Panel 1: Cross-Strait Issues, Morning Session
Chair: Stefan Fleischauer
Wenger, Josh (NTU, Graduate Institute of National Development): “Cross-Strait Political Negotiation: Background and Exploration of the Prenegotiation Approach”
Dr. Tang, Yen-chen (NTU, Department of Political Science): “Guns and Votes: The Logic behind China’s Military Exercises in Taiwan’s Presidential Elections”
Wang, Qin (NTU, Institute of National Development): “China: New Patron of Taiwan’s Lo-cal Factions? The Transition of Taiwan’s PatronClient System”
Panel 1: Cross-Strait Issues, Afternoon Session
Chair: Stefan Braig
Tseng Yu-Chen (I-Shou University, Department of Public Policy and Management): “The Political Implications of Cross-Strait Youth Contacts”
Tsai, Michelle (University of Cambridge, Division of Social Anthropology): “Cross-strait Capitalism and Identity Politics”
Panel 2: Taiwan Issues, Morning Session
Chair: André Beckershoff
Wu Shianghau (School of Business, Macau University of Science and Technology): “The Analysis of Taiwanese People’s Satisfaction with the Government Based on Bayesian Quantile Regression and Rough Set Classification”
Dr. Wahn, I-liang (NCCU, Center for China Studies): “Trusting, Qualification, and sustain-able Consumption in Alternative Food Networks in Taiwan (and China)”
Dr. Lee, Ling-yee (Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology): “Behind the Book Publishing Miracle of Taiwan: An Analysis of Bookdistribution Systems and Commerce Circuits of Publishing in Taiwan”
Panel 2: Taiwan Issues, Afternoon Session
Chair: Sascha Zhivkov
Tsai, Huiju (National Sun Yat-sen University, Institute of China and Asia-Pacific Studies): “Service Sector in Taiwan: An Overview”
Dr. Hsia, Chuan-Wei (Academia Sinica, Institute of Sociology): “The Genealogy of Ne-oliberalism in Taiwan: A Neo-Polanyian Approach”
Evening Session
Prof. Gunter Schubert, Prof. Huang Chang-Ling: Round Table Discussion: Recent De-velopments in Taiwan and Impacts for cross-Strait Relations
Panel 3: Best of the Rest
Chair: Sia Ek-hong
Prof. Huang Chang-Ling (Dept. of Political Science, National Taiwan University): “Re-served for Whom? The Electoral Impact of Gender Quotas in Taiwan”
van Bekhoven, Jeroen (NTU, College of Law): “The Incomplete Makeover: Securing In-digenous People’s Rights to Land and Selfgovernment in Taiwan”
Yu, Yi-wen (School of International and Public Affairs, Shanghai Jiao Tong University): “To change or not to change: A survey of collective identity and political belief among mainland spouses in Taiwan”
2016.06.26-2016.07.02. Freudenstadt, Tübingen