
Aktuelles Wintersemester 2024/25

King Sejong Institute Koreanisch Winter-Intensivferiensprachkurs 2025: 1A-Basiskurs und TOPIK-II-Vorbereitungskurs

Der Intensivferiensprachkurs 1A des King Sejong Institute bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, innerhalb kürzester Zeit die Grundlagen der koreanischen Sprache zu erfassen und alltagstaugliches Koreanisch zu lernen. Studierende können sich einen BQ-Leistungsschein (4 ECTS) ausstellen lassen. Die Teilnahme an allen Sprachkursen ist grundsätzlich kostenlos! Lediglich die Kosten von 35 Euro für Lehrmaterialien/Lehrbücher müssen von den Kursteilnehmer*innen selbst getragen werden.
Neben den regulären Sprachkursen wird am King Sejong Institute Tübingen ein TOPIK-II-Vorbereitungskurs angeboten. Dieser kann von allen Personen besucht werden. Für den Kurs werden Koreanischkenntnisse empfohlen, die mindestens der Stufe vier (4 급) des Test of Proficiency in Korean (TOPIK) entsprechen. Ein offizielles Dokument oder ein Nachweis ist nicht erforderlich. Für den TOPIK-II-Vorbereitungskurs kann man sich auch einen BQ-Leistungsschein (2 ECTS) ausstellen lassen.

Der Intensivferiensprachkurs 1A findet im Zeitraum vom 17.03.2025 bis 04.04.2025 jeden Wochentag (Mo.–Fr.) von 9:00 bis 13:00 Uhr statt. Der TOPIK-Vorbereitungskurs findet im Zeitraum vom 24.03.2025 bis 04.04.2025 jeden Wochentag (Mo.–Fr.) von 9:00 bis 12:00 Uhr statt.

Beide Kurse können erst ab einer Teilnehmerzahl von 7 Personen angeboten werden.
Alle Kurse sind auf first come, first served Basis.


#5 Kurs
Kursname Zeit RaumDozentin
1A (Basiskurs)   Mo. - Fr. 09:00-13:00PräsenzToni Liria Haziri
TOPIK Vorbereitungskurs Mo. - Fr. 09:00-12:00Präsenz  Han Byol Kim
# Anmeldung

- Anmeldung: Ab sofort über Google Forms möglich
- Anmeldeschluss: Bei Erreichen der max. Teilnehmerzahl. Bitte melden Sie sich so früh wie möglich an!
- Bitte beachten Sie: Jeder Sprachkurs hat eine maximale Teilnehmerzahl von 23 Teilnehmer*innen.

● Kontakt

King Sejong Institute Tübingen
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 133
72074 Tübingen
Email: mailspam prevention@sejong.uni-tuebingen.de

Verleihung einer Ehrenurkunde an Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee

Am 19. Februar 2025 wurde im koreanischen Generalkonsulat Frankfurt Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee eine Ehrenurkunde des Bildungsministers der Republik Korea für seine Verdienste in der Koreanistik und im studentischen und akademischen Austausch zwischen Deutschland und Korea verliehen.

Graduate Summer School of the CIVIS-KF e-school Consortium (June 9 – 13, 2025)

General Information

What is CIVIS-KF e-school consortium?

The CIVIS-KF e-school consortium is an association of five European Korean Studies Departments of Civis Alliance to provide mutual online learning opportunities. The main goal is to diversify teaching and increase in-depth exchange between students and researchers of European Korean studies. The program is supported by the Korea Foundation.

What is CIVIS-KF Graduate Summer School?

The Graduate Summer School includes lectures by professors of Korean Studies and researchers and presentations of master thesis and dissertation topics by students from the participating universities of the CIVIS-KF e-School consortium. 

This is a unique opportunity to exchange ideas with other European Korean Studies students and to receive feedback from renowned professors and researchers from various disciplinaries.

The 2025 Graduate Summer School of the CIVIS-KF e-school Consortium will take place at Stockholm University, June 9 - 13, 2025. Transportation, accommodation and meals will be provided for participants. 

Up to five students are chosen from each partner university.

