
Dr. Astrid Slizewski

Current Position

PhD-Student in the Paleoanthropology Department of the Insitute for Archaeological Sciences at the Eberhard Karls University and Tübingen - Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Paleoecology.

Topic: The relation of bone and muscle in the forearm. Supervised by Prof. Katerina Harvati


Bradtmöller, M., Pastoors, A., Slizewski, A., Weniger, G.-Ch. 2010: NESPOS - A Digital Archive and Platform for Pleistocene Archaeology, Data Management Workshop Proceedings Cologne 29.-30. Oktober 2009

Slizewski, A., Friess, M. und Semal, P. 2010: Surface scanning of anthropological specimens: nominal-actual comparison with low cost laser scanner and high end fringe light projection surface scanning systems, Quartär 57: 179-187.

Slizewski, A. und Semal, P. 2009: Experiences with low and high cost 3D surface scanners, Quartär 56: 131 - 138

Berens, D. und Slizewski, A. 2008: Neandertaler digital – Fundkatalogisierung mit der Online-Plattform NESPOS, Der Präparator 54: 84-88


04.2008 - 04.2010 Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Early Stage Researcher grant within the project "Regional Differentiation during the late Middle Paleolithic on the Iberian Peninsula".

07.2010 - 12.2012 Gerda Henkel Stiftung. Dissertation Fellowship.

04.2012 Heinrich-Hertz Stiftung. Travel Grant Israel.

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