Mittelalterliche Geschichte

Dr. Paolo Tedesco

nach Vereinbarung

Sprechstunde während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit: Termine

Büro: Keplerstr. 2, Raum 45

E-Mail: paolo.tedescospam

Telefon: +49 7071 29-77679

Wissenschaftlicher und beruflicher Werdegang

  • 2024 – 2027   DFG Eigene Stelle: Unser tägliches Brot: Christliche Ökonomien im frühmittelalterlichen Westen (mit Steffen Patzold)
  • 2024 Fellow an Seeger Center for Hellenic Studies – Princeton University (Juni bis August)
  • 2023 Visiting Fellow and der Universität Cambridge (März)
  • 2023 Gastprofessur an der Universität Statale in Pisa (Februar)
  • 2021 Gastprofessur Universität Rom La Sapienza (September bis November)
  • 2020 - 2024    DFG Eigene Stelle - Die Globalisierung der mediterranen Wirtschaft im siebten Jahrhundert
  • 2020 (bis Oct)    Research Fellow am Deutsche Historische Institut – Rom (Max Weber Stiftung und Gerda Henkel Stiftung) 
  • 2020 (bis Juli)    Lecturer im Mittelalterliche Geschichte – Tübingen Universität
  • 2017 – 2019    Post-Doc Zukunftskonzept Programm – DFG Excellenzinitiative 
  • 2017    Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies of Migration and Mobility - Tübingen  
  • 2016    Fellow am Institut für Mittelalter - Notre Dame Universität (IN). 
  • 2016    Summer Fellow an der Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection – Trustee for Harvard University.
  • 2016     Visiting Fellow – Tübingen Universität 
  • 2015 – 2016     Post-Doc Fellow am Institut für Frühmittelalterforschung – ÖAW – ERC Advanced Grant: “Social cohesion, Identity and Religion in Europe (A.D. 400-1200) SCIRE”.
  • 2011 – 2015       PhD an den Universitäten Wien und Princeton; Dissertationstitel: Late Roman Italy: Taxation, Settlement and Economy, A.D. 300 – 700.
  • 2007 – 2009    Studium der mittelalterlichen Geschichte in Rom.
  • 2003 – 2006     Studium der Geschichte in Rom. 
  • 2003    Studium der naher Osten Geschichte in Urbino.
  • 2002    Studium der Rechtswissenschaften (Römische Recht, Volkswirtschaft, Steuerwesen) in Rom und Urbino.


  • Politische Ökonomie der alten Imperien. 
  • Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Spätantike und des Frühmittelalters (300-1000 NC).
  • Feudalismus.
  • Das Steuersystem im historischen Vergleich.
  • Agrarwirtschaft, Migration, und Mobilität.    

Aktuelle Projekte

  • Projekt: Unser tägliches Brot: Christliche Ökonomien im frühmittelalterlichen Westen (DFG TE 1300/3-1)
  • Projekt: Die Globalisierung der mediterranen Wirtschaft im siebten Jahrhundert (DFG TE 1300)
  • Projekt:  European Council – Civis Network: project Mediterranean Encounters (student and teacher mobility Rome-Aix Marseille-Tübingen)
  • Projekt: Africa 500–1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research – Center for Advanced Studies for Migration and Mobility Tübingen
  • Projekt: Approaching Early Medievale Iberian Economy from the ground up – Center for Advanced Studies for Migration and Mobility Tübingen 
  • Projekt:  Before Capitalist Hegemony, 300-1300 CE - Past and Present Association
  • Projekt:  Italy: First Millennium - Partnerschaft Universität Rom La Sapienza


(Syllabi sind verfügbar: )

  • WiSe 2024-25 – Proseminar: Priests, peasants, and outcasts: submerged histories from the Middle Ages
  • WiSe 2023-24 - Medieval History from the ground up: The World the Peasants made (CE 400-1000)
  • SoSe 2023 – Our Daily Bread: Christian Economies in the Early Medieval West.
  • WiSe 2022-23 – Europe and the Medieval World: An Introduction (500-1500 CE).
  • SoSe 2022 – Mediterranean Encounters: Communication and Commerce across the Middle Sea (400-1400)
  • WiSe 2021 – Italy: First Millennium (Seminars - Visiting Professorship University La Sapienza of Rome - September – November 2021). 
  • SoSe 2021 – ‘Conscripts of Modernity’: Transformation, Transition, and Revolution from the Late Antique to the Middle Ages (500-1100 CE).
  • WiSe 2020-21 – Medieval Mediterranean: Revisiting the History of the Great Sea (500-1400 CE)
  • SoSe 2020 – Exploring the economy of Late Antiquity (200-700 CE)
  • SoSe 2020 – The ‘Other Middle Age’: Economy and Society in Premodern Eurasia (500-1400 CE)
  • WS 2019-20 – Globalizing the Mediterranean economy in the Middle Ages, 500-1100 CE (Proseminar: Bachelor / Master Course – University of Tübingen).
  • SoSe 2019 – The social and economic history of the Roman Empire (Bachelor / Master Course – University of Tübingen).
  • WS 2017-18 – ‘Small Things won’t matter’: Explorations in Social and Economic History of Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages (Master / Graduate Seminar - University of Tübingen).


