Institut für Evolution und Ökologie

Heinz-R. Köhler
78890  email

Rita Triebskorn
78892  email

Katharina Peschke
78859  email

Jingyun Ding

PhD candidate

78818  email

Lasse Eberwein

ÖBII coordinator

78818  email

Ulrich Gärtner

Guest scientist, Professor

78806  email

Christine Hepper

Lab assistant

78804  email

Stefanie Krais


78859  email

Demis Maile

Student assistant

78818  email

Hannah Schmieg

PhD candidate

78806  email

Sascha Zimmermann

PhD candidate

78818  email

Leila Es-Sadafy

Voluntary service


Margret Galli


78869  email

Tobias Haasis

PhD candidate

78818  email

Andreas Heyd

IT Manager

88250  email

Manuela Kühne

Student assistant

78818  email

Zequn Li

PhD candidate

78818  email

Zoe Schmuck

Lab assistant

78804  email


Luc Bagot

BSc candidate

78818  email

Julia Dengler

BSc candidate

78818  email

Netta Hietala

MSc candidate

78818  email

Lukas Marx

BSc candidate


Rieke Bastian

MSc candidate

78818  email

Sophie Hanten

MSc candidate

78818  email

Katharina Kuhn

MSc candidate

78818  email

Sebastian Müller

BSc candidate



Hall of Fame


Name Position Phone
Müller, Ewald apl. Prof., retired -2978806 ewald.mueller[at]
Weiche, Iris Dr. rer. nat., consultant -5495585 iris.weiche[at]


Name Position Now at
Bader, Katja Employee Museum of Natural Science, Reutlingen
Dittbrenner, Nils Ecotoxicologist Abfallwirtschaftsbetrieb Landkreis Tübingen
Eder, Kai Scientist UC Davis, CA, USA, kjeder[at]
Gust, Irene Works Council Member University of Tübingen, irene.gust[at]
Hallare, Arnold Professor University of the Philippines Manila, PH
Jacob, Stefanie Scientist Umweltbundesamt
Kienle, Cornelia Senior Scientist Eawag, Ecotox Centre, Dübendorf, CH, cornelia.kienlespam
Knigge, Thomas Reader Université du Havre, Laboratoire d'Ecotoxicologie - Milieux Aquatiques, Le Havre, F
Langer, Miriam Professor University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, miriam.langer[at]
Lorenz, Carla Scientist SCC Scientific Consulting Company
Luckenbach, Till Group Leader UFZ Leipzig, Bioanalytical Ecotoxicology
Osterauer, Raphaela Environmental Educator State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation of BadenWürttemberg (LUBW)
Sawasdee, Banthita Lecturer Rajabhat Mahasarakham University, Maha Sarakham, TH, bantitas[at]
Scheil, Volker Research consultant Baden-Württemberg Stiftung
Schill, Ralph O. Scientist, CEO envirocom University of Stuttgart, Institute of Biology, ralph.schill[at], envirocom, aquatil
Schwarz, Simon Scientist Umweltbundesamt, Simon.Schwarz[at]
Schweizer, Mona Employee, mona.schweizer[at]
Thellmann, Paul Scientist ibacon GmbH, paul.thellmann[at]
Thiemann, Christina Technician Eawag, Ecotox Centre, Dübendorf, CH, christina.thiemann[at]
Wilhelm, Sabrina Scientist BASF Personal Care and Nutrition GmbH
Zobel, Marion Ecologist Ministerium für Umwelt, Klima und Energiewirtschaft Baden-Württemberg (UM), marion.zobelspam