
Jinseo Park, M.A.



Universität Tübingen
Abteilung für Koreanistik

Ob dem Himmelreich 7, Raum 121

Kurzportrait (Englisch)

Jinseo Park holds a B.A. in Logistics and History and an M.A. in Korean Studies from Inha University in South Korea. Completed Ph.D. coursework at Seoul National University in 2023, specializing in Korean modern history. In 2024, belonging to the Department of Korean Studies at the University of Tübingen as a guest researcher.

The main research interests are industrial accidents and occupational diseases in modern Korea and social insurance as compensation. Recently, studying the working conditions and social insurance of forcibly mobilized Koreans during the Asia-Pacific War. Currently, concentrating on the forced labor of foreigners by Nazi Germany and exploring the possibility of comparative research with the Korean forced mobilization. Other research interests include pollution and the environment, migrant labor and citizenship, and Minjung and social movements.

Akademischer Werdegang

seit März 2024
Guest Researcher

Department of Korean Studies, Eberhard-Karls University Tübingen

seit September 2020
Ph.D. program, Department of Korean History

Seoul National University, South Korea

February 2019
Master of Arts in Korean Studies, Major in Korean History

Inha University, South Korea

August 2015
Bachelor of Logistics, Bachelor of Arts in History

Inha University, South Korea


Ausgewählte Publikationen

「홀로세 너머 인류세와 자본세를 아우르는 생태환경사의 가능성」『생태환경과 역사』 6, 2020, pp. 291-313.

「총동원체제기(1939~1945) 강제동원 조선인 노무자 대상 재해부조의 연원과 양상」『한국학연구』 67, 2022, pp. 553-601.

「근대 한국에서의 황린(黃燐)성냥 퇴출 배경과 그 의미」『생태환경과 역사』 9, 2022, pp. 159-209.

「총동원체제기 강제동원 조선인 노무자 사고 원인 분석에 나타나는 자의성」『한국학연구』 69, 2023, pp.341-381.

새로운 장기지속행 버스에 올라타기」『생태환경과 역사』 10, 2023, pp. 227-246.

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