Luminescence dating is most frequently used to determine the last time sediments were exposed to sunlight (or heat), and makes use of the physical properties of common clastic minerals such as quartz and feldspar. We use luminescence dating to quantify the timing and accumulation rates of Quaternary and Anthropocene sedimentary deposits.
The luminescence laboratory comprises a purpose-built sample preparation (wet chemistry) lab, as well as a measurement room with two Risø TL-DA-20 luminescence readers (one with single-grain attachment), a portable luminescence reader, and a beta counter for dose rate estimation. Facilities for wax tablet preparation (for beta counting) and in situ field gamma spectrometry are also available.
Sedimentology Laboratory
The sedimentology laboratory is set up to characterize many aspects of clastic sediment properties. It is equipped with a laser particle size analyzer, portable XRF device, sieving and settling equipment, a portable magnetic susceptibility probe, drying oven and fume cupboard for basic sample preparation.
Field equipment
Our group undertakes field campaigns to remote regions! As such, it is important to be properly equipped. We maintain a range of field gear to make these excursions possible.
Scientific equipment for the field includes a portable magnetic susceptibility probe, field gamma spectrometers (1” and 3” diameter), trimble nomad field computers, sand augering set and excavating tools.
Other field gear includes abseiling gear (including stabilizing nails and ropes), solar panels and batteries, small wind generator, tarpaulins, and communal tents.