
Sascha Zhivkov


Sascha Zhivkov

Time as Resident Fellow: 2016 - 2023
Email-Address: sascha.zhivkov@uni-tuebingen.de
Project Title: Die Pilotfreihandelszone Fujian: Vorantreiber eines neuen chinesischen Wirtschaftsmodells und der sino-taiwanischen Beziehungen?


Sascha Zhivkov, M.A., studied Chinese Studies and Political Science at Tuebingen and Peking University. In addition to being an ERCCT Fellow, he was a Research Assistant and Junior Lecturer at the Chair of Greater China Studies (Tuebingen) between 2016 and 2023.

Main Research Project

In his submitted PhD project, Sascha analyzed the progress of economic reforms and cross-strait relations which are the core goals of the Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone (PFTZ). This included empirical data gathered from multiple rounds of fieldwork. China's PFTZ shall test economic reforms to spur the overhaul of the Chinese growth model and help lead the path to a successful innovation-driven economy. The project assessed strengths and weaknesses of the Chinese policy cycle between the central and local level in this agenda. In times of officially frozen cross-strait relations between Beijing and Taipei, Fujian's outreach to Taiwan was a challenging task to navigate for Fujian's policymakers and Taiwanese businesses, which the project also uncovered.


Sascha has published on the core findings of his research recently in China Review (2022). He taught academically for many years on topics such as the political systems of Greater China, Chinese foreign relations, the Chinese economy and history politics. 


Schubert, Gunter; Zhivkov, Sascha (2022): Steering China’s Economic Reform and Cross-Strait Integration Under ‘Top-Level Design’: The Fujian Pilot Free Trade Zone. In: China Review 22(4): 163-195.
Hefele, Peter; Merkle, David; Zhivkov, Sascha (2015): Mit Konfuzius nach Afrika. Wie Auswärtige Kulturpolitik Chinas Stimme und Sicht der Welt vermitteln soll, in: KAS Auslandsinformationen 5/2015, 58-75.

Zhivkov, Sascha (2015): Myths and Mobilization Matter: Increasing Agency of Chinese Activist Groups in the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands Conflict, GCS Master Thesis Collection.

Zhivkov, Sascha (2011): Die Chinesische Arbeitseinheit (danwei) heute: Zwischen Reform, Vorbild und Marginalisierung, GCS Bachelor Thesis Collection.

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