
Sheu Jyh-Shyang, M.A.

Name: Sheu Jyh-Shyang 許智翔
Period as Resident Fellow: 2009 - 2018
Email-Address: amurosheu[at]googlemail.com
Project Title: A Study on cross-strait political interaction between 1988 to 2012
Phone: +49 (07071) 2973112
Room: 137


Sheu Jyh-Shyang, born in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan, studied International Politics at the National Chung-Hsing University, where in 2009 he earned his Master degree with a thesis in his major field: Security and Strategy. From September 2008 to July 2009, he studied at the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen as an exchange student. During the exchange program, he studied German and collected a lot of material for his Master thesis. Besides he found that he loves the study environment in Tübingen. Therefore, after his graduate studies, he decided to keep his academic career going.

Research Project

Sheu Jyh-Shyang is working on his Ph.D. project “A Study on cross-strait political interaction between 1988 to 2012” (working title). The objectives of the project is to analyze the interaction of cross-strait relations, especially in the realm of “high politics” and to try to answer why both Taiwan and China could not get a step further on issues of high politics. Sheu Jyh-Shyang tries to describe the structure of cross-strait triangular relations through “two-level analysis,” which meaning to take into account both domestic issues and the “american factor” as playing a crucial role in cross-strait relations and limiting both Taiwan's and China's room for maneuver.

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