(Die folgenden Publikationen sind verfügbar:

  • Monografie: Writings on the Tributary State and Commercial Capitalism, Napoli: ESI, 2024
  • Monografie: Living at the Margins: African Peasants in an Age of Extreme, 300-900 CE, Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 2025
  • Monografie: State, Taxation and Power in the Late Roman West 300-600 C.E. (zur Veröffentlichung zugelassen: Cambridge University Press)
  • Monografie: The Rise and Fall of North Africa’s Peasantry (Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Bonn Center for Dependencies and Slavery Studies) (in Vorbereitung)


  • “Conclusioni: Un altro modo di governare”, in Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome – Moyen Âge 136-1 (2024). 
  • “Le Moyen Âge vu par les marxistes”, in La Pensée 417 Janvier-mars 2024, 84-95.
  • “Jairus Banaji’s Lineages of Commercial Capitalism”, in Commercial Capitalism and Global History, herausgegeben von Lorenzo Bondioli, Paolo Tedesco, und Michele Campopiano, in Storica XXVIII, 83-84 (2022), 163-176.
  • “Africa’s Transitions to the Middle Ages”, in Africa 500–1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research, eds. Roland Steinacher, Paolo Tedesco and Philipp Margreiter, Medieval Worlds 16 (2022), 129-140. 
  • “The Roman Road to Capitalism and the Rise of the West” in Mediterraneo Antico, 24, 1-2 (2021), 55-63.
  • “Conscripts of Transformation: An Introduction to the Seminar”, in Conscripts of Transformation: Europe in the Central Middle Ages, in Journal of European Economic History, 50, 3 (2021), 139-153.
  • “What made a Peasantry: Theory and Historiography of Rural Labor in Byzantine Egypt”, in Journal of Egyptian History, 13 (2020), 333-379.
  • “Beyond the Manorial Economy: Introduction to the Seminar”, in Journal of European Economic History, 48, 3 (2019), 131-145. 
  • “The Political Economy of the Late Roman Empire: An Essay in Speculation”, in Uomini, Istituzioni, Mercati. Studi di Storia Antica per Elio Lo Cascio, Edipuglia: Bari: 2019, 559-568.
  • “Late Antiquity, Early Islam, and the Emergence of a Precocious Capitalism: A Review Essay”, in Journal of European Economic History 47, 3 (2018), 115-151. 
  • “The Missing Factor: Economy and Labour in Late Roman North Africa, 400-600 CE”, in Journal of Late Antiquity 11, 2 (2018), 396-431.
  • “The Political Economy of Survival: The Eastern Roman Empire’s Transition to the Early Middle Ages”, Introduction to ‘John Haldon, The Empire That Would Not Die: A Symposium, herausgegeben von Paolo Tedesco, Journal of European Economic History 46, 2 (2017), 119-128.
  • “Liguria tardoantica e altomedievale: una nota di storia economica”, in Rivista Storica Italiana, 129, 3 (2017),1094-1105.
  • “Economia monetaria e fiscalità tardoantica: una sintesi”, in Annali dell’Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, 62 (2016), 107-149.
  • “Was there Roman Capitalism?”, in Mediterraneo Antico XIX, 1-2 (2016), 11-21.
  • “Exploring the Economy of Byzantine Italy”, in Journal of European Economic History 45, 2 (2016), 179-193.
  • “Capitalismo, stato e società: alle origini del dibattito sull’economia antica”, in Bullettino dell’Istituto di diritto romano Vittorio Scialoja, 109 (2015), 339-361.
  • “Note sulla genesi e l’evoluzione dell’autopragia demaniale nei secoli IV-VI”, in Ricerca come incontro. Archeologi, paleografi e storici per Paolo Delogu, eds. G. Barone - A. Esposito - C. Frova, Roma, 2013, 3-17.
  • “Sortes Vandalorum : forme di insediamento nell’Africa post-romana”, in Expropriations et confiscationes dans l’Empire Tardif et les Royaumes Barbares. Une approche régionale, eds. Y. Rivière – P. Porena, Roma, 2012, 157-224.
  • “Economia e moneta nell’Africa vandalica”, in Annali dell’Istituto Italiano di Numismatica, 57 (2011), 115-138.
  • “Il ritorno dei barbari: studi recenti sulla crisi dell’impero romano”, in Studi Romani 44 (2006), 116-135.

