
2014.07.07 Spotlight Taiwan - Opening

The Spotlight Taiwan Festival opening was celebrated on July 7 in the university's most solemn hall, the festival room at "Neue Aula". Welcoming remarks by university president Prof. Dr. Bernd Engler, by ERCCT director Prof. Dr. Gunter Schubert, and by the head of the Taipei Representative Office in the FRG at the time H.E. Mrs. Agnes Hwa-Yue CHEN, were followed by a lecture by Prof. Dr. Peter Hoffmann and a dance performance by Ms. Chang I-Wen. 

Later in the evening, the film programme of the festival took off at local cinema Kino Arsenal with a screening of The Rice Bomber 白米炸彈客. 

The very first part of the weeks Taiwan culture programme, however, was a photographic exhibition on the work of Taiwan's photographer-pioneer Teng Nan-Kuang in the entrance hall of "Neue Aula", organized by CCKF-ERCCT Residend Fellow Sheu Jyh-shyang 許智翔. 

2014.07.08 Spotlight Taiwan - Literature: Taiwanese Author Liu Tzu-Chieh Reads from Seven Days in Heaven

On July 8th, Taiwanese author Liu Tzu-Chieh (Essay Liu) 劉梓潔 read from her famous novel Seven Days in Heaven 父後七日, while Prof. Peter Hoffmann, acclaimed translator from Chinese into German, presented the german language translation. The ERCCT wishes to express our gratitude to Mr. Ulrike Dahmen, owner of bookstore RosaLux, the venue of that evening, for the successful cooperation. 

2014.07.09 Spotlight Taiwan - Literature Reading (Kan Yao-ming) and Academic Lecture (Prof. Gunter Schubert)

Wednesday, July 9th, again was an eventful day of our Spotlight Taiwan Programme, as the photos of that day show, see beolw. ERCCT Director Prof. Gunter Schubert gave a talk from  6 to 8 p.m. on "Taiwan's Democracy and the Challenge from China - Past and Future", and Taiwanese author Kan Yao-ming甘耀明 read from his anthology of short stories "Stories from the Funeral" 8 to 10 p.m. at the bookstore RosaLux, the german translation again being translated by Prof. Peter Hoffmann. Taiwanese actor and feature film director Umin Boya 馬志翔 had already arrived in the morning.

Interview of Umin Boya by Tagblatt

Upon his arrival in Tübingen, our special guest Umin Boya 馬志翔 received an interview by a journalist of the local newspaper "Das Schwäbische Tagblatt". The interview was made into a news report and published on Thursday, July 10th.  

Below are some photos from the interview. Click on the picture to see more.

German Newspaper announces Spotlight Taiwan Cinema Series

Local newspaper Das Schwäbische Tagblatt published an announcement of the Taiwan Cinema Series of our of the ERCCT's Spotlight Taiwan Programme on July 5th. Readers capable of german are welcome to read it here

News report about the ERCCT's Spotlight Taiwan programme by Taiwan Macroview TV

On July 18, Taiwan Macroview TV published a news report of Spotlight Taiwan in Tübingen.
You can read and watch the report here.

2014.07.10 - Spotlight Taiwan: Music and Literature

Music and Literature loomed large in the programme of day 4 of Spotlight Taiwan in Tübingen, Thursday July 10th. A seemingly very happy lunch gathering at Restaurant Mauganeschtle opened the programme for our contributing guests, and at 6 p.m. Prof. Hoffmann held a lecture aquainting the local public with taiwanese literature and its history - "Between Multiculturality and the Search for Identity - Some Remarks on the History of Taiwanese Literature". Prof. Hoffmann's lecture was followed by yet another hightlight: the concert by the Taiwanese combo A Moving Sound, famous for their very creative blending of tradition and modernity and the impressive voice of lead singer Mia Hsieh.



2014.07.11. Spotlight Taiwan - The Stars of Day 5: Chang I-Wen and Umin Boya

On Friday, July 10th, I-Wen Chang 張懿文 from, at that time, the Department of World Art and Cultures/Dance at the University of California enlightened us about "Choreographing diversity and identity: the New Generation of Contemporary Dance in Taiwan" during her lecture on that topic and she illustrated impressively what she said by also adding the performance of her own solo choreography. The audience went breathless.

Next was a presentation of Wei Te-Sheng's 2011 film Warriors of the Rainbow - Seediq Bale, which was introduced to the audience by one of the main actors Umin Boya 馬志翔, who was warmly welcomed by ERCCT Director Prof. Gunter Schubert.

2014.07.12. Spotlight Taiwan - Day 6: Documentaries and Guest Star Umin Boya

Our Saturday Programme was dedicated to cinema. It featured the 9th annual Taiwan Documentary Film Festival in the morning, as well as the Europe premiere of Umin Boya's 2014 feature film KANO. The director presented the film himself and discussed it with the audience, posed for photos and charmingly signed autographs.  

Here are some photos from this unforgettable Saturday, the 6th day of our Spotlight Taiwan programme. Please click on the picture to see more.


2014.07.13 Spotlight Taiwan - Modern Cinema Classic "Eat Drink Man Woman"

On the 7th day, Sunday, July 13, Kino Atelier offered a nutritive and delicious brunch before screening Ang Lee's modern classic Eat Drink Man Woman 飲食男女. 

2014.07.15. Spotlight Taiwan - Lecture on Taiwan Cinema by Prof. Ming-yeh Rawnsley

The ERCCT's 2014 Spotlight Taiwan Programme ended with a real hightlight: Prof. Ming-Yeh Rawnsley 蔡明燁 (SOAS, London)'s lecture on "Cultural Representation of Identities in Eat, Drink, Man, Woman", the famous movie by Ang Lee just screened on Sunday, July 12 at Kino Atelier, held on Tuesday, July 15th, 6 to 8 p.m.

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