Institut für Politikwissenschaft



Veranstaltungsreihe "Berufsfeldorientierung": Current Challenges in the Global Fight Against Corruption

Thursday, February 12, 2015 - 18 c. t., Room 124, Institute of Political Science

Arwa Hassan, Transparency International

Current Challenges in the Global Fight Against Corruption


Thursday, February 12, 2015 · 18 c. t. · Room 124, Institute of Political Science

Why fight corruption? How do we go about fighting corruption? What are the challenges, tools and methods in this field? What are we doing to fight corruption in the MENA region? This lecture will discuss the challenges in the global fight against corruption from an practitioner perspective and gives an inside view into the daily work of an international non-governmental organization tackling these questions.

Arwa Hassan holds an MA from Cambridge University in England. She is an international development specialist and spent 15 years focusing on the Middle East North Africa region. She has worked closely with civil society organizations, the private sector and governments for many years. She was with the German Government Development Agency, GIZ for two years and has been with Transparency International for more than a decade. Arwa Hassan has regularly lectured and presented at international fora and various universities on the issues of combating corruption, governance, and institutional reform. She has strong conflict resolution skills and long-standing experience of strengthening civil society groups and of promoting dialogue between governments and NGOs. Currently she is Regional Outreach Manager for the MENA region at Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin.

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