Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Departmental Seminar: "The Dialectics of Hegemony and Resistance in the Re-Making of China-Taiwan relations"

Dr. André Beckershoff, Associate Fellow at the ERCCT in Tübingen on Wednesday, 31 January, 16:15-17:45, Room 124 at the Institute of Political Science (or online via Zoom).

Against the background of growing tensions between Taiwan and China, it is easy to overlook the fact that only a decade ago a rapprochement between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was in the making. A Gramscian analysis of how this hegemonic project to normalise economic relations between Taiwan and China was organised, and why it was brought to a sudden halt by the Sunflower Movement of 2014, provides crucial context for our understanding of current relations across the Taiwan Strait, a bottleneck in the global economy and a potential flashpoint for military confrontation.

André Beckershoff is an Associate Fellow at the ERCCT in Tübingen. He received his PhD from the University of Tübingen, specialising in International Political Economy and social movements. His talk is based on his new book, “Social Forces in the Re-Making of Cross-Strait Relations: Hegemony and Social Movements in Taiwan” (Routledge 2023).

Zoom: Meeting ID: 930 8975 0663, Passcode: 142311.