Participating partner universities:

Eberhard Karls University Tübingen (Germany, Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee) – financer of the Graduate Summer School of the CIVIS-KF e-school Consortium

Aix-Marseille University (France, Maître de Conference Hye-Kyung Kim-Crescendo) 

Bucharest University (Romania, Prof. Dr. Diana Yuksel) 

Sapienza University of Rome (Italy, Prof. Dr. Antonetta Bruno)

Stockholm University (Sweden, Prof. Dr. Sonja Häussler)

host of 2025 Graduate Summer School of the CIVIS-KF e-school Consortium

Information about application 

Who can apply?: 

MA/PhD students from the Korean Studies department of the five partner universities.

Preference is given to MA/PhD students who already have a planned master's thesis or dissertation topic. BA students applying for a master’s program in Korean Studies are also encouraged to apply.

Application Process: 

Applications with relevant documents (letter of application, a short proposal of the MA/dissertation topics (1 page), tabular curriculum vitae, transcript of the previously completed certificates or BA certificate for students from the 1st semester in MA program) should be sent by e-mail as PDF by 09.03.2025 to: you-jae.leespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de (CC: thomas.eichertspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de)

Successful candidates will be notified of the results and should keep in touch with the designated TAs for instructions on further procedures.

[Poster als PDF zum Download]

[Call for Papers] By Korea University - 12th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference

Heritage Meets Hallyu: The Past, Present, and Future of Korean Culture

Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
Friday, May 30th, 2025

The Korea University Graduate Student (KUGS) Conference invites graduate students from around the world and conducting research in Asian studies to submit abstracts for our 2025 conference. The KUGS Conference is an annual conference which aims to provide a forum for graduate students to exchange ideas and discuss current research on Asian studies. This conference, to be held in Korea University Seoul Campus, is an opportunity for young scholars to present their research to both their peers and eminent scholars. The conference will also enable participants to meet others in their field conducting similar research, and to gain experience in presenting their work for discussion.

The 2025 12th Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference special theme is “Heritage Meets Hallyu: The Past, Present, and Future of Korean Culture.” In addition, in the sense of summarizing the past 11 conferences, we would like to take the time to organize the research trends of young scholars. We welcome papers that cover any time period in history. Although all applications will be taken into consideration, special consideration will be given to papers regarding theories, discourses, narratives, and counternarratives for analyzing, understanding, and depicting history. We also appreciate papers related to fields in Asian Studies, particularly ones that can provide comparative interpretations with regard to Korean history. Our goal of the 2025 conference is to provide a space for young researchers studying Korean history with creative and innovative ideas to investigate diverse perspectives.

Eligibility and Application Guidelines:
1. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a program of graduate study (“postgraduate” in British degree classification systems).
2. Papers must be related to Asian studies, mainly Korean, Chinese, and Japanese studies.
3. Abstracts must be no longer than 250 words.  
4. Deadline for abstract submission: Wednesday, March 5th, 2025, 5:00 p.m. Korean Standard Time.
Email submissions to: koreahistoryconferencespam prevention@gmail.com.
5. Please include your name, program of graduate study, and contact information with your abstract submission.

Successful applicants will be notified of acceptance by mid-March.
Inquiries: For general conference and abstract submission inquiries, please contact: koreanhistoryconference@gmail.com.

고려대학교 한국사연구소
Center for Korean History, Korea University

+82) 2-3290-2569

ckhkuspam prevention@korea.ac.kr

고려대학교 대학원 역사학과
Department of Historical Studies, Korea University Graduate School

+82) 2-3290-2030

lib004spam prevention@korea.ac.kr

KUGS 학술대회
Annual Korea University Graduate Student Conference

koreahistoryconferencespam prevention@gmail.com


[Call for Paper als PDF zum Download]

Neujahrsfeier 2025

[Poster als PDF zum Download]

