-group minerals as monitors of magmatic and hydrothermal processes in peralkaline rocks. Goldschmidt Conference 2015, Prague.
Marxer H, Preuss O, Nowak M (2015) Experimental investigation of homogeneous bubble nucleation and H2O degassing in silicate melts during magma ascent. 10th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Preuss O, Marxer M, Nowak M (2015) Influence of starting material on the degassing behavior of trachytic and phonolitic melts. EGU 2015, Vienna.
Preuss O, Marxer M, Nowak M (2015) Limitations of decompression experiments using a trachytic Campi Flegrei composition. IODP/ICDP colloquium Bonn. Abs. Vol.: 109-111.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2014) Manganese partitioning: a perspective for geothermometry in highly evolved (per-) alkaline magmatic systems. DMG Jena
Preuss O, Marxer M, Nowak M (2014) Simulating Campi Flegrei magma ascent using continuous decompression experiments. Goldschmidt Conference, Sacramento, USA.
Preuss O, Nowak M, Ulmer S (2014) Simulation of magma ascent prior to the high-risk caldera forming eruptions of Campi Flegrei using continuous decompression experiments and different starting materials. IODP/ICDP Erlangen.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2013) Phase relations in peralkaline Cl- and F-rich phonolitic melts. AGU, San Francisco.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2013) An experimental study on phase relations in peralkaline iron-rich melts: the influence of halogens and implications for geothermometry and trace element partitioning. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Giehl C, Schröder C, Wenzel T, Nowak M (2013) High temperature synthesis of iron-, sodium- and halogen-rich silicate glasses: experimental and analytical challenges. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Kappler A, Posth NR, Köhler I, Swanner E, Schröder C, Wellmann E, Binder B, Konhauser K, Neumann U, Berthold C , Nowak M, Papineau D (2013) Simulating Precambrian banded iron formation diagenesis. Goldschmidt 2013 Florence.
Marxer H, Bellucci P, Ulmer S, Nowak M (2013 Experimental magma degassing: The revenge of the deformed bubbles. AGU, San Francisco.
Marxer H, Bellucci P, Ulmer S, Nowak M (2013) Magma degassing experiments: A closer look. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Marxer H, Bellucci P, Ulmer S, Nowak M (2013) Simulating magma ascent: An experimental challenge. Abs. Vol. IODP/ICDP colloquium Freiberg.
Nowak M, Giehl C, Marxer M, Brooker R (2013) The impact of volcanic ash in jet turbine engines. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen
Preuss O, Ulmer S, Nowak M (2013) Simulation of Campi Flegrei magma ascent - using continuous decompression experiments. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Preuss O, Nowak M (2013) Simulation of magma ascent prior to the high risk caldera forming eruptions of Campi Flegrei: first results. Abs. Vol. IODP/ICDP colloquium Freiberg.
Siersch NC, Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2013) The influence of H2O and pressure on phase relations in peralkaline iron-rich melts: an experimental study. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Winterhalder A, Giehl C, Mertz-Kraus R, Marks M, Nowak M (2013) Trace element partitioning in peralkaline iron-rich melts. DMG-GV 2013, Tübingen.
Huq F, Blum P, Nowak M, Haderlein S, Grathwohl P (2012) Experimental study on rock-water interaction due to CO2 injection under in-situ P-T condition of the Altmark gas reservoir, Germany. EUG 2012, Vienna.
Huq F, Nowak M, Haderlein S, Grathwohl P (2012) Chemical changes in pore water composition due to CO2 injection under in-situ P-T condition of the Altmark gas reservoir, Germany. AGU Fall 2012, San Francisco.
Marxer H, Nowak M (2012) Simulating magma ascent: an experimental challenge. EMPG 2012 Kiel.
Marxer H, Nowak M (2012) Micro-FTIR imaging using a focal plane array detector: An advanced method for the investigation of H2O and CO2 diffusion processes in silicate melts. EMC2 2012, Frankfurt.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2012) Fractional and equilibrium crystallization experiments on a peralkaline, iron-rich composition. EMPG 2012, Kiel.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2012) Phase relations in extremely iron- and halogen-rich peralkaline compositions. EMC2 2012, Frankfurt.
