Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Anna Safuta

Postdoctoral Researcher and Lecturer

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Institute of Political Science
Research Unit Comparative Public Policy
Melanchthonstraße 36, 72074 Tübingen

Room 018


Phone: +49(0)7071-29-78399

Office hours (by appointment): Thursdays, 14.00-16.00


Anna Safuta studied political science and European studies at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB, Belgium). After her studies, Anna joined the European Social Observatory (OSE, Belgium), where she researched the social policy impacts of EU integration. In June 2017, Anna defended a binational PhD in sociology at the Université catholique de Louvain (Belgium) and at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main (Germany). Financed through an individual fellowship of the Belgian Fund for Scientific Research (FRS-FNRS), Anna’s doctorate was a study of transnational care migration between Ukraine, Poland and Belgium. Before joining the University of Tübingen, Anna investigated the rising numbers of migrant long-term care workers in Western and Eastern Europe within the Collaborative Research Centre 1342 “Global Dynamics of Social Policy” at the University of Bremen (Germany).

Research interests

Anna’s research focuses on the intersections of social policy and migration. She is particularly interested in mainstreaming critical intersectional (gender, ethnicity, race, class, sexuality…) approaches in comparative public policy and migration studies.