Doctoral Colloquium by Prof. Dr. You Jae Lee

January 31, 2025 - Oberschulamt (OSA), Keplerstr. 2, Seminarraum 003

09:00-09:10Opening Speech, You Jae Lee
09:10–09:40Unsuk Han - Gegenseitige theologische Einfluesse und Austausche in der oekumenischen Kooperation der evangelischen Kirche in Deutschland und Korea
09:40–10:10Sue-Gab Eoh - Die Demokratisierungsbewegung der koreanischen Diaspora in Deutschland in der Zeit der Militaerregierung unter Park Chung-hee(1974-1979) (Teil 1.)
10:10–10:40Hyondok Choe - The image of Korea in German Third World movements in the 1970s and 1980s
10:50–11:30 Hamide Mehtap Karaman - Establishment of Incheon Plate Glass Factory and Technical Assistance of US
11:30–12:10 Wonjun Choi - Kritische Bewegungen in der koreanischen Theologie und Austausch zwischen deutscher und koreanischer Theologie in den 1960-70er Jahren
12:10–14:00 Mensa Wilhelmstraße
14:00–14:40Suhyun Lee - Realising the “right” child raising: parental experiences and child education in Frankfurt Koreatown
14:40–15:20 Mert Sabri Karaman - Blue-collar Pakistani Muslim migrant workers in contemporary Korea
15:20–15:30 Break
15:30–16:10 Jinseo Park (Seoul National University) - Enactment of the Seamen's Insurance Act of 1940 and its Simultaneous Implementation in Korea
16:10–16:40 Yeilim Han (SKKU)- Designing a syllabus for Business Korean for German-speaking learners
16:40-17:10Zijie Shu (SKKU)- Analysis of TOPIK question 54 writing errors of German-speaking Korean learners: Focusing on linguistic and structural errors
17:10-17:20Closing Remark, You Jae Lee

[Programm als PDF zum Download]

The 38th & The 39th AKS Summer Program for International Students

The Academy of Korean Studies (AKS) is pleased to announce The 38th & 39th AKS Summer Program for International Students.

As part of our mission to cultivate young leaders who can contribute to the development of Korean studies, the academy organizes an intensive summer program for international undergraduate students in Korean studies.

This program consists of various components, including special lectures on Korea, intensive Korean language courses, field trips, excursions, and traditional cultural activities.

Since its inception in 1993, the program has been held 37 times, with 1,014 students from over 70 countries participating.

If your are interested in joining the AKS Summer Program for International Students, which will be held twice during the summer vacation, please refer to the details below and apply.

Program Period

The 38th: July 7 (Mon) ∼ July 25 (Fri), 2025 (3 weeks)

◦ The 39th: August 4 (Mon) ∼ August 22 (Fri), 2025 (3 weeks)

  ※ Applicants must choose only one session. Participation in both is NOT allowed.

Language of Instruction: Korean

  ※ Participants are recommended to have basic Korean language skills.

Eligibility and Required Documents


Undergraduate students in their second year or above from universities outside Korea who are majoring or minoring in Korean Studies or have completed Korea-related courses at their universities.

 ※ Graduate students and individuals holding Korean nationality are not eligible for this program.

 ※ For applicants who have taken Korea-related courses, the course names must be specified on the transcript.

 ※ If the applicant’s university does not offer a Korean Studies major or Korea-related courses, a certificate from a Korean language institute may be submitted for the university transcript.

Required Documents

1) Application form

2) Certificate of Enrollment

3) Official University Transcript(s)

4) “Korean Proficiency Evaluation Sheet” (provided as a separate form, included as Item No.7 in the application form)

5) (Optional) Certificate(s) demonstrating Korean language proficiency

   - TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) Score Report (Level 3 or higher), or

   - Certificate of completion from a Korean language program

 ※ All documents must be written in Korean or English. If not, a translated version in Korean or English must be submitted along with the original.

Application Period

January 27 (Mon) [10AM] ∼ February 21 (Fri) [4PM], 2025

   ※ Korea Standard Time

   ※ Late applications will not be considered.

Application Method

◦ Applications must be submitted through the official website of Academy of Korean Studies (www.aks.ac.kr)

  - The 38th :  Apply (July program)
  - The 39th : Apply (August program)

Notification of the Acceptance

◦ The result will be announced individually via e-mail on or around March 28 (Fri), 2025.

Financial Support

◦ The Academy of Korean Studies will cover the costs of lectures, accommodations, and meals during the program, as well as expenses for field trips and excursions.