Beermann O, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M (2011) Partitioning of S and Cl between basaltic melt and coexisting aqueous fluid: experimental constraints at 1050°C and 100 and 200 MPa. 9th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Giehl C, Bellucci P, Nguyen HT, Marks M, Nowak M (2011) Experimental investigation of the differentiation of iron-rich peralkaline magma. Peralk-Conference 2011 Tübingen.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2011) Understanding iron-rich peralkaline magmatic systems: an experimental approach. DMG 2011, Salzburg.
Giehl C, Babil R, Reiche S, Marks M, Nowak M (2011) Experimental investigation of the differentiation of iron-rich peralkaline magma. Goldschmidt Conference, Prag.
Huq F, Blum P, Marks M, Nowak M, Haderlein S, Grathwohl P (2011) Chemical changes in pore water composition due to CO2 injection: preliminary results and comparison between analytical methods. CLEAN Final Conference 17th – 18th May 2011 German Research Centre for Geosciences – Potsdam.
Kappler A, Posth NR, Koehler I, Schroeder C, Konhauser KO, Neumann U, Berthold C, Nowak M (2011) Pressure-temperature diagenesis of biogenic Fe minerals produces siderite and magnetite as present in banded iron formations. Goldschmidt Conference 2011, Prag.
Marxer H, Nowak M, Cichy S (2011) Degassing of magma: a new experimental approach. 9th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Nowak M (2011) A novel type of a piezo actuator controlled high pressure valve for simulation of magma ascent. 9th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Nowak M, Giehl C, Marxer H, Brooker R (2011) Volcanic ash in jet turbine engines. 9th Silicate Melt Workshop, La Petite Pierre, France.
Schröder C, Köhler I, Schmid G, Eickhoff M, Posth N, Berthold C, Neumann U, Nowak M, Kappler A (2011) Simulating diagenesis of banded iron formations. European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA), Cologne, Germany.
BeermannO, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M (2010) Redox control on the Sulfur solubility of Etna basalt at geologic relevant magma storage conditions. EMPG XIII, Toulouse, France.
Beermann O, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M (2010) Partitioning of chlorine and sulfur between Cl-S-H2O fluid and basaltic melt: implication to the magma source and redox conditions of volcanic degassing at Mt. Etna. DMG 2010 Münster.
Giehl C, Bellucci P, Nguyen H-T, Marks M, Nowak M (2010) Experimental investigation of the differentiation of iron-rich peralkaline magma. DMG 2010 Münster.
Huq F, Blum P, Nowak M, Haderlein S, Grathwohl P (2010) Geochemical changes in pore water and reservoir rock due to CO2 injection. EUG 2010 Vienna.
Myrttinen A, Becker V, van Geldern R, Nowak M, Barth JAC (2010). Stable isotope and dissolved inorganic carbon sampling, monitoring and analytical methods in CO2 injection and EGR projects. In: Underground Storage of CO2 and Energy. Edited by Hou MZ, Xie H,Yoon J, CRC Press, 384 pp, 75-78.
Myrttinen A, Nowak M, van Geldern R, Becker V, Blum P, Barth JAC (2010). 13dC and dissolved inorganic carbon analysis of the CO2 –H2O system at elevated pressures and temperatures. FH-DGG 2010, Tübingen.
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F (2009) Sulfur solubility in hydrous Etna Basalt at temperatures from 1150 to 1250 °C and 200 MPa. EUG 2009 Vienna, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts 11, EGU2009-10175-1.
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F (2009) Sulfur solubility in hydrous Etna basalt: an experimental study at temperatures between 1150 and 1250°C and 200 MPa. DMG 2009 Halle. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31, 2009: 23.
Beermann O, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M, Holtz F (2009) Redox control on S and Cl partitioning between basaltic melts and coexisting fluids: Experimental constraints at 1050°C and 200 MPa. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52)/, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract V43B-2230.
Giehl C, Marks M, Nowak M (2009) Crystallisation experiments on iron-rich peralkaline melts. DMG 2009 Halle. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31, 2009: 80.
Myrttinen A, Nowak M, Becker V, Barth JAC (2009) Stable isotope and dissolved inorganic carbon analysis of the CO2-H2O system at various pressures and temperatures. DMG 2009 Halle. Hallesches Jahrbuch für Geowissenschaften 31, 2009: 171.
