Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Radicalization in Western Societies - Preventing "Homegrown" Terrorism

International Conference, September, 8-9, 2010. Organization: Professor Hasenclever

In 2004 and 2005 terrorist attacks in Spain, the Netherlands and London were conceptualized, planned and carried out by citizens and residents who were sending messages to their own governments. In the United States an increasing number of young people join terrorist networks for militant operations both abroad and at home. These instances left Western states wondering whether it is possible to identify root causes of domestic terrorism that are of general applicability. How do or should countries react to the threat of “home-grown” terrorism? What are the lessons learned? Because combating domestic terrorism is considered internal to the affairs of any nation state these and related questions are hardly debated inter-nationally and in public. Theoretical and practical insights on preventing “home-grown” terrorism are exchanged comparatively seldom.

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