  ※ Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses, including the round-trip airfare, transportation between the airport and AKS, and medical insurance.


Ms. Jihee Ryu (Program Coordinator)

- Phone: +82-31-739-9715

- E-mail: aksculturespam prevention@aks.ac.kr

Mehr Information zur Anmeldung

Mehr Information zu den Kursen

[Poster als PDF zum Download]

Informationsveranstaltung: TUCKU - Auslandsjahr in Korea

Für 3. Semester Studierende

Für 1. Semester Studierende

6. Symposium zu deutsch-koreanischen Beziehungen im Zeitalter der Globalisierung


2월 7일 [금] | 7. Februar 2025 [Freitag]
개회사 및 환영사 | Grußworte und Eröffnung
사회 | Moderation: 김귀옥 | Gwi-Ok Kim
09:30 – 09:45개회사 | Eröffnung
이유재 (튀빙겐대학교) | You Jae Lee (Universität Tübingen)
이진일 (성균관대학교) | Jinil Lee (Sungkyunkwan University)
09:45 – 10:00환영사 | Grußworte
하네스 모슬러(뒤스부르크-에센대학교) | Hannes Mosler (Universität Duisburg-Essen)
1부: 수용과 변주 | Rezeption und Variation
사회 | Moderation: 하네스 모슬러 | Hannes Mosler
10:00 – 11:00김성준 (대한민국역사박물관)
Seong Jun Kim (National Museum of Korean Contemporary History)
논란의 근현대사 전시하기, 그리고 독일이라는 ‘모범’: 2012년대 한민국역사박물관건립과 비판
Ausstellen von umstrittener Zeitgeschichte und das deutsche ‘Modell’: Debatte um die Gründung des National Museum of Korean Contemporary History 2012
11:00 – 12:00토마스아이셔트 (튀빙겐대학교) | Thomas Eichert (Universität Tübingen)
한국 고속전철 입찰경쟁에서 독일의 첨단기술과 정치적 영향력
Politik und High Tech “Made in Germany” - Deutschland und die KTX-Ausschreibung
12:00 – 14:00점심식사 | Mittagessen
Mensa Prinz Karl, Hafengasse 6, 72070 Tübingen
2부: 교류와 전이 | Austausch und Transfer
사회 | Moderation: 최원준 | Wonjun Choi
14:00 – 15:00전복희 (한국여성정치문화연구소)
Bok-Hee Chun (Korean Institute for Women and Politics)
1990년대에 한국과 독일여성단체의 협력과 연대 – “한국여성의전화”와 독일 “여성재단(FrauenAnstiftung e.V.)”을 중심으로-
Zusammenarbeit und Solidarität zwischen koreanischen und deutschen Frauengruppen in den 1990er Jahren: “Korea Women’s Hotline” und “FrauenAnstiftung e.V.”-
15:00 – 16:00하네스 모슬러 (뒤스부르크-에센대학교) | Hannes Mosler(Universität Duisburg-Essen)
한독의 원친선협회 발전사
Die Entwicklung der deutsch-koreanischen Parlamentariergruppe
16:00 – 16:10휴식 | Pause
16:10 – 17:10이상호 (성공회대학교) | Sang Ho Lee (Sungkonghoe University)
한국과 독일의 경제적 협력 전이체로서 한독상공회의소에 관한 연구
Eine Studie über die Auslandshandelskammer(AHK) Korea als Transferinstitution für die wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen Korea und Deutschland
18:00 –저녁식사 | Abendessen
Zum Alten Fritz, Gartenstr. 13, 72074 Tübingen
2월 8일 [토] | 8. Februar 2025 [Samstag]
3부: 이주와정체성 | Migration und Identität
사회 | Moderation: 한운석 | Un Suk Han
9:00 – 10:00이수현 (튀빙겐대학교) ·이유재 (튀빙겐대학교)
Suhyun Lee (Universität Tübingen) · You Jae Lee(Universität Tübingen)
프랑크푸르트 한인타운
Koreatown in und um Frankfurt am Main
10:00 – 11:00김귀옥 (한성대학교) | Gwi-Ok Kim (Hansung University)
탈냉전시대, 재독코리안의 남북 가로지르기
Die Süd-Nord-Überquerungen der Koreaner in Deutschland im Zeitalter der Globalisierung
11:00 – 11:10휴식 | Pause
11:10 – 12:10이유재 (튀빙겐대학교) ·김지은 (사단법인코리엔테이션)
You Jae Lee (Universität Tübingen) · Jee-Un Kim (Korientation e.V.)
코리엔테이션과 독일 한인2세의 문화운동
Korientation und die Kulturbewegung der 2. Generation Koreanischen Deutschen
12:10 – 13:40점심식사 | Mittagessen
San Bao, Neckargasse 22, 72070 Tübingen
4부: 번역과 창작 | Übersetzung und Kreation
사회 | Moderation: 이진일 | Jinil Lee
13:40 – 14:40유임하 (한국체육대학교) | Im-ha Yoo (Korean National Sport University)
허수경의 ‘독일’
Huh Sukyung’s Literatur und ‘Deutschland’
14:40 – 15:40최윤영 (서울대학교) | Yun-Young Choi (Seoul National University)
문학에 투영된 역사: 안나김의 <대귀향> 분석
Literatur und Geschichtsschreibung: Eine Analyse von Anna Kims Die große Heimkehr
15:40 – 16:40권선형 (서울대학교) | Son Hyoung Kwon (Seoul National University)
한국문학의 독일어 번역과 독일어권의 수용 경향- 최근 10년의 사례를 통해
Übersetzung koreanischer Literatur ins Deutsche und Rezeptionstendenzen im deutschsprachigen Raum - am Beispiel der letzten zehn Jahre
16:40 – 16:50휴식 | Pause
5부: 전체평가와향후계획 | Gesamtbewertung und Planung für die Zukunft
16:50 – 17:30종합토론 | Abschlussdiskussion
이진일, 이유재, 김귀옥 | Jinil Lee, You Jae Lee, Gwi-Ok Kim
17:30 – 17:40폐회사 | Abschluss
김귀옥 | Gwi-Ok Kim
18:00 –저녁식사| Abendessen
Neckarmüller, Gartenstr. 4, 72074 Tübingen
2월 9일 [일] 상트오틸리엔 답사 | 9. Februar 2025 [Sonntag] Exkursion nach St. Ottilien

