
Dr. Marlijn Noback

Current Position

Former Positions

Research Interests


2014 PhD (Dr. rer. nat) in Paleoanthropology (magna cum laude), Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen. Defense: July 23rd 2014, PhD certificate: October 20th 2014.
2009 MSc Biogeology (cum laude), Utrecht University
2008 MSc Human Evolution & Behaviour (with distinction), University College London, UK.
2006 BSc Biology (cum laude), Utrecht University.

Workshops & extra courses




2013 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen - Excellence Initiative - Athene Program

Wenner Gren Foundation – Dissertation Fieldwork Grant


Leakey Foundation Research Grant

2007 Huygens Scholarship Programme (HSP) – Nuffic Talentprogramme from the Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science.

Fieldwork experience

2012 Field Survey of caves in Mani, Greece as part of the PaGE project (Paleoanthropology at the Gates of Europe: human evolution in the Southern Balkans, Prof. K. Harvati and Dr. V. Tourloukis)
2010 Anthropological fieldschool Eberhard Karls University Tübingen at Bärenthal medieval cemetery, Germany.

Geological field assistant of Prof. C. Feibel at Lake Turkana, Kenya.


Paleontological field assistant of Prof. F. Spoor and Dr. M.G. Leakey at the Koobi Fora Research Project at Lake Turkana, Kenya.


Archeological fieldschool Leiden University at Neumark Nord, Germany.


Geological fieldschool Utrecht University: Paleoenvironmental reconstruction of the Tremp Basin, Spain.

2004 Biological fieldschool Utrecht University: Research project biodiversity and vegetation patterning in salt marshes at the Waddensea, NL.
2003 Archeological fieldschool Dutch Youth Society for History (NJBG) at Zutphen, NL.


Noback, M.L. and Harvati, K. (2015). The contribution of subsistence to global human cranial variation. Journal of Human Evolution 80:34-50.

Noback, M.L. and Harvati, K. (2015). Covariation in the human masticatory apparatus. Anatomical Record 298:64-84.

Kandel, A.W., Mentzer, S.M., Noback, M.L. and Reyes-Centeno, H. 2014, Third annual meeting of the European Society for the study of Human Evolution. Evol. Anthropol., 23: 45–46.

Kandel, A.W., Noback, M.L. and Slizewski, A. 2013, Second annual meeting of the european society for the study of human evolution. Evol. Anthropol., 22: 157–158.

Vonhof, H.B., Joordens, J.C.A., Noback, M.L., van der Lubbe, J.H.J.L., Feibel, C.S., Kroon, D. 2013. Environmental and climatic control on seasonal stable isotope variation of freshwater molluscan bivalves in the Turkana Basin (Kenya). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 383-384, p.16-26. Doi:,

Kandel, A. W., Bauer, C. C., Noback, M. L. and Singh, N. 2012. First Annual Meeting of the European Society for the study of human evolution. Evol. Anthropol., 21: 167–168. doi: 10.1002/evan.21318

Joordens JCA, Noback M. L., Vonhof B, Feibel CS, Kroon D. 2011. Climatic and environmental reconstructions in the Turkana Basin: how useful are oxygen isotope ratios? In: Joordens JCA (2011). The power of place: climate change as driver of hominin evolution and dispersal over the past five million years. PhD thesis, VU University Amsterdam, Chapter 2, p. 49-64. [pdf]

Noback M.L., Harvati K., Spoor F. 2011. Climate related variation of the human nasal cavity. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 145 (4), p.599–614. [pdf]

News & media

Poster presentations

Noback, M.L. and K. Harvati (2014). Covariation in the human masticatory apparatus. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Abstract: AJPA Supplement 58, p. 196¬-197).

Noback M.L., Harvati K, Spoor F. (2013). Diet-related variation in global human cranial shape European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) meeting, Vienna (Abstract: Proceedings ESHE 2, p. 165).

Noback, M.L., K. Harvati, F. Spoor (2012). Testing uniqueness of Inuit facial shape and its effect on climate-shape analysis. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Abstract: Issue 2012, supplement 54, p. 224-225)

Noback M.L., Harvati K, Spoor F. (2011). Modern human climate-related variation: face vs. nasal cavity. European Society for the Study of Human Evolution (ESHE) meeting September 2011, Leipzig. [Abstract]

Noback, M.L., K. Harvati (2011). The mosaic morphology of LB1: a new 3D geometric morphometric study. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Abstract: Issue 2011, supplement 52, p. 226).

Vonhof, H., J. Joordens, M. Noback, J. van der Lubbe, and C.Feibel (2011). Paleo-environmental reconstruction in the East African Rift: how to interpret stable isotope ratios of Early Pleistocene carbonate fossils from the Turkana Basin? Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-9252, EGU General Assembly 2011.

Noback, M.L. & F. Spoor (2009). The nasal cavity of Pleistocene hominins: implications of climate-related variation among modern humans. Annual meeting of the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Abstract: Issue 2009, supplement 48, p. 199-200).

Joordens, J.C.A., M.L. Noback, H.B. Vonhof, C.S. Feibel, D.Kroon (2009). Seasonality over orbital climate cycles, at ~ 2-1.8 Ma in the Turkana Basin. Annual meeting of the Paleoanthropology Society, 2009.

Oral presentations

Noback, M.L. (2014). Climate and diet related variation of the human face. Invited speaker at the Institute for Scientific Archaeology, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen (INA – colloqium).

Noback, M.L. (2013). Virtual anthropology & geometric morphometrics: studying climate and diet related cranial variation. Invited speaker at the Department of Osteoarcheology, University of Leiden, Netherlands.

Noback, M.L. (2012). Virtual anthropology: about CT scans, skulls and the value of osteological collections. Invited speaker at Paleobiologische Kring Symposium "Museum treasures", Natural History Museum Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Noback, M.L. (2011). The mosaic morphology of LB1: a new 3D geometric morphometric study. Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen.

Noback, M.L. (2011). Climate and diet related variation in modern human functional cranial components. Guest lecture at the Department of Anthropology, Natural History Museum Vienna.

Noback, M.L. (2011). Climate and diet related variation in modern human functional cranial components. Guest lecture at the Department of Anthropology, Copenhagen University.

Noback, M.L. (2010). Climate adaptation of the human nasal cavity. Students in Evolution and Ecology (StEvE) meeting, Tübingen, Germany.

Noback, M.L. (2009). Klimaat en de menselijke neusholte. Guestspeaker at Annual Meeting of the Dutch Society of Physical Anthropologists.

Noback, M.L. (2008). Climate related variation of the human nasal cavity. 3rd Biological Anthropology Graduate Student Conference at UCL, London, UK.

Noback, M.L. (2008). Climate related variation of the human nasal cavity. Annual symposium London Evolutionary Research Network, Zoological Institute London Zoo, London, UK (with honourable mention).

Noback, M.L. (2006). The Neanderthal contradiction. Symposium of the Dutch Study Group of Pleistocene Mammals (WPZ).

Extracurricular activities

2014 Volunteer translator (English – Dutch) of medical abstracts for communication to patient societies.
2009 Volunteer Human Origins website content development at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History in Washington DC, USA. Supervised by Dr. B. Pobiner.
2008-2009 Editorial staff of the magazine bio-SCOPE from the department of Biology at Utrecht University.
2008 Volunteer Educational department at the Grant Museum of Zoology at University College London, UK.
2005-2009 Nature excursion leader for the Visitor’s Centre Schiermonnikoog, Wadden Sea, NL.

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