Mitverfasste Werke

  • Gemeinsam mit Jairus Banaji, “Giuseppe Salvioli´s Capitalism in the Ancient World”, in Jairus Banaji, A Marxist Mosaic, Selected Writings, 1968-2022, Chicago: Haymarket, 2024.
  • Gemeinsam mit Jamie Wood und Merle Eisenberg, “Approaching Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the ground up”, in Al-Masaq 35.3 (2023), 247-270.
  • Gemeinsam mit Merle Eisenberg, “Seeing the churches like the state: taxes and wealth redistribution in late antique Italy”, in Early Medieval Europe 29, 4 (2021), 505-534.
  • Gemeinsam mit Jairus Banaji, “Giuseppe Salvioli’s Capitalism in the Ancient World”, in Journal of European Economic History 46, 3 (2017), 145-156.


  • “Approaching Early Medieval Iberian Economy from the ground up”, herausgegeben von Jamie Wood, Merle Eisenberg und Paolo Tedesco, in Al-Masaq 35.3 (2023).
  • “Commercial Capitalism and Global History”, herausgegeben von Lorenzo Bondioli, Paolo Tedesco, und Michele Campopiano, in Storica XXVIII, 83-84 (2022).
  • “Africa 500–1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research”, herausgegeben von Roland Steinacher, Paolo Tedesco and Philipp Margreiter, Medieval Worlds 16 (2022), 3-140.
  • “Conscripts of Transformation: Europe in the Central Middle Ages”, herausgegeben von Paolo Tedesco und Annette Grabowsky, in Journal of European Economic History, 50, 3 (2021), 136-227.
  • “Beyond the Manorial Economy: The Debate continues”, herausgegeben von Paolo Tedesco, Journal of European Economic History, 49, 2 (2020).
  • “Beyond the Manorial Economy: Peasant Labour and Mobility in Carolingian and Post-Carolingian Europe”, herausgegeben von Steffen Patzold und Paolo Tedesco, Journal of European Economic History, 48, 3 (2019).
  • John Haldon, The Empire That Would Not Die: A Symposium, herausgegeben u. eingeleitet von Paolo Tedesco, Journal of European Economic History 46, 2 (2017), 117-178.  


  • In Vorbereitung: Ökonomie der Macht (West 300-900); Wirtschaft (West 300-900); Langobarden; in Der Neue Pauly Wissowa – Spätantike / Frühmittelalter 300-900. 
  • “Capitatio and Caput”; “Coemptio”; “Food Supply”; “Hoarding Food”; “Hospitalitas”; “Imperial Estates”; “Indiction and Superindiction”; “Population”; “Price and Price Regulation”; “Remuneration”; “Scales and Weights” in Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity, ed. Oliver Nicholson, Oxford: Oxford University Press 2018, I-II. 


  • “Die Entstehung der italianischen Arbeitklasse”, in ( 18.05.2024
  • La nascita della classe operaia in Italia”, in ( 02.03.2024
  • “La formación de la clase obrera in Italia”, in (  
  • “How the Italian Working Class was made”, in ( ) 18.01.2024
  • “Як сучасні марксисти бачать Середньовіччя (How Marxists view the Middle Ages)” in Commons: Journal of Social Criticism ( 9.01.2024 
  • “Wie entstand der Kapitalismus?” in ( 22.09.2023 
  • “Debemos revisar lo que sabemos sobre los orígenes del capitalismo” in ( 24.08.2023 
  • “A obra de Jairus Banaji transformou nossa compreensao sobre as origens do capitalismo” in Jacobin Brasil ( 20.08.2023
  • Alle origini del capitalismo in Jacobin. Italia ( 17.07.2023
  • Jairus Banaji’s Work has transformed our Understanding of the Origins of Capitalism in ( 13.07.2023
  • Wie Marxisten das Mittelalter sehen in ( ) 26.10.2022
  • Il Medioevo secondo i marxisti in ( 28.05.2022
  • Los marxistas y la Edad Media ( 17.05.2022
  • “How Marxists view the Middle Ages”, in ( 18.04.2022
  • “The Roman Road to Capitalism and the Rise of the West” in ( 25.02.2021