[Programm als PDF zum Download]

2024 세종학당 한국어교원 양성과정 우수학당 선발

2024 세종학당 한국어교원 양성과정에서 튀빙겐 세종학당이 우수 학당으로 선정되었습니다.
또한, 2024 한국어교원 양성과정 전체 수료생 229명 중 32명이 우수 교원으로 선발되었으며, 그중 튀빙겐 세종학당에서는 6명이 우수 교원으로 선정되는 쾌거를 이루었습니다.
이번 한국어교원 양성과정을 통해 수료한 17명 수료생 모두에게 진심으로 축하의 말씀을 드립니다.

- 우수 교원 명단 -
라이히하르트 레기나 빅토리아 / 엘레오노라 크리스티나 우이제터
이다산 / 이보영 /크레츠마르 릴리쓰 / 하태은

< 양성과정 수료식 단체사진 >

Tübingen Korean Studies Lecture Series - Qingyang Freya Zhou

Nach dem Notstand: Zur aktuellen politischen Lage in Südkorea

King Sejong Institute Hangul-Tag

2024 튀빙겐 세종학당 한글날 행사

Thema: Meine koreanische Postkarte - 나의 엽서 만들기

Wer: An dieser Veranstaltung können alle Kursteilnehmenden des Tübingen Sejong Institute und Studierende der Koreanistik Tübingen teilnehmen.


  1. Schreiben Sie auf einem Papier Ihrer Wahl Ihr koreanisches Lieblingswort oder Ihren koreanischen Lieblingssatz (dieser kann aus einem Buch, einem Gedicht, einem Zitat, einem Roman oder aus einem Lied stammen).
  2. Dekorieren Sie den Rest des Papieres mit Zeichnungen, Stickern o.ä.
  3. Bitte schreiben Sie auf Koreanisch, warum Ihnen dieses Wort/dieser Satz gefällt.
  4. Schicken Sie ein Bild oder einen Scan der Karte an: mailspam prevention@sejong.uni-tuebingen.de
  5. Bitte geben Sie in Ihrer Mail Ihre Zugehörigkeit an:
    Bsp.) Max Mustermann, Student, King Sejong Institute/ Max Mustermann, Student, Koreanistik/ Max Mustermann, Arbeitnehmer, King Sejong Institute etc.

