Institut für Sportwissenschaft


Workshop "Data science in sport"

March 12, 2025: “Sport performance and health”
12.00-01.00 pmReception and finger food
01:00-01:10 pmWelcome Tim Pawlowski (UT)
01:10-02.10 pmKeynote Rosa Lavelle-Hill (U Copenhagen)
02.10-02.30 pmNetworking coffee break
02.30-04.30 pm

Lab presentations

04.30-05.00 pmNetworking coffee break
05.00-06.00 pmKeynote Daniel Memmert (GSU Cologne)
March 13, 2025: “Sport, business and economics”
08.30-09.00 amGood morning coffee
09.00-10.00 amKeynote Michael Lechner (U St. Gallen)
10.00-10.30 amLab presentation Tim Pawlowski (UT)
10.30-11.00 amNetworking coffee break
11.00-01.00 pm

Lab presentations

01.00-02.00 pmLunch
02.00-02.30 pmLab presentation Anna Gumpert (UT)
02.30-03.30 pmKeynote Benno Torgler (Queensland UT)
03.30 pmWorkshop closing, farewell coffee and informal meeting opportunities

Registration (Deadline: February 20, 2025)

This workshop takes place at Westspitze (Tübingen) and is funded by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as well as the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Science as part of the Excellence Strategy of the German Federal and State Governments.

Invited talks