Institut für Evolution und Ökologie


Find a current list with all our teaching in alma

BSc Modules

3010 Biostatistics I; Michiels, Anthes

3066 Tropical Marine Ecology; Michiels, Parnot

3074 Scientific Writing Skills; Anthes, Bossdorf, Michiels

3116 Advanced Evolution and Ecology I; Michiels, Betz, Bossdorf, Foerster, Köhler, Tielbörger

3136 Marine Biodiversity: Indonesia; Michiels, Parnot

3160 Zoologie II; Anthes

3169 Marine Biology; van der Schoot, Michiels

3202 Animal Evolutionary Ecology Seminar; Gunn

MSc Modules

4009 Essentials in Evolutionary Biology; Michiels

4011 Teaching Skills; Michiels, Anthes

4012 Project Conceptualization MEEMS; Michiels

4064 Advanced Advanced Evolution and Ecology II; Michiels, Betz, Bossdorf, Foerster, Köhler, Tielbörger

4239 Communicating Science; Gunn, Michiels


Zoologie II: Floristische und Faunistische Freilandmethoden (30/07/2023 - 06/08/2023)

Tropical Marine Ecology (takes place in September 2023, t.b.a.)

Marine Biodiversity: Indonesia (does not take place in 2023)

Visual Ecology (17/06/2023 - 02/07/2023)