Abgabetermin: Senden Sie bis spätestens 27. 11. 2024 (Mi.) das Bild per Email an mailspam prevention@sejong.uni-tuebingen.de

Ausstellungszeitraum: 04.12.2024- 03.01.2025 (Online, der Link wird später auf der Seite des Sejong Institute hochgeladen)

Abstimmungszeitraum: 04.12.2024- 10.12.2024
Bitte stimmen Sie in diesem Zeitraum für ihre Lieblingspostkarte ab. Aus Fairnessgründen können nur Teilnehmenden des Sejong Institute und Studierenden der Koreanistik abstimmen. (Online, der Link wird allen Sejong Kursteilnehmenden und Studierenden der Koreanistik per E-Mail zugeschickt).

Bekanntgabe der Gewinner: 12.12.2024.Die Gewinner werden per E-Mail persönlich benachrichtigt und auf der Seite des Sejong Institute bekannt gegeben.


  1. Platz 1 – 3
  2. Teilnehmerpreis (Eco-Bag, Kulturbeutel, USB 8GB)

King Sejong Institute Tübingen
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Wilhelmstr. 133, 72074 Tübingen
E-Mail: mail@sejong.uni-tuebingen.de

Bei Fragen können Sie sich jederzeit an Herrn Kyung Jin Oh per E-Mail wenden!


Gewinner*innen 2023

1등 – 우정 / Aurelia Schlosser

가장 친한 친구를 통해 두 번째 집을 찾았기 때문에 '우정'은 나에게 큰 의미가 있어요그녀는 언제라도 나를 도와줘요그리고 나를 서울에서 매우 편안하게 해줬어요나는 현재 독일에 있고친구는 세종시에 있어요하지만 지금까지도 우리는 거의 매일 이야기를 나누며 항상 서로에게 의지할 수 있다는 것을 알고 있어요그림에서 토끼와 뱀이 서로 사이좋게 있는 것처럼요저는 토끼띠이고 친구는 뱀띠라서 토끼와 뱀을 그렸어요그림의 토끼와 뱀처럼 서로 달라도 우리는 친구에요그래서 저는 우정이라는 단어를 선택했어요내 친구는 나에게 큰 의미가 있기 때문에요!

2등 – 불꽃 / Chiara Fanni

저는 불꽃이라는 단어를 정말 좋아합니다저에게 불꽃놀이는 시작과 끝을 상징합니다불꽃놀이는 화려하고 경쾌하며 기쁨과 함께 하는 시간을 연상시킵니다한 해가 끝나면 항상 불꽃놀이와 함께 새해가 시작됩니다불꽃놀이는 전 세계 거의 모든 곳에서 특별한 날을 함께 축하하기 위해 사용됩니다먼 과거부터 현재까지 불꽃놀이는 사람들을 하나로 모아왔고미래에도 그럴 것입니다불꽃놀이가 하늘에 나타나자마자 모든 것을 내려놓고 연인가족낯선 사람 등 모든 사람과 함께 화려한 불빛을 보며 멈춰 있는 듯한 시간을 즐기게 되니까요불꽃놀이는 우리를 행복하고 놀라게 하며 잠시 동안 주변의 모든 것을 잊게 해줍니다잠시나마 전 세계가 하나가 되는 순간이죠

North Korean War Orphans in Eastern Europe in the 1950s

Venue: Fürstenzimmer , Schloss Hohentübingen, Universität Tübingen
Date: November 8 9th, 2024

2024 Samulnori Workshop und Aufführung

Zur Anmeldung via Google Forms

김치 만들기 - How to make Kimchi?

