
Shen Yi-Chin 沈宜瑾

Name: Shen Yi-Chin 沈宜瑾
Home Institiution: Graduate Institute of International Politics, National Chung Hsing University
Duration of Stay: 10 January to 13 February, 2022


Shen Yi-Chin is a PhD student in the Graduate Institute of International Politics at National Chung Hsing University where she received her MA. The research topic of her master's thesis is “Analysis of China Factors in Foreign Policy of Australia”. She won the outstanding doctoral student scholarship which offered by Ministry of Science and Technology. And her recent academic interests are security policies of small and medium states, foreign policy and regional research of Asia-Pacific.


Yi-Chin Shen. (2020). “International structural changes and trends in the post-pandemic era” Zhong Jin-Chi (eds.), APEC and the development of the Asia-Pacific region in the post-pandemic era. Taiwan Institute of Economic Research.


Yi-Chin Shen. (2021). “Analysis of Japan's Strategy in the Anti-China Wave”. Paper presented at 2021 Taiwan Society of Japan Studies Annual Meeting and Conference.

Yi-Chin Shen. (2020). “Australia's security strategy under the competition between the United States and China: the application on strategy choice of small and medium state security”. Paper presented at 2020 Taiwanese Political Science Association.

Yi-Chin Shen. (2020). “Research of Local Revitalization in Japan: Case Study of Ehime Prefecture and Tokushima Prefecture”. Paper presented at 2020 Taiwan Society of Japan Studies Annual Meeting and Conference.

Yi-Chin Shen. (2019). “The Influence of Hegemony on Regional Cooperation—Case Study of the Withdrawal of the US from TPP”. Paper presented at 2019 Association of International Relations (R.O.C.) Annual Meeting and Conference on “The Impact of Realism, Populism and Technology on the International Order”.

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