Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft

M.Sc thesis survey

We ask every student who plans to start working on their thesis in the next semester to fill out a short survey listing which modules they have already taken, their grades and the work units (Lehrstuhl) they would like to be supervised by (you need to provide 5 different priorities).

After the application deadline we will pass on a list of all students who listed a specific work unit as their first priority to that work unit. Should they not be able to supervise all of them they will inform us of who they cannot supervise which means that we will then get in touch with those students’ other priorities.

The survey will usually start in December for the summer term and in June for the winter term. All M.Sc. students, no matter the semester or program will be informed of the start of the survey by e-mail once per semester.

M.Sc. thesis details by work unit

In the following we have compiled a list of supervisors and chairs where you can write a Master's thesis. If you click on the corresponding name, you will find further information about potential topics and additional requirements. Formal aspects of the Master's thesis are explained in the module handbook and the examination regulations of the respective Master's program. 

Prof. Dr. Jörg Baten - Economic History

General Topics
Topics in Economic history, please check the chair's website for potential topics. Own ideas can also be reconsidered.

No strict deadlines. Students may write the thesis according to their time preferences. If you are interested please send an application to prosfessor Baten (joerg.baten@uni-tuebingen.de) or submit a paper version at the chair's office. For further information regarding this application, please check the website.

Further Information
Thesis mainly contain an empirical part. Data sets should be created by the students. Under the continuous supervision, students should meet their supervisor 4-5 times during the thesis. Moreover, students should prepare a short presentation (10-15 minutes).


Prof. Dr. Martin Biewen - Statistics, Econometrics and Quantitative Methods

Applied Microeconometrics, Panel Data Analysis, Cross-Sectional Analysis

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Please contact lea.eiting@uni-tuebingen.de to make an appointment.



PD Dr. Adrienne Cansier - Marketing

Topics in marketing (literature reviews).

Application period typically takes place in February.

Further Information
see link.

Prof. Dr. Joachim Grammig - Statistics, Econometrics and Empirical Economics

Time Series Analysis, Asset Pricing, Empirical Finance, Financial Market Microstructure, High Frequency Data, International Financial Markets

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Please contact sylvia.buerger@uni-tuebingen.de to make an appointment.


Prof. Dr. Patrick Kampkötter - Managerial Accounting

managerial accounting, managerial economics, organizational economics, incentive and reward systems, delegation of decision rights, management practices. Students can propose own topics, but the chair also proposes topics that they have in mind for further research.

Deadlines for applications are March 31st or September 30st depending if the thesis is written in the Summer or Winter Term. The thesis must be registered at the examination office within the semester for which the candidate has been accepted.

Further Information
All students writing the thesis have to present their current state of research at the chair's research Colloquim (roundabout 2 months before submission). Students that have not participated in a Master Seminar yet are strongly advised to take part in a course on scientific writing offered by the department.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Wiebke Keller - Marketing

Topics in marketing. Most thesis topics require empirical analyses. A small number of theses may be literature reviews.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Students are advised to have taken at least one course at the chair for writing the thesis.


Prof. Dr. Christian Koziol - Finance

Analysis of current financial topics in corporate finance, derivatives, risk management or asset management.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Students are strongly advised to have successfully passed an exam at the chair and have a genuine interest in the field of finance. Applications should be sent to fin-education@wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de


Prof. Dr. Valeria Merlo - International Economics

international economics, international taxation and regional economics

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Participation at one of the chair's lectures or seminars is a prerequisite. Interested students should send an Email including CV and Transcript.


Prof. Dr. Gernot Müller - International Macroeconomics and Finance

All topics of macroeconomics. May be related to ongoing work of the chair (check website).

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
It is recommended that students have at least taken one course at the chair or participated in the Master Seminar. Interested students should send an application to martina.mayer@uni-tuebingen.de (check website).


Prof. Dr. Werner Neus - Banking

Topics in Banking

April 1st
October 1st
Please submit your application at least one day in advance of these deadlines

Further Information
Limited spots: 8 in the summer term, 6 in winter term. Furhther documents can be found on the website.


Prof. Dr. Dominik Papies - Marketing

Topics in marketing. Most thesis topics require empirical analyses. A small number of theses may be literature reviews.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Students are advised to have taken at least one course at the chair for writing the thesis.


Prof. Dr. Markus Pudelko - International Business

Cultural influences on international business
Human resource management in multinational corporations
Issues in the management of foreign subsidiaries
Conflict resolution in international partnerships
The impact of language barriers on international business
Issues in a company’s internationalization process
Internationalization process of small and medium enterprises
Issues in emerging markets
Ethical issues in international business
Born-global companies and international entrepreneurship
Country analysis

Application period:
Summer: Usually until the beginning of March
Winter: usually mid July (check website frequently)

Further Information
Students are expected to formulate specific topics within these areas and hand in a one-page research plan along with their applications. Once students are accepted by the DoIB, they will have to discuss further details about the actual topic with their supervisors. Information on the application process can be found on the website.


Prof. Dr. Kerstin Pull - HRM and Organization

personnel economics, organization economics, and strategy. The thesis may be also written within a company (for further requirements for this option check the website).

Application deadlines are March 31st for the summer term and September 30th for the winter term. Application form can be found on the website

Further Information
All students supervised at the department have to present the current state of their thesis at the department’s research colloquium (roundabout 2 months after starting to work on the thesis).
For those students that did not take part in a Bachelor- or Master-Seminar at the department, it is highly recommended to take part in a course on scientific writing offered by the department in the context of its master and bachelor seminars.


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jan Riepe - Banking

Topics in Banking

April 1st
October 1st
Please submit your application at least one day in advance of these deadlines

Further Information
Limited spots: 8 in the summer term, 6 in winter term. Furhther documents can be found on the website.


Prof. Dr. Martin Ruf - Business Taxation

Topics on Taxation

Application deadlines are March 31st for the summer term and September 30th for the winter term. Application form can be found on the website. The start of the thesis can be chosen individually (check website).

Further Information
Topics can be proposed by students, however this is not mandatroy.




Prof. Dr. Manfred Stadler - Economic Theory

Game Theory and Industrial Organization as well as Economic Growth.

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
Students who are interested in writing a master thesis, please send an application inclunding an updated Transcript of Records via Email to the chair's Office


Prof. Dr. Frank Stähler - International Economics and Labor Markets

International trade, foreign direct investment, multinational enterprises, applied microeconomics

Application deadlines are March 31st for the summer term and September 30th for the winter term. Starting dates for individual theses are flexible.

Further Information
Please contact us in advance if you are interested in writing your Master's thesis with us. Interested candidates are then asked to send a 1-2 page proposal of their intended Master's thesis project to peter.eppingerspam prevention@uni-tuebingen.de by the indicated deadlines.


Prof. Dr. Georg Wamser - Public Finance

Topics in Taxation and Public Finance

Applications are accepted on an ongoing basis.

Further Information
All information for interested students is provided by Email (sekretariat.fiwi@wiwi.uni-tuebingen.de)