Beermann O, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M, Holtz F (2008) S and Cl partitioning between aqueous fluid and basaltic melt of Mt. Etna: an experimental study at 200 MPa and 1050 °C. 12th International Conference on Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry - EMPG XII - (Innsbruck, Austria 2008). 7-10 September, 2008 Doctype: Conference Paper.
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F (2008) Etna Basalt in coexistance with S-rich hydrous fluid: an experimental study at 1200 °C. DMG 2008, Berlin.
Beermann O, Botcharnikov RE, Nowak M, Holtz F (2008) S and Cl degassing of hydrous Etna basalt: an experimental study. EUG 2008, Geophys. Res. Abs. Vol. 10, A-12407.
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F (2007) Sulfur saturation of Etna Basalt at 200 MPa: Experimental setup and first results. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts 2007, A72.
Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov RE, Holtz F (2007) Chlorine and Sulfur in hydrous ETNA basalt: implications for volcanic degassing. 8th Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2007) Experimental approach to pre-eruptive magmatic conditions of LIP basalts. Abs. Vol. Joint Colloquium of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Beermann O, Stelling J, Nowak M, Botcharnikov R (2006) Partitioning of chlorine between H2O-bearing fluid and basaltic melt of Mt. Etna. Abstractband “Arbeitskreis nichtkristalline und partiellkristalline Strukturen der DGK“ (XXVII Tagung).
Giordano D, Potuzàk M, Romano C, Russell JK, Nowak M, Dingwell DB (2006) Transport and thermodynamic properties of hydrous melts in the system An-Di. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2006, abstract #MR43B-1077.
Nowak M, Spickenbom K (2006) Carbon dioxide speciation in sodium aluminosilicate melts determined by argon and carbon dioxide diffusion experiments and in situ infrared spectroscopy. Abstractband “Arbeitskreis nichtkristalline und partiellkristalline Strukturen der DGK“ (XXVII Tagung).
Spickenbom K, Nowak M, Sierralta M, Strauss H (2006) CO2 speciation in Na aluminosilicate melts. Abs. Vol. EMPG, 70
Spickenbom K, Sierralta M, Nowak M (2006) CO2 speciation and diffusion in Na aluminosilicate melts determined by diffusion experiments and in situ IR spectroscopy. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral.18, 132.
Stelling J, Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov R (2006) Solubility of H2O-Cl-bearing fluids in basaltic melt of Mt. Etna. Abs. Vol. EMPG, 72.
Stelling J, Beermann O, Nowak M, Botcharnikov R (2006) Partitioning of chlorine between hydrous fluid and basaltic melt of Mt. Etna. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 136.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Crystallistaion kinetics in synthetic magma chambers. Abstractband “Arbeitskreis nichtkristalline und partiellkristalline Strukturen der DGK“ (XXVII Tagung).
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Phase relation of LIP basalts at different oxygen fugacities. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 138.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Kinetics of crystallisation experiments in basaltic systems. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 18, 139.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Crystallisation kinetics in synthetic magma chambers. Abs. Vol. EMPG, 73.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Influence of oxygen fugacity on phase relation of LIP basalts. Abs. Vol. EMPG, 72.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2006) Pre-eruptive magmatic conditions of the Kerguelen large igneous province: an experimental study. Abs. Vol. Joint Colloquium of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Nowak M (2005) Argon and CO2 diffusion in silicate melts: A tool for the development of a CO2 speciation and diffusion model. Abstractband “Arbeitskreis nichtkristalline und partiellkristalline Strukturen der DGK“ (XXVI Tagung).
Nowak M, Strauß H, Holtz F (2005) Pre-eruptive volatile contents and degassing potential of Kerguelen large igneous province basalts: preliminary results of an experimental study. Abs. Vol. Joint Colloquium of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2005) Diffusion of Ar and CO2 in Na aluminosilicate melts. Geophys. Res. Abs. 7, 03436. Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2005) Diffusion of Ar and CO2 in Na aluminosilicate melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 17, 132
Stelling J, Nowak M, Botcharnikov R (2005) Solubility of H2O-chlorine fluids in basaltic melt of Mount Etna. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 17, 135. Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2005) Phase relations of the pre-eruptive magma of the Kerguelen large igneous province. Abs. Vol. Joint Colloquium of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2005) Experiments on volatile contents of large igneous province basalts. Geophys. Res. Abs. 7, 08067.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2005) Phase relations in volatile bearing large igneous province basalt of the Kerguelen Plateau and kinetics of crystallization experiments. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral. 17, 136.
