Interdisciplinary Centre for Global South Studies

Visiting Scholars

Global Encounters: René Ramírez

Dr. René Ramírez Gallegos (Quito, Ecuador 1975) is a researcher at the Universidad Autónoma de México in the University Programme of Studies on Democracy, Justice and Society. He is a visiting professor at the University of Tübingen with the Global Encounters scholarship, in the department of Romanistics and under the management of the Baden-Württembergisches Brasilien- und Lateinamerika-Zentrum.

CAPES - Uni Tübingen: Hermílio Santos

Prof. Hermílio Santos is Professor for Sociology at the Pontifícia Universidade do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) in Porto Alegre, Brazil, and documentary filmmaker. His current research tackles the heritage of slavery among three generations of black women from the same family in three regions of Brazil, that were strongly dependent on the slaved workforce. 

Teach@Tübingen Visiting Scholars

Former and Current Visiting Scholars