Urgeschichte und Naturwissenschaftliche Archäologie

News, Publications and Coming Events

New Publication!

We are happy to announce a new publication. Group member Dr. Gubaz Mustafa Kibaroglu has published a paper titled: "Long-distance trade relations in the Eastern Mediterranean during the Late Bronze Age: An archaeometric study of Red Lustrous Wheel-made Ware (RLW)" in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports.

New Publication!

We are delighted to share a new paper published by guest researcher Andrea Martínez C as lead author, alongside our group members Dr. Silvia Amicone and Baptiste Solard, in the Ethnoarchaeology Journal: “South of the Empire: Inka-Style Pottery Production in Relation to Local Pottery Traditions in the Upper-Middle Basin of the Aconcagua Valley (Central Chile)”.

New Publication!

We are happy to announce that a new paper by affiliated researchers Dr. Cynthianne Spiteri, Julia Becher, along with former students of the Archaeometry group, has been published in the journal Praehistorische Zeitschrift “Vessel use at the Mycenaean Palace of Ayios Vasileios, Laconia, using Organic Residue Analysis”.