College of Fellows

Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie (GIP)

Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit der internationalen Gesellschaft für Interkulturelle Philosophie (GIP) werden am College of Fellows und von den Fellows in Intercultural Studies am CoF die GIP-Lectures organisiert. Die Termine für die nächsten GIP-Lectures können Sie unserer Events-Seite oder der GIP-Website entnehmen.


24. Juli 2024
"Relationality, pluriversality, and care as foundations for ecosocial transitions"
Arturo Escobar

Arturo Escobar
Professor of Anthropology Emeritus (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA)
Mi, 24. Juli 2024, 18.00 Uhr (MESZ)
online via Zoom

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The conceptual ensemble of rationality, pluriversality and care is emerging as 
a powerful gathering narrative for civilizational transitions against terricidio (terricide) and as the foundation for an ethical and political praxis towards new visions of the human, life, and the world. The presentation discusses trends associated with these concepts, highlighting new narratives of life being crafted at the interface of Latin American territorial struggles and critical academic work.