  • Dey, Hendrik: The Making of Medieval Rome. A New Profile of the City, 400–1420, Cambridge 2021, in: H-Soz-Kult, 06.03.2024,
  • “David Bacharach, The Foundations of Royal Power in Early Medieval Germany”, Woodbridge: Boydell Press 2022, in Deutsches Archiv 79 (2023), demnächst auf Deutsch.
  • “Domenico Vera, Fisco, annona, mercato. Studi sul Tardo Impero”, Bari: Edipuglia 2020, in Journal of Late Antiquity 15,2 (2022), 549-551;
  • “Rocco Selvaggi, Erfolgreiche Vertragskonzepte oder foedera incerta? Die weströmische Außenpolitik des 5. Jahrhunderts im Spiegel der römisch-germanischen Vereinbarungen, Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2020”, in Sehepunkte Rezensionjournal für die Geschichtswissenschaften, 21.2 (2021), online 15/02/2021
  • “Carlo Tapia, A Treatise on Abundance (1638) and Early Modern Views of Poverty and Famine”, eds. Tommaso Astarita and Gaetano Sabatini, London – Ney York: Anthem Press 2019, in Journal of European Economic History 49,1 (2020), 201-207
  • Jérôme France, Finances publiques, intérêts privés dans le monde romain, Bordeaux, 2017, in Journal of Roman Studies 109, 2019;  
  • “David Jäger, Plündern in Gallien 451-592. Eine Studie zu der Relevanz einer Praktik für das Organisieren von Folgeleistungen, Boston – Berlin: De Gruyter 2017 (Ergänzungsbände zum Reallexicon der Germanischen Altertumskunde Bande 103)”, in H/Soz/Kult, on-line 12/09/2018;
  • “J. Arnold, Theoderic and the Roman Imperial Restoration, Cambridge, 2014”, in Historische Zeitschrift 304, 2 (2017), 470-472;
  • “Across the Ocean: Nine Essays on Indo-Mediterranean Trade, eds. Federico De Romanis and Marco Maiuro, (Columbia Studies in Classical Tradition), Brill, Leiden, 2015”, in Journal of European Economic History 45, 3 (2016), 213-220;  
  • “R.E. Payne, A State of Mixture: Christians, Zoroastrians, and Iranian Political Culture in Late Antiquity, California University Press, Berkeley, 2015”, in Journal of European Economic History 45, 3 (2016), 229-234; 
  • “L’Imperium Romanum en perspective. Les savoirs d’empire dans la République romaine et leur héritage dans l’Europe médiévale et moderne, eds. Julien Dubouloz, Sylvie Pittia, and Gaetano Sabatini, Paris, 2014”, in Journal of European Economic History 45, 1 (2016), 203-206;
  •  “Yves Modéran, Les Vandales et l’Empire romain, Paris, 2014”, in Historische Zeitschrift in 302, 2 (2015), 473-474;
  • “G. Chouquer, Cadastres et fiscalité dans l’Antiquité tardive, Tours, 2014”, in Journal of European Economic History 44, 3 (2015), 206-209;
  • “L. Alonzi, Economia e finanza nell’Italia moderna. Rendite e forme di censo (XV-XX”, Roma, 2012”, in Studi Romani 62 (2014), 522-526;
  •  “R. Hodges, Dark Age Economics, Bristol, 2012”, in Rivista Storica Italiana 126, 2 (2014), 598-603;
  • “P. Porena, L’insediamento degli Ostrogoti in Italia, Roma, 2012”, in Rivista Storica Italiana 126, 1 (2014), 221-228;
  • “Between Taxation and Rent: Fiscal Problems from Late Antiquity to Early Middle Ages, Bari, 2011, eds. P. Diaz – I. Martin Viso”, in Rivista Storica Italiana 125, 1 (2013), 219-228;
  • “S. Gasparri, L’Italia longobarda. Il regno, i Franchi, il papato, Roma-Bari, 2012”, in Studi Romani 50 (2012), 349-351;