Zur Anmeldung via Google Forms

Tübingen Korean Studies Vortragsreihe/Lecture Series 

Wintersemester 2024-25


October 25, 2024 | 2024년 10월 25일
09:45 - 10:00Welcome Speech | 개회사
Lee You Jae (Director, Center for Korean Studies at University of Tübingen)
Kim Byoungin (May 18 Foundation, Board of Directors, Vice President of Chonnam National University)
이유재 (튀빙겐대 한국학연구소 소장)
김병인 (5 ∙18 기념재단 이사 , 전남대학교 부총장)

Session 1 | 세션 1
Moderation | 사회:
Lee You Jae | 이유재

10:00 - 11:00Choe Hyondok (University of Tübingen):
Annual Event in Germany “May People's Festival” The Importance of the Memory of the Gwangju Uprising for the Korean Diaspora in Germany
최현덕 (튀빙겐대 ):
독일의 <연례 오월민중제 > 재독 한인 디아스포라의 광주항쟁 기억의 의미
11:00 - 12:00Eoh Soogab (Former Administrative Manager of the Council of National Democratic Movements in Europe):
5∙18 and the Democracy Movement in Germany in the 1980s
어수갑 (전 재유럽민족민주운동협의회 총무):
5∙18 과 1980 년대 독일에서의 민주화운동

Lunch 12:30 - 14:30 | 점심 식사 12:30 - 14:30

(Restaurant Mauganeschtle, Burgsteige 18, 72070 Tübingen)

Session 2 | 세션 2
Moderation | 사회:
Choi Wonjun (University of Tübingen) | 최원준 튀빙겐대

14:30 - 15:30

Lee Yeonsuk (Hitotsubashi University): 

The 5 ∙18 for the Zainichi Koreans: The Pathos of Nonexistence and Nihilism
이연숙 (히토츠바시대) 

재일조선인의 5 ∙18: 부재와 허무의 페이소스 (pathos)

15:30 - 16:30

Seo Hyeokgyo (National Association of Korean Americans): 

The Impact of the May 18 Kwangju Uprising on the Movement in the U.S. for Korean Democracy
서혁교 (미주동포전국협회): 

5 ∙18 광주민주항쟁의 미주동포 민족민주운동에 관한 영향

Dinner 18:00 - 20:00 | 저녁 식사 18:00 - 20:00

(Restaurant Forelle, Kronenstraße 8, 72070 Tübingen)

Oktober 26, 2024 | 2024년 10월 26일

Session 3 | 세션 3
Moderation | 사회:
Lee Suhyeon (University of Tübingen)| 이수현 (튀빙겐대)

09:30 - 10:30

Jeong Sunam (Chonnam National University): 

The Gwangju Translocal Network and the Democratization of Life: A Focus on Yoon Han bong’s Post Exile Experience
정수남 (전남대): 

트랜스로컬 광주네트워크와 삶의 민주화 : 윤한봉의 망명 이후 경험을 중심으로

10:30 - 11:30

Park Kyeongsup (International Research Institute in t he May 18 Foundation):
Reflections on the Internationalization of 5.18: Focus on the Work and Resources of the May 18 Foundation on the Korean Diaspora
박경섭 (5.18 기념재단 국제연구원): 

5.18 의 국제화에 대한 성찰: 5.18 기념재단의 한인 디아스포라 관련 사업과 자료를 중심으로

Pause | 휴식

11:45 - 12:45Round Discussion | 종합토론
Moderation | 사회:
Kim Byoungin | 김병인
12:45 - 13:00Closing Remark | 폐회사
Lee You Jae, Kim Byoungin | 이유재 , 김병인

Lunch 13:00 - 14:45 | 점심 식사 13:00 - 14:45

(Restaurant Neckarmüller , Gartenstraße 4, 72074 Tübingen)

17:30 - 19:30Film Screening „12.12.: The Day“ | < 영화 서울의 봄 > 상영회
Venue | 장소: Kino Museum ( Am Stadtgraben 2, 72070 Tübingen)

Dinner 19:30 | 저녁 식사 19:30

(Restaurant 1821, Wilhelmstraße 3, 72074 Tübingen)


Programm als  PDF zum Download


Informationsveranstaltungen - M.A. Koreanistik


Meeting-ID: 975 1258 2714 

Kenncode: 784507