Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Institutskolloquium: UN Ideas That Changed the World

Wednesday, 5 Dec. 2012 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft


Thomas G. Weiss, The City University of New York

UN Ideas That Changed the World

Wednesday, 5 Dec. 2012 · 16:00 c.t. · Room 124, Institut für Politikwissenschaft

Thomas G. Weiss is <link http: dept rbins about thomasweiss.html>Presidential Professor of Political Science at The City University of New York’s (CUNY) Graduate Center and Director of the Ralph Bunche Institute for International Studies (New York). He directed the United Nations Intellectual History Project (1999–2010) and was President of the International Studies Association (2009–10), Chair of the Academic Council on the UN System (2006–9), editor of Global Governance, Research Director of the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty, Research Professor at Brown University’s Watson Institute for International Studies, Executive Director of the Academic Council on the UN System and of the International Peace Academy, a member of the UNCTAD secretariat, and a consultant to several public and private agencies.

His research interests include multilateral approaches to international peace and security, humanitarian action, and sustainable development with a focus on the United Nations, conflict management, peacekeeping, humanitarian action, North-South relations, and U.S. foreign policy.

Among his many publications are: Global Governance: Why? What? Whither?,(Polity Press, forthcoming), Humanitarian Business, (Polity Press, forthcoming), Thinking about Global Governance, Why People and Ideas Matter (Routledge, 2011), The Responsibility to Protect: Cultural Perspectives in the Global South, co-authored with Rama Mani, (Routledge, 2011), as well as UN Ideas That Changed the World, co-authored with Richard Jolly and Louis Emmerij (Indiana University Press, 2009) and his recently published book What’s Wrong with the United Nations and How to Fix It (Polity Press, 2012, 2nd ed.).