  • “Dalla storia alla teoria: vivere sul latifondo tardoantico, Laboratorio Critico (on line), 07.06.2024. 
  • “Storia del capitalismo e materialismo storico”, Laboratorio Critico (on line), 03.05.2024.
  • “Alle origini del capitalismo” University of Pisa, La Statale, 01.03.2024. 
  • “The Rise and Fall of North Africa’s Peasantry”, in “The Global and Local Economies of the Early Middle Ages”, organized by Paolo Tedesco and Steffen Patzold, Final Project Conference “Globalizing the Mediterranean Economy in the Seventh Century”, University of Tubingen, 13th-15th September 2023.
  • “Why did Tributary States differ? Taxation and Economy in the Late Roman and Post-Roman Mediterranean”, Agrarian changes and rural settlement patterns in Late Antique, Byzantine and Islamic Western Mediterranean, DFG Center for Advanced Studies ‘Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity. and the Early Middle Ages' University of Tübingen (Germany), 25 and 26 May 2023. 
  • “Il Mediterraneo altomedievale in transizione: fiscalità, economia, commercio”, Lecture at the University of Pisa, 10th May 2023.
  • “What was life like for late antique peasants? A Reassessment”, Lecture at the University of Athens, 2 Mai 2023.
  • “Medioevo e Marxismo: storia di una relazione difficile“, Lecture at the University of Bari, 13 April 2023.
  • “Dynatoi e paroikoi nel Levante tardoantico: l’orizzonte di Libanio”, Lecture at the University of Pisa, 28 March 2023.
  • “Proprietari e contadini nell´Africa tardoantica”, Lecture at the University of Pisa, 1 March 2023.
  • “Our Daily Bread: Christian Economies in the Early Medieval West”, in Land and Loyalty: The Politics of Land in the Later and Post-Roman World, University of Tübingen, 17 December 2022.
  • “States and Tributary Modes of Production in Western Mediterranean, 300-900 CE”, Before Capitalist Hegemony, CRASSH, University of Cambridge, 9-10 December 2022.
  • “Africa at the margins: When history changes but life stays the same”, in Roman Continuity and Discontinuity in the Vandal Kingdom, RomanIslam DFG Center, Hamburg, 7 December 2022.
  • “Concluding Remarks”, Approaching the Early Iberian Economy from the ground up, Center for Advanced Studies in Migration and Mobility, Tübingen, May 31, 2022.
  • “Afterthoughts on empires and economies in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages”, Golden Years for the Dark Ages. The Transformation of Early Medieval Studies since ca. 1980. A Conference in Honour of Walter Pohl, IMAFO, Vienna 23-27, March 2022.  
  • “The Economic Trajectories of Roman Churches”, Roma still caput mundi, RomanIslam Center, Hamburg 4 March 2022.
  • “Response”, in New Research on Indo-Mediterranean Commerce, University La Sapienza in Rome, 28 February 2022.
  • “Commento critico”, Dalla Res Privata ai patrimoni pubblici altomedievali, PRIN: Fiscus, Università Roma Tre, 3 febbraio 2022 (on line).  
  • “Conclusion”, Approaching the early medieval Iberian economy from the ground up, Workshop Center for Advanced Studies in Migration and Mobility, 3 December 2021, Tübingen (online). 
  • “Mediterraneo in transizione”, Scuola di Dottorato in Filologia e Storia del Mondo Antico, 18 Novembre, 2021, Rome.
  • “Storia di una società marginale: il fundus Tuletianos”, Scuola di Dottorato in Filologia e Storia del Mondo Antico, 11 Novembre, 2021, Rome. 
  • “Eighth-century Africa: What Kind of Transition?”, Religious Network as a Catalyst for Commercial Renewal, Roman-Islam Center, 28 October, 2021, Hamburg (on line).
  • “A Microhistory of the African Peasantry”, Mittelarliche Seminar Universität Tübingen, 19 July 2021, Tübingen (on line).   
  • “Putting the Peasants back to work: Africa 300-700 CE”, The Economy of Labour in Late Antiquity, 15 June, 2021, Toronto (Cancelled).  
  • “L’invenzione del lavoro libero nel tardoantico: schiavitù, colonato, e altre forme di dipendenza”, Corso di Alta Formazione La Tarda Antichità: La metodologia della ricerca II. Fra centro e periferia Dipartimento di Scienze dell’Antichità, Sapienza Università di Roma, 2 febbraio, 2021, Rome (on line).
  • “Why Roman Africa differed: Land, Taxation, and the Power of the State in the fifth and sixth centuries CE”, RomanIslam Seminar University of Hamburg, 4 November, 2020, Hamburg (on line).
