Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

Mechteld van den Hoek Ostende

Universität Tübingen
Schleichstraße 4
Raum 4.439
72076 Tübingen

Tel.: +49(0) 7071 29-77595
E-Mail: mechteld.van-den-hoek-ostendespam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de


van den Hoek Ostende, M. M., Schwarz, U., Gawrilow, C., Kaup, B., & Svaldi, J. (2024). Practice makes perfect: Restrained eaters' heightened control for food images. European Eating Disorders Review, 32(1), 90-98.

van den Hoek Ostende, M. M., Schwarz, U., Gawrilow, C., Kaup, B., & Svaldi, J. (2024). Modality Matters: Fasted Individuals Inhibit Food Stimuli Better Than Neutral Stimuli for Words, but Not for Pictures. Nutrients, 16(14), 2190.

van den Hoek Ostende, M. M., Neuser, M. P., Teckentrup, V., Svaldi, J., & Kroemer, N. B. (2021). Can't decide how much to EAT? Effort variability for reward is associated with cognitive restraint. Appetite, 159, 105067.

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