Nowak M, Behrens H, Porbatzki D (2004) Progress in dilatometric studies of silicate melts at high P and T. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 100.
Spickenbom K, Schreen D, Nowak M (2004) Resolving the enigma of carbon dioxide speciation and diffusion in natural silicate melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 137.
Spickenbom K, Schreen D, and Nowak M (2004) CO2 diffusion in simplified natural melts. Lithos, Suppl., 73, 105.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F (2004) First steps towards an estimation of preeruptive volatile contents of Kerguelen Plateau basalts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 16, 141.
Strauß H, Nowak M, Holtz F, Freise M (2004) Volatile content in parental melts of large igneous province basalt, the Kerguelen Plateau. Abs. Vol. Joint Colloquium of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) and International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP).
Nowak M (2003) Speciation and diffusion of H2O and CO2 in silicate melts. ESF LESC Exploratory Workshop, 21-22. Nowak M, Holtz F, Botcharnikov R, Behrens H (2003) Solubilities of mixed volatiles in silicate melts. ESF LESC Exploratory Workshop, 25-26.
Nowak M, Schreen D (2003) Argon diffusion in silicate melts: a tool for the development of a CO2 diffusion model? Seventh Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France, 48.
Nowak M, Spickenbom K, Porbatzki D (2003) The dissolution of carbon dioxide in silicate melts. Geophys. Res. Abs. 5, 02636.
Porbatzki D, Hurkuck W, Behrens H, Nowak M (2003) In situ container-based dilatometry at high pressures and temperatures: a challenging technical approach. Seventh Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France, 52.
Schreen D, Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2003) Argon diffusion in silicate melts: a tool for the development of a CO2 diffusion model?. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 180.
Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2003) Carbon dioxide diffusion in simplified natural melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 15, 195.
Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2003) Carbon dioxide diffusion in simplified natural melts. Seventh Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France, 62.
Bhalla P, Blaine F, Holtz F, Brügmann GE, Wittenberg A, Nowak M (2002) Chloride distribution between hydrous fluid and basalt at 0.1 - 0.2 GPa; Effect of chloride on Platinum solubility. J. Conf. Abs., 7-1, 12.
Böhm A, Schreen D, Sierralta M, Nowak M (2002) Effect of melt composition on the diffusivity of bulk CO2 and implications for the diffusion mechanisms. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 14, 23.
Nowak M, Böhm A, Sierralta M (2002) Influence of melt composition on the mobility of carbon dioxide and implications for the diffusion mechanisms. J. Conf. Abs., 7-1, 80.
Nowak M, Porbatzki D (2002) New insights into carbon dioxide speciation in silicate glasses and melts. J. Conf. Abs., 7-1, 80-81.
Spickenbom K, Nowak M (2002) Kinetics of the CO2 species reaction in silicate melts and glasses. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 14, 160.
Berndt J, Freise M, Holtz F, Liebske C, Nowak M, Ziegenbein D, Hurkuck W, Koepke J (2001) A combined rapid-quench and H2-membrane setup for internally heated pressure vessels. Application to the determination of water solubility in MORB as a function of fO2. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral.,13, 22.
Nowak M (2001) H2O und CO2 in Silikatschmelzen: Ihre Bedeutung für Eigenschaften und Dynamik von Magmen. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 133.
Porbatzki D, Nowak M (2001) Annealing CO2-bearing silicate glasses: A key to quantify CO2 species in silicate melts? Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 13, 143.
Sierralta M, Nowak M, Keppler H (2001) Diffusion of CO2 in silicate melts: the influence of bulk composition. J. Conf. Abs., 6-1, 789.
Braune-Frehse M, Nowak M, Keppler H (2000) Solubility mechanism and diffusion of CO2 in aluminosilicate melts. J. Conf. Abs. 5,16.
Nowak M (2000) Non-Arrhenian behaviour of the reaction H2O + O2- = 2 OH- in granitic melts? Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 140. Nowak M, Behrens H (2000) Thermodynamic properties of water in granitic melts: a re-evaluation. J. Conf. Abs. 5, 79.
