Eric Runge, M.Sc.

PhD Candidate

University of Tübingen
Department of Geosciences
Schnarrenbergstr. 94-96
72076 Tübingen

Office: Room 6R33



Research Interests

  • Geo- and Astrobiology
  • Sedimentology
  • Biogeochemistry

I am interested in the in the deep-time sedimentary record of life and its environments. In my PhD project, I combine experimental and petrographic methods to better understand the formation and preservation of microbial biosignatures in hydrothermal sulfide deposits.

Academic CV

From March 2021
PhD candidate

University of Tübingen, Department of Geosciences

M.Sc. Geoscience

University of Göttingen

B.Sc. Geographical Sciences

Free University Berlin

04.2016 - 06.2016
Lab Intern

Sino-German Nanjing Integrated Center for Earth System Science (NICE)

Journal articles

Runge, E., Mansor, M., Shuster, J., Fischer, S., Kappler, A., Liu, Y., Lunter, D.J., Duda, J.P. (2023) Sulfidation of nano-magnetite to pyrite: implications for interpreting paleoenvironmental proxies and biosignature records in hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Submitted.

Bronner, R., Thompson, K., Dreher, C., Runge, E., Voggenreiter, E., Shuster, J., Wan, B., Joshi, P., Fischer, S., Duda, J.P., Kappler, A., Mansor, M. (2023) Co-reduction of Fe(III) and S0 drives Fe-S biomineral formation and phosphate mobilization. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 24, 27-32.

Runge, E.A., Mansor, M., Kappler, A., Duda, J.-P. (2022) Microbial biosignatures in ancient deep-sea hydrothermal sulfides. Geobiology,

Runge, E.A., Duda, J.-P., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Reitner, J. (2022) Earth's oldest tsunami deposit? Early Archaean high-energy sediments in the ca 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation (Pilbara, Western Australia). The Depositional Record 8: 590-602.

Krambach, M.; Runge, E.; Toelle, O. (2016): Discussing surface crack structures in the Schorfheide region, NE Germany. E&G Quaternary Science Journal 65(2): er 1-5.

Conference talks & posters

Runge, E.A., Duda, J.-P., Reitner, J.: A Tsunami Deposit in the ca. 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation - Implications for Early Archean Sedimentary Processes. General Meeting 2021 of the DFG SPP1833 "Building a Habitable Earth". Online, 23.-24.03.2021. (Talk)

Runge, E., Mißbach, H., Duda, J.-P.: Putative Tsunami Deposits in the 3.5 Ga Dresser Fm. (Pilbara, Western Australia). Symposium "The fundamental nature of Earth's earliest oceans - status quo & future perspectives". Göttingen, 06.-07.12.2019. (Talk)

Runge, E., Mißbach, H., Duda, J.-P., Reitner, J.: Putative Tsunami Deposits in the 3.5 Ga Dresser Formation (Pilbara, Western Australia). General Meeting 2019 of the DFG SPP1833 "Building a Habitable Earth". Cologne, 27.-28.03.2019. (Poster)

Krambach, M., Runge, E., Toelle, O.: Geomorphologische Forschungen an linienförmigen Strukturen in der Schorfheide (nördliches Brandenburg). DEUQUA 2016. Dresden, 25.-30.09.2016. (Poster)

Awards and grants

2022: Paul-Ramdohr-Award of the German Mineralogical Association


German Palaeontological Society (PalGes, since 2021)

German Mineralogical Association (DMG, since 2022)