
Chen Teng-Hsiang 陳登翔

Name: Chen Teng-Hsiang 陳登翔
Home Institiution: Institute of Sociology, Academia Sinica
Duration of Stay:

12 January to 9 February 2023


Dr. Teng-Hsiang Chen is a Postdoctoral Fellow at Academia Sinica’s Institute of Sociology. He received his Ph.D. degree in Sociology from Goethe University Frankfurt am Main in 2019, with specific focuses on interaction strategies between strangers in Metropolis. Then, his research interest related to Social Interaction has expanded to the transnational transmission of Chinese Buddhism in Europe and the process of trust-building between users of Mobile dating applications. His ongoing research projects adopt a sociological approach to examining the development of Chinese Buddhist Organization Fo Guang Shan (FGS) in Germany, and the interaction between immigrants from Taiwan, believer of FGS and local residents.


Chen, Teng-Hsiang (2022): Religion and Cultural Transmission: The Globalization of Chinese Buddhist Organization Fo Guang Shan in Germany. paper presented at Religion and Spirituality in the Global East: Covid-19 Reflection and Civilizational Transformation, Taipei, Taiwan: East Asian Society of Scientific Study of Religion (EASSSR), 2022-08-13 ~ 2022-08-14.

Chang, Szu-Chia and Teng-Hsiang Chen (2022): Strategies of Trust-Building in Relationship Development When Using Dating Apps. paper presented at 2022 What’s Love Got To Do With It: Diversity in Close/Romantic Relationships, UK, London: The International Association for Relationship Research (IARR), 2022-07-28 ~ 2022-08-01.

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