Nowak M, Sierralta M, Keppler H (2000) Direct evidence of molecular CO2 in an albitic melt: An in situ spectroscopic study. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 141.
Sierralta M, Nowak M, Keppler H (2000) The influence of bulk composition on the diffusivity of CO2 in silicate melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 12, 199.
Braune-Frehse M, Nowak M, Keppler H (1999) Diffusion of CO2 in aluminosilicate melts. Sixth Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, Arc et Senans, France.
Braune-Frehse M, Nowak M, Keppler H (1999) Diffusion of CO2 in aluminosilicate melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 41.
Nowak M (1999) Der Lösungsmechanismus von Wasser in Silikatgläsern und Silikatschmelzen. Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges., 144, 105-106.
Nowak M, Braune-Frehse M, Keppler H (1999) Speciation of CO2 in aluminosilicate glasses and melts. Sixth Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, Arc et Senans, France.
Nowak M, Braune-Frehse M, Keppler H (1999) Solubility mechanism of CO2 in aluminosilicate glasses and melts. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 11, 166.
Miletich R, Nowak M, Stranger R, Brandstätter G, Seifert F, Angel RJ (1998) Silicate-bridged chromium dimer species in chromous silicate. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 10, 194.
Nowak M, Grochau B, Johannes W (1998) Der Einfluß chemischer Parameter auf die Fe-Mg Verteilung zwischen Granat und Biotit: Eine neue experimentelle Methode. Protokoll über das DFG Abschlußkolloquium im Schwerpunktprogramm “Experimentelle Studien über Elementverteilungen“, 39-40.
Nowak M, Miletich R, Seifert F (1998) High pressure electronic absorption spectra of Cr2SiO4: Evidence for metal-metal bonding. Terra Nova abstract supplement 1, 10, 46-47.
Nowak M, Keppler H (1997) The effect of water on the environment of transition metals in silicate glasses. Terra Nova abstract supplement 1, 9, 478.
Nowak M, Keppler H (1997) Der Einfluß von Wasser auf die Koordinationsphäre von Übergangsmetallkationen in Silicatgläsern. DGG Kurzreferate (Posterbeiträge), 7-10.
Nowak M, Keppler H (1997) Der Einfluß von Wasser auf die Ligandenfeld¬stabilisierungs¬energie von Übergangsmetallen in Silikatgläsern. Beih. Z. Eur. J. Mineral., 9, 271.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1996) Diffusion of water in high viscosity melts. Terra Nova abstract supplement 1, 8, 48. Nowak M, Keppler H (1996) Ligand field spectra of an aqueous 0.1 m CoCl2-solution up to 700°C and 8.6 kbar using a diamond anvil cell. European Research conference, Research conference on Geochemistry of crustal fluids: Water/rock interaction during natural processes.
Schmidt MO, Behrens H, Nowak M (1996) Temperature dependence of water speciation in silicate and aluminosilicate glasses. Terra Nova abstract supplement 1, 8, 58-59.
Behrens H, Nowak M, Schulze F (1995) Effect of water on transport properties of aluminosilicate melts. Fifth Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1995) An in situ near infrared spectroscopic study of water speciation in haplogranitic glasses and melts. Fifth Silicate Melt Workshop Program and Abstracts, La Petite Pierre, France.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1995) Water speciation in haplogranitic melts. Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 178.
Schmidt MO, Behrens H, Nowak M (1995) MIR heating stage experiments on incorporation and dynamic of water species in hydrous silicate glasses. Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral. 7, 212.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1994) Characterization of the OH - incorporation in silicate glasses by IR - spectroscopy. Terra Nova abstract supplement 1, 6, 36.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1994) Wasserstoffbrückenbindungen und Clusterbildung in wasserhaltigen Silikatgläsern. Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 6, 199.
Behrens H, Nowak M (1993) Bestimmung von Gesamtwassergehalten und Wasser-speziesverteilungen bei Gläsern im System Qz - Ab - Or. Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 92.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1993) Diffusion von Wasser in Albit- und Haplo¬granitschmelzen. Beih. z. Eur. J. Mineral., 5, 64.
Nowak M, Behrens H (1992) Water diffusion in albitic and haplogranitic melts. Terra Nova abstract supplement, 4, 31-32.