Englisches Seminar


Dr. Elena Anastasaki

EU Project EMOTA (10/2013-09/2015)

Dr. Sarah Briest associated member of CRC 1391: Different Aesthetics
Dr. Martina Bross RTG 1808: Ambiguity - Production and Perception
Dr. Carmen Doerge CRC 833: The Construction of Meaning / Project A2: Interpretability in Context
Dr. Lisa Ebert RTG 1808: Ambiguity - Production and Perception
Dr. Sophie Franklin  
Leonie Kirchhoff TüSE
Dr. Florian Kubsch  
Miriam Lahrsow

RTG 1808: Ambiguity - Production and Perception

Dr. Janina Niefer Sacred Texts

Nicole Poppe

Susanne Riecker

CRC 833: The Construction of Meaning / Project A2: Interpretability in Context

Dr. Sara Rogalski CRC 1391: Different Aesthetics / Project C5: The aesthetics of co-creativity in early modern English literature
Curtis Runstedler, Ph.D.  
Olga Springer Dimensions of Ambiguity
Timo Stösser  
Dr. Xinxin Zhao RTG 1808: Ambiguity - Production and Perception


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