
11th Taiwan Documentary Film Festival (TDFF 2016)

On July 1 - 2, 2016, the ERCCT hosted the eleventh Taiwan Documentary Film Festival, this time focusing on important Taiwanese political and social leaders, showing documentaries on former president Lee Teng-hui and revolutionary Su Beng, or oppositional activist and political "martyr" Nylon Cheng. More recent political issues, as that of national identity and civil rights infringements during the visit of the China's Chen Yun-lin (ARATS) to Taiwan in November 2008. Moreover, films on the environmental movement, and the loss of home due to nature (Kouhu Township in Yunlin County) or to military takeover (Kueishan Island off the coast of Yilan) had their place in the festival. 

Six of seven entries were directed by our special guests Chen Lih-Kuei and Lee Yung-Chuan, and some vibrant discussions unfolded with them. On Friday night, the fiction film "Parking" by Chung Mong-Hong was also shown to round off the first day. 

The following films were screened:

1.臺灣民主化之路 - 李登輝

Taiwan’s Road to Democracy – Lee Teng-hui 

by 陳麗貴 Chen Lih-Kuei


2.焚 紀念鄭南榕殉道20周年 

Immolation – Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Nylon Cheng

by 陳麗貴 Chen Lih-Kuei




by 黃信堯 Huang Hsin-Yao 


4.革命進行曲 - 史明 

Su Beng, the Revolutionist

by 陳麗貴 Chen Lih-Kuei


5.捍衛臺灣鄉土紀事 臺灣環保聯盟20周年 

A War of Glory – A Chronicle of Fighting for the Taiwanese Countryside

by 陳麗貴 Chen Lih-Kuei


6.龜山島 – 鄉愁對話錄 Turtle Island: Nostalgic Voices

by 李泳泉 Lee Yung-Chuan


7.紅色戒嚴 - 陳雲林事件紀實 Red Caution

by 陳麗貴 Chen Lih-Kuei


Fiction Film 



by 鍾孟宏 Chung Mong-hong (2008, 106 Min.)

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