
Dr. Chen Yu-Wen 陳玉文


Dr. Chen Yu-Wen 陳玉文

Home Institiution:

Department of Government, University College Cork, Ireland

Duration of Stay:

Dec. 1 to 20, 2013


1998-2002 BA in Political Science, National Taiwan University

2004-2006 MA in International Relations and Diplomacy, Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations “Clingendael”

2006-2009 PhD in Social Sciences, University of Konstanz, Germany

Academic Work Experiences

Sep 2011–Aug 2012: Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Science, Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Jan 2012 until present: Executive Editor, Asian Ethnicity, Routledge

Sep 2012 until present: Lecturer, Department of Government, University College Cork, Ireland

Main Publications

Chen, Yu-Wen (2014) The Uyghur Lobby: Global Networks, Coalitions and Strategies of the World Uyghur Congress. London: Routledge.

Chen, Yu-Wen; Yap, Ko-Hua, Lee, Joey Ying (2013) Tianditu: China’s First Official Online Mapping Service, Media, Culture & Society 35(2): 234-249.

Shih, Chih-Yu; Chen, Yu-Wen (2012) Tibetan Studies in Comparative Perspective. London: Routledge.

Chen, Yu-Wen (2012) A Comparative Qualitative Analysis of the International Activism of Ethnopolitical Groups in Europe, Ethnopolitics 11(1):43-65.

Chen, Yu-Wen (2012) The German Debate over the Intake of Uyghur Guantanamo Inmates: A Research Note, Asian Ethnicity 13(2): 153-160.

Chen, Yu-Wen (2011) Quantitative Content Analysis of Chinese Texts?: A Methodological Note, Journal of Chinese Political Science 16(4): 431-443.

Lay, Jinn-Guey; Yap, Ko-Hua; Chen, Yu-Wen (2008) The Transition of Taiwan’s Political Geography, Asian Survey 48(5): 773-793.

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