
Björn Alexander Lindemann 林德曼


Björn Alexander Lindemann 林德曼

Time as Resident Fellow: 2009 - 2013
Project Title:  

+49 (07071) 2973110

Update: He finished his Ph.D. thesis in 2011.


Björn Alexander Lindemann, M.A., born in Cologne, studied Political Science (major) and Public International Law and Modern History (minors) at the University of Bonn, from where he earned hist degree (Magister Artium) in July 2008. From August 2005 to May 2006, he took part in the International Asian Studies Programm of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hongkong, and then stayed in Taipei from September 2007 until February 2008, taking part in the Mandarin Studies Programme of National Cheng-Chi University, but also focusing his studies on politics, history and economy of Taiwan and cross-strait relations. Mr. Lindemann has also gathered various work experience, part of it being an internship at the Institute of International Relations at NCCU, Taipei.

Research Project

Björn Alexander Lindemann worked on his Ph.D. project "Taiwan and China in International Organizations" (working title), the aim of which it is to identify, analyse, and discuss the strategic behaviour of Taiwan and China in international organizations. Thus, questions shall be tackled like, how do Taiwan and China act in international organization? What goals do both countries pursue with regard to each other? How do they deal with each other in international organizations on the organizational level? What interactions can be identified, how do these influence each other and how did they change during the last years? And what can be expected in the future?  At the end possible future developments regarding Taiwan's future in international organizations shall be assessed.

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