  • “L’Italia dopo Roma: fiscalità, traiettorie economiche, popolamento”, Lecture Deutsche Historische Institut Rom, 14 October, 2020, Rome.  
  • “Storici moderni e fiscalità tardoantica: breve storia critica di una relazione complicata”, Project Notae Lectures Series 2019-20, 11 September, 2020, Rome (on line).  
  • “The Rise and Fall of the Northern African Peasantry: A Study in Formal Subordination”, in Joseph C. Miller Memorial Lecture Series, Bonn Center for Dependencies and Slavery Studies, 16 December 2019, Bonn. (
  • “Situating the Iberian Economy”, Coinage and Economy of the Early Medieval Mediterranean: A Colloquium, American Numismatic Society, New York City, 26-27 September 2019.  
  • “The Political Economy of the Late Roman Empire: An Essay in Speculation”, St Andrews/Tübingen Graduate and Post-Graduate Workshop – The First Millenium AD, St Andrews, 23-24 May 2019. 
  • “Economic Trajectories, Taxation, and Commerce: A Survey”, in Italy in the Fifth Century: Social, Political, and Economic Transformations in a Society under Stress, 395-493 CE, Swiss Institute – German Archaeological Institute, Rome, 21-23 March 2019.
  • “Africa 500–1000. New Perspectives for historical and archaeological research: Conclusion”, organized by Roland Steinacher and Paolo Tedesco under the aegis of the Center for Advanced Studies in Migration and Mobility based in Tübingen, Tübingen 14-16 November 2018.
  • “The Agrarian Economies of the Early Middle Ages: Introductory remarks”, in Agrarian Change and Peasant Mobility in the Early Medieval West c. 600-1000 CE, University of Tübingen, 14-15 June 2018;
  • “The Missing Factor': Migration and Workforce Mobility in the Vandal Century, 440-540 CE”, paper presented at the Conference Approaching Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, University of Tuebingen, 19-21 July, 2017;
  • “State Formation and Economic Revival in Vandal Africa 450-550”, Shifting Frontiers in Late Antiquity. Twelve Biennial Conference ‘The Fifth Century: Age of Transformation’, Yale University, 23-26 March 2017; 
  • “The Political Economy of Accommodation and the organization of Gothic fiscality: Further Thoughts after Princeton’s Conference”, Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen – Kolloquiums Vorträge Seminar für Alte Geschichte, Tübingen, 13. Juni 2016);
  • “The Political Economy of Accommodation and Monetary Circulation: The Case of Gothic Italy”, Framing the Late Antique and Early Medieval Economy, International Conference, Princeton, 29-30 April 2016;
  • “Did Late Roman North Africa have a Consumption Revolution?”, Von der Großräumigkeit zur Kleinräumigkeit Regionalisierungs- und Integrationsprozesse in der Spätantike, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Trento, 29-31 October, 2015;    
  • “Why Taxes Differ: A Comparative Study of Tributary Organization in the Late Antique World (A.D. 400 – 700)”, International Late Antiquity Congress New York University, New York, 11-14, June, 2014;
  • “The Financial Administration in Byzantine Italy: from iugatio/burdatio to coemptio/synônê”, International Workshop Princeton-Vienna Graduate Exchange Program in Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Medieval History, Princeton N.J. (USA), 9.-10. Mai 2014;
  • “Soldiers, Taxes, and Lands: Means to Finance the Army of Italy (450-550)”, in International Medieval Congress Leeds, Leeds, 1-4 July, 2013;
  • “State, Armies, and Taxes in Late Roman and Post-imperial Italy (400-550)”, Princeton Oxford Vienna Graduate Exchange Program in Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Medieval History, Oxford, 17-19 May, 2013;
  • “Barbarian Settlements, Lands and Taxes in the Post-Imperial Kingdoms”, Text and Identity in the Early Middle Ages, XVI, Vienna, 25-27 January, 2013;
  • “The Techniques of Accommodation: Some Economic Explanations”, International Medieval Congress, Leeds, 9-12 July, 2012;
  • “Old and new in the Ostrogothic army (489-553)”, Princeton Oxford Vienna Graduate Exchange Program in Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Medieval History", Vienna, 18-19 May, 2012;
  • “Taxation and Economy in a Post-Imperial Kingdom: Italy 400-600 AD”, Text and Identity in the Early Middle Ages, XV, Cambridge, 16